

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: infinite

UITableView infinite scrolling


infinite scrolling How do I do an infinite scrolling in a UITableView I know how to do it using a UIScrollView in which apple has.. infinite scrolling How do I do an infinite scrolling in a UITableView I know how to do it using a UIScrollView in which apple has demonstrated in one of the WWDC's..

UIScrollView. Any thoughts on implementing “infinite” scroll/zoom?


Any thoughts on implementing &ldquo infinite&rdquo scroll zoom So UITableView supports essentially infinite scrolling. There' may be a limit but that sucker can scroll.. Any thoughts on implementing &ldquo infinite&rdquo scroll zoom So UITableView supports essentially infinite scrolling. There' may be a limit but that sucker can scroll for a looonnnggg time. I would like to mimic this behavior with.. Cheers Doug iphone cocoa touch uiscrollview share improve this question While it's impossible to have a truly infinite UIScrollView there are some simple tricks you can use to emulate that behavior. Handling the fixed contentSize have some..

UIScrollView Infinite Scrolling


Infinite Scrolling I'm attempting to setup a scrollview with infinite horizontal scrolling. Scrolling forward is easy I have implemented scrollViewDidScroll and when the contentOffset gets near..

Build fat static library (device + simulator) using Xcode and SDK 4+


# ...we MUST NOT re build the target that is ALREADY being built Xcode WILL CRASH YOUR COMPUTER if you try this infinite recursion # # # So build ONLY the missing platforms configurations. if true ALREADYINVOKED false then echo RECURSION I am.. false then echo RECURSION I am NOT the root invocation so I'm NOT going to recurse else # CRITICAL # Prevent infinite recursion Xcode sucks export ALREADYINVOKED true echo RECURSION I am the root ... recursing all missing build targets NOW.....

iPhone/iPad - Loop Background Music?


AVAudioPlayer player AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL soundFileURL error nil player.numberOfLoops 1 infinite player play and you can jump through by setting the currentTime player.currentTime 10 jump to 10th second share improve..

iphone how to get crash log from customers?


you write the crash log to a file and then send it to a server the next time the app starts. In order to prevent an infinite crash reporting loop there was one in an early version you want to do things in a specific order Read the file to memory..

Restrict MKMapView scrolling


void mapView MKMapView mapView regionDidChangeAnimated BOOL animated if manuallyChangingMapRect prevents possible infinite recursion when we call setVisibleMapRect below return theOverlay below is a reference to your MKOverlay object. It could.. of the time however I have confirmed through some testing that it might oscillate between two locations then enter an infinite loop. So I edited it a bit I think this should solve the problem You can safely delete this method void mapView MKMapView.. BOOL animated void mapView MKMapView mapView regionDidChangeAnimated BOOL animated prevents possible infinite recursion when we call setVisibleMapRect below if manuallyChangingMapRect return theOverlay below is a reference to your..

iPhone - Backgrounding to poll for events


600 seconds. This is the exact minimum time of the VoIP minimumtime setKeepAliveTimeout 600 . So THIS code leads into infinite execution in background Header UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier bgTask Code if the iOS device allows background execution this..

UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?


nil self addSubview self.view return self void awakeFromNib super awakeFromNib commenters report the next line causes infinite recursion so removing it NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ MyView owner self options nil self addSubview self.view void..

iPhone SDK: what is the difference between loadView and viewDidLoad?


Builder should that make any difference. I've found that often when I add init code to loadView I end up with an infinite stack trace so I typically do all my child view building in viewDidLoad...but it's really unclear to me when each gets executed.. might be the problem here because I've done it I've found that often when I add init code to loadView I end up with an infinite stack trace Don't read self.view in loadView. Only set it don't get it. The self.view property accessor calls loadView if.. set it don't get it. The self.view property accessor calls loadView if the view isn't currently loaded. There's your infinite recursion. The usual way to build the view programmatically in loadView as demonstrated in Apple's pre Interface Builder..

How do I start playing audio when in silent mode & locked in iOS 6?


manage to work around this Possible approaches Found So Far A. Use 'beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler ' with an infinite loop to keep app running indefinitely. Pros Looks like you can make this work in a lot of situations even when the user.. BG. Which is what I need Also When you ask how much time you have left running you get aprox 10 min. By dropping an infinite loop in there the numbers will actually run down to 0 and then go into the negatives for hours on end. tested Im not sure..