

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initializing

UIButton in UITableView cell like “Delete Event”


a cellForRowAtIndexPath call unless it's done when dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier is returning nil and you're initializing the cell. All other subsequent times you'll be handed back the cached cell that you will have already set up so all you..

iPhone 5 splashscreen not displaying correctly - Phonegap


iPhone 4 splash screen hereon the 4 . The 4 doesn't cover the whole app thus showing top and bottom bars of the app initializing. I'm not entirely sure how it works but I can think of two possible scenarios 1 Both images are displayed simultaneously..

How do I set recipients for UIActivityViewController in iOS 6?


on iOS6 this is the best solution that anyone can use.. All you have to do is call the following while initializing UIActivityViewController. UIActivityViewController activityViewController UIActivityViewController alloc initWithActivityItems..

CGImage/UIImage lazily loading on UI thread causes stutter


to create and allocate it yourself . The CG methods are fine to run from a different thread. I'm not sure how you're initializing UIImage but if you're doing it with imageNamed or initWithFile then you might be able to force it to load by loading the..

Creating NSDecimal


changes occur in the low level NSDecimal functions but I'd be nervous about things breaking at some point. Given that initializing an NSDecimal from a floating point number is best done in the way that you describe. However be aware that any time you..

Finding the direction of scrolling in a UIScrollView?


Setting the first value to ScrollDirectionNone has the added benefit of making that direction the default when initializing variables typedef enum ScrollDirection ScrollDirectionNone ScrollDirectionRight ScrollDirectionLeft ScrollDirectionUp ScrollDirectionDown..

How can I customize an iOS alert view?


the possibility of a short delay built into the class so initialDelayEnded is called when that delay is over. When initializing I pass in an object and selector I want called when each button is pressed and then I call the appropriate selector on the..

NSMutableArray addObject: -[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance


is working for me. I tried setting it equal to a newly allocated and initialized NSMutableArray just allocating initializing the variable by itself every combination I could think of and always the same result. Here's the code Object.h NSMutableArray..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


a plain TableViewCell in the TableView's cellForRowAtIndexPath method. Then I create a UIScrollView right after initializing the TableViewCell then add it to the TableViewCell and shazam... it works Before UITableViewCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier..

Can't find momd file: Core Data problems


mergedModelFromBundles nil It takes care of getting the path choosing merging the correct mom or momd and initializing of the MOC all by one step. You should use this. But note that you need to clean the build process once in a while as discussed..

how can I use animation in cocos2d?


containing an image of your roulette wheel and animate that. To accomplish this first set up your UIImageView by initializing it with your roulette wheel image. When you want the wheel to spin use the following code CATransform3D rotationTransform..

iPhone: AVAudioPlayer unsupported file type


unsupported share improve this question At long last i have found a solution to this problem Instead of initializing the audio player with the NSData object I saved the file to the Documents folder and then initialized the player with the..

Setting up a plist to store application data (not settings) for an iPhone game


some advise please ADDITION here is how I think i need to setup the plist the data model is simply the three variables initializing my level above . If you look at my current plist it might be more clear how it is setup but each level is comprised of a..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


care of assigning the locale and possibly also a format string so you'd have a ready to use formatter right after initializing it. @interface NSDateFormatter LocaleAdditions id initWithPOSIXLocaleAndFormat NSString formatString @end @implementation..

Detecting iPhone/iPod Touch Accessories


types of accessories connected. iphone objective c ipod touch share improve this question Finally found it After initializing the Audio Session object AudioSessionInitialize you can make a call to AudioSessionGetProperty and get the value of kAudioSessionProperty_AudioInputAvailable...

Core Data's NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and sharing objects between threads


and sharing objects between threads iOS 5 introduced a new way to quickly fetch data on a background thread by initializing the MOC using NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and then doing the fetch in performBlock One of the rules of thumb of Core Data..

How can I add CGPoint objects to an NSArray the easy way?


variables like p1 ... p2 ... and so on. Is there an easy way that would let me to define those points instantly when initializing the NSArray with objects iphone objective c cocoa touch uikit share improve this question With UIKit Apple added support..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


view controller for example ViewControllerA I will get no log message on viewDidDisappear. Only when allocating and initializing the ViewControllerA I get an viewDidLoad. But that's it. So all signs stand for the cleverness of UITabBarController now..