

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inheritance

cannot find interface declaration for 'AbstractPickerView',superclass of 'AttackLayer'


Trouble is i have imported all the necessary header files and the only thing i can think of is the multiple level inheritance here are the interfaces @interface AttackLayer AbstractPickerView this is the one which gets the error @interface AbstractPickerView.. nonatomic retain CCMenu finishBuyPower @property nonatomic retain CCMenu starMenu @end iphone objective c ios inheritance share improve this question solved the problem i can't believe i pondered over it for so many hours i replaced the header..

How to use Protocols objective-c


alloc init delegate1 setDelegate self void didFinishPicking NSString pickedStr self setStr pickedStr iphone ios ios5 inheritance protocols share improve this question You are printing out a value of a delegate just before you are setting it up....so..

ScrollOffset in UIWebView?


in UIWebView I'm having a really hard time understanding delegates and object inheritance if I may use this word and I think I need a simple or so I think thing catch scrollViewDidScroll event in UIWebView and..

Accessing Method from other Classes Objective-C


ViewController2 void do_something... commonClass c commonClass alloc init c CommonMethod c release @end Option 3 use inheritance see Mr. Totland's description in this thread @implementation commonClass void CommonMethod id sender So some awesome generic..

What is the best way to make a UIButton checkbox?


this question You shouldn't need to subclass the UIButton class. By design Objective C favors composition over inheritance. UIButton is a subclass of UIControl which has a selected property. You can use this property to toggle the on off behaviour..

iPhone - UIImagePickerControllerDelegate inheritance


UIImagePickerControllerDelegate inheritance I have added a UIImagePickerController to a UIViewController. I have assigned the UIImagePickerControllerDelegate to that..

How to animate the pie charts developed using core-plot library?


iphone core plot share improve this question A quick look at the Core Plot source code reveals that CPPieChart 's inheritance looks like this CPPieChart CPPlot CPAnnotationHostLayer CPLayer CALayer So you can see that in the end CPPieChart is just..

Difference between protocol and delegates?


in MyProtocol with this particular variable regardless of what class it is. This is a great way of avoiding the inheritance design pattern and avoids tight coupling. Delegates are a use of the language feature of protocols. The delegation design..

How to make a UITableViewCell with different subviews reusable?


Creating the views with code only I think one is better off with subclassing if it comes to more than one level of inheritance or many ancestor classes for just one base view. EDIT On the other hand Apple warns about excessive use of subviews in a..

objective c categories and inheritance


c categories and inheritance If a method is defined in both a class and a category on that class it is undefined which implementation will be called... and a category on that class it is undefined which implementation will be called. But how does this interact with inheritance Specifically Given a superclass category method and a regular method in the subclass is it guaranteed that the subclass.. guaranteed that the subclass category method will win when called on a member of the subclass iphone objective c ios inheritance categories share improve this question Lets just put it this way. Don't override methods using categories period ever..

Can Objective-C protocols and categories be inherited?


declared that it conforms to a protocol its as if the methods are declared in that class's interface and the rules of inheritance are exactly the same subclasses inherit the declaration and implementation of the protocol methods but may also choose to..

XCode: Displaying a UIDatePicker when user clicks on UITextbox


to get the UIDatePicker to actually display. It doesn't seem to matter what approach I take. I've tried using the inheritance model where I subclass the UITextBox control and override it's default methods in order to display the UIDatePicker and..