

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initialise

CGPathRef intersection


Make one path the clipping path draw the other path then search for pixels that survived the clipping process initialise and erase context CGContextAddPath context path1 CGContextClip context set fill colour to intersection colour CGContextAddPath..

HowTo initialise MKMapView with a given user location?


initialise MKMapView with a given user location My app knows the current user position CoreLocation.framework . As soon as the user..

iPhone and NSUserDefaults


everything works as expected. I'm presuming that the application preferences aren't initialized and I should initialise them to the default value if not already set in the application delegate. Can someone confirm this Or am I missing something..

How do I add a UIActivity Indicator to every Cell and maintain control of each individual indicator


UIActivityIndicatorView cell.contentView viewWithTag 1 acView startAnimating As mentioned in origional question I initialise my activity indicators and remove activity indicators aswell if required in the method didSelectRowAtIndexPath iphone ios..

name of UIView that was touched


particular a UIView has no knowledge of the name of the variable you use to store it. I think you're going to have to initialise an NSDictionary mapping names to UIViews. Something in your viewDidLoad like this perhaps yourDictionary NSDictionary alloc..

how to create story book in iphone sdk?


in detail or shown with sample code otherwise you might get answers like Use the UIStoryBookView and when you initialise it pass TRUE to initWithAnimation UIStoryBookView redRidingHood UIStoryBookView alloc initWithAnimation TRUE share improve..

Retina display and [UIImage initWithData]


display and UIImage initWithData I need to initialise images from raw data downloaded from a server which delivers the correct size of image based on the type of iPhone client...

NSTimeInterval to HH:mm:ss?


I have an NSTimeInterval that is set to say 200.0 is there a way to convert that into 00 03 20 I was thinking I could initialise an NSDate with it and then use NSDateFormatter using HH mm ss. My question is is there a quick way to do this or do I have..

I want To track The Speed Of the fingure movement in pixel Per Second Is It Possible Any WaY?


of time. For that you will want an NSDate property in your class to help calculate the time interval. You could initialise and release it in viewDidLoad viewDidUnload or somewhere similar. In my example mine is called lastTouchTime it is retained.. it in viewDidLoad viewDidUnload or somewhere similar. In my example mine is called lastTouchTime it is retained and I initialised like this self.lastTouchTime NSDate date and I release it in the predictable way. Your touchesMoved event should then look..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


this question You can use NSURLConnection as follows Set your NSURLRequest Use requestWithURL NSURL theURL to initialise the request. If you need to specify a POST request and or HTTP headers use NSMutableURLRequest with void setHTTPMethod NSString..

Cannot Get ASIHTTPRequest callback delegate to trigger


#import dbConnector.h @implementation ASITesterViewController @synthesize questions void viewDidLoad code to initialise view dbConnector getQuestions @ 2 super viewDidLoad void didReceiveMemoryWarning Releases the view if it doesn't have a..

How to record sound produced by mixer unit output (iOS Core Audio & Audio Graph)


and the file setup if noErr result self printErrorMessage @ AUGraphInitialize withStatus result return On initialise le fichier audio NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES NSString documentsDirectory..

Loading Custom Table-View Cells From Nib Files


Determining if Airplane Mode is enabled on an iPhone?


to let me know that my app is determining a location. I want to know if the phone's in Airplane Mode so that I can not initialise the location manager object and I can change my UI to indicate to the user that GPS functionality is not available. The..

Can anybody help me in recording iPhone output sound through Audio Unit


kInputBus flag sizeof flag AudioUnitInitialize audioUnit AudioOutputUnitStart audioUnit On initialise le fichier audio NSArray paths NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains NSDocumentDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES NSString documentsDirectory..

JSON array for picker view iPhone


NSLog @ GroupSystemID @ systemid iphone objective c ios xcode json share improve this question You have to initialise your array first NSDict list NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData data options kNilOptions error error NSLog @ List Dict..

iPhone App - Generate Alert Popups when App is Closed


UILocalNotification localNotification UILocalNotification alloc init if localNotification nil return Initialise notification localNotification.fireDate yourDate localNotification.timeZone NSTimeZone defaultTimeZone localNotification.alertBody..

where to start with audio synthesis on iPhone


enum kBufferSizeInFrames 512 kNumBuffers 4 kSampleRate 44100 AudioQueueBufferRef m_buffers kNumBuffers bool m_isInitialised struct Wave Wave volume 1.f phase 0.f frequency 0.f fStep 0.f float volume float phase float frequency float fStep enum.. float fStep enum kLeftWave 0 kRightWave 1 kNumWaves Wave m_waves kNumWaves public BleepMachine ~BleepMachine bool Initialise void Shutdown bool Start bool Stop bool SetWave int id float frequency float volume Notes by name. Integer value is number.. id wave.volume volume wave.frequency frequency wave.fStep 2 M_PI frequency kSampleRate return true bool BleepMachine Initialise m_outFormat.mSampleRate kSampleRate m_outFormat.mFormatID kAudioFormatLinearPCM m_outFormat.mFormatFlags kAudioFormatFlagIsSignedInteger..

Return NSArray from NSDictionary


are testing the code. NSArray data NSArray arrayWithObjects @ 2011 01 01 00 00 00 0000 @ 2011 12 01 00 00 00 0000 nil Initialise empty marks array this will be populated with TRUE FALSE in order for each day a marker should be placed on. NSMutableArray.. with TRUE FALSE in order for each day a marker should be placed on. NSMutableArray marks NSMutableArray array Initialise calendar to current type and set the timezone to never have daylight saving NSCalendar cal NSCalendar currentCalendar cal..

Setting a background image for a tabbar


UIImage imageNamed @ tabBarBackground.png autorelease bgView.frame CGRectMake 0 420 320 60 self.view addSubview bgView Initialise our two images UIImage btnImage UIImage imageNamed @ settings.png UIImage btnImageSelected UIImage imageNamed @ settingsSelected.png..