

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initfileurlwithpath

Using AVCaptureSession and AVAudioPlayer together


NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ AudioFile ofType @ mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath AVAudioPlayer newPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error nil fileURL release self.audioPlayer.. NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ AudioFile ofType @ mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath AVAudioPlayer newPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error nil fileURL release self.audioPlayer..

Can't send email with video/audio attachment on iphone!


question NSString mp3File NSTemporaryDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ tmp.mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath mp3File NSData soundFile NSData alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL mailDialogController addAttachmentData soundFile mimeType..

Play MP3 Files with iPhone SDK


playaction NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ songname ofType @ mp3 NSURL newURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath self.soundFileURL newURL newURL release AVAudioSession sharedInstance setDelegate self AVAudioSession sharedInstance..

Play multiple audio files using AVAudioPlayer


to achieve what I am looking for. But I am lost. Load the array with the sample file NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ sample ofType @ m4a void audioPlayerDidFinishPlaying AVAudioPlayer player successfully..

How do you make an iPhone beep?


mainBundle pathForResource @ TNG_Theme ofType @ mp3 Convert the file path to a URL. NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath filePath Initialize the AVAudioPlayer. self.audioPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error nil Preloads..

Video Recording using AVFoundation Framework iPhone?


NSString outputPath NSString alloc initWithFormat @ @ @ NSTemporaryDirectory @ output.mov NSURL outputURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath outputPath NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager if fileManager fileExistsAtPath outputPath NSLog @ file..

Simultaneous AVCaptureVideoDataOutput and AVCaptureMovieFileOutput


NSString outputPath NSString alloc initWithFormat @ @ @ NSTemporaryDirectory @ camera.mov NSURL outputURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath outputPath NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager if fileManager fileExistsAtPath outputPath NSFileManager..

Extract iPod Library raw PCM samples and play with sound effects


NSString songPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Smooth_Sub Focus_192 ofType @ mp3 NSURL assetURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath songPath AVURLAsset songAsset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL assetURL options nil NSError assetError nil AVAssetReader assetReader..

Playing many different videos on iphone using AVPlayer


bundle nil if self nil return nil delegate aDelegate systemPath aContentURL retain contentURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath systemPath asset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL contentURL options nil playerItem AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset asset isPaused.. to update the player's asset and item recycling the player views layers etc. player pause contentURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath newPath AVAsset newAsset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL contentURL options nil AVPlayerItem newPlayerItem AVPlayerItem playerItemWithAsset..

Merge PDF files on iOS


documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ out.pdf File URLs CFURLRef pdfURL1 CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPath1 CFURLRef pdfURL2 CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPath2 CFURLRef pdfURLOutput CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath.. File URLs CFURLRef pdfURL1 CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPath1 CFURLRef pdfURL2 CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPath2 CFURLRef pdfURLOutput CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPathOutput File references CGPDFDocumentRef pdfRef1.. pdfPath1 CFURLRef pdfURL2 CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPath2 CFURLRef pdfURLOutput CFURLRef NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath pdfPathOutput File references CGPDFDocumentRef pdfRef1 CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL CFURLRef pdfURL1 CGPDFDocumentRef pdfRef2..

How to combine video clips with different orientation using AVFoundation


for NSInteger i 0 i videoClipPaths count i NSString path NSString videoClipPaths objectAtIndex i NSURL url NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath path AVURLAsset asset AVURLAsset URLAssetWithURL url options nil url release AVAssetTrack videoTrack asset tracksWithMediaType.. asset duration export the combined video NSString combinedPath path of the combined video NSURL url NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath combinedPath AVAssetExportSession exporter AVAssetExportSession alloc initWithAsset composition presetName AVAssetExportPreset640x480..

Play music in the background using AVAudioplayer


NSString soundFilePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Day At The Beach ofType @ mp3 NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath soundFilePath NSError error playerTemp AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error error playerTemp.numberOfLoops..

How can I use iCloud to synchronize a .zip file between my apps?


NSString zipFilePath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ iCloudPictures NSURL u NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath zipFilePath NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfURL u NSLog @ @ @ zipFilePath data mydoc.zipDataContent data mydoc..

thread 1 program received signal SIGABRT


43.487 AVMultiPlayer 13554 707 Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason ' NSURL initFileURLWithPath nil string parameter' First throw call stack 0x3102a8bf 0x381cf1e5 0x3102a7b9 0x3102a7db 0x3803e06f 0x3803e00b 0x2dc9 0x2b5d..