

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: infer

Extracting images from a PDF


kCGColorSpaceGenericGray spp 1 else if bps 1 if there's no colorspace entry there's still one we can infer from bps cgColorSpace CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray colorSpace NSDeviceBlackColorSpace spp 1 decodeValues decodeValuesFromImageDictionary..

Core Data Inferred Migration ??Automatic “lightweight” vs Manual


notifications as the migration is performed. That forms the basis of providing feedback however attempting to use an inferred model NSMappingModel inferredMappingModelForSourceModel destinationModel error results in drastically different timing.. is performed. That forms the basis of providing feedback however attempting to use an inferred model NSMappingModel inferredMappingModelForSourceModel destinationModel error results in drastically different timing for the exact same dataset... timing for the exact same dataset. Profile results on an original iPhone 2G Cache size 1.785 MB on disk. Automatic inferred lightweight migration PROFILE CacheManager migrateStore PROFILE 0.6130 0.6130 models loaded PROFILE 1.1759 0.5629 delegate..

What is the best way to enter numeric values with decimal points?


elegant solution happens to also be the simplest. You don't need a decimal separator key Why Because you can simply infer it from the user's input. For instance in the US locale when you what to enter in 1.23 you start by entering the numbers.. is entered this would be recognized as user enters 1 0.01 user enters 2 0.12 user enters 3 1.23 Notice how we inferred the decimal separator based on the user's input. Now if the user wants to enter in 1.00 they would simply enter the numbers..

How to make half curl animation in iPhone like the maps app?


when they are done changing things they will be sent back to the original view. Apple doesn't want the animation to infer an ongoing change to the page hierarchy just a modal one that must return to its starting place. It's pretty straightforward..

Access metadata (exif tags) of image taken by UIImagePickerController - iOS/iPhone


Sort an NSMutableDictionary


sortedArrayUsingSelector @selector comparator But if the collection is as you show in your example I mean you can infer the value from the key you can always sort the keys instead messing with the values. Using NSArray sortedKeys myDict keysSortedByValueUsingSelector..

iPhone Core Data Lightweight Migration: Can't merge models


The operation couldn ™t be completed. Cocoa error 134140. UserInfo 0x622b350 reason Can't find or automatically infer mapping model for migration Now to debug I added the following code... NSError error nil NSDictionary sourceMetadata NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.. iphone core data core data migration mapping model share improve this question You might try forcing Core Data to infer a mapping model NSDictionary options NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys NSNumber numberWithBool YES NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption.. YES NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption nil If the changes to your model were trivial then Core Data may be able to infer a mapping model. If that fails then you will probably need to create a mapping model and revert to the options that you..

Core Data Migration - Can't find mapping model for migration


NSNumber numberWithBool NO NSInferMappingModelAutomaticallyOption nil I had YES set for the infer option before but then it was just migrating without calling my custom policies that I need to migrate which I assume is..

Corelocation and assisted gps iPhone
