

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initialization

Interface orientation in iOS 6.0


nibBundleOrNil self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil if self Custom initialization return self void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad void didReceiveMemoryWarning super didReceiveMemoryWarning..

Placeholder in UITextView


share improve this question I made a few minor modifications to bcd's solution to allow for initialization from a xib file text wrapping and to maintain background color. Hopefully it will save others the trouble...

Adding C++ Object to Objective-C Class


AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?


iphone encryption aes share improve this question At the very least you are using differing initialization vectors IV . The .Net code uses the key for IV. private static AesCryptoServiceProvider GetProvider.. is why the output is longer . The openssl output is more secure since it is prepending a random initialization vector. It looks like the first few bytes of the base64 decoded string is Salted__ . You can also ask..

`[super viewDidLoad]` convention


touch share improve this question My rule of thumb is if you're doing something related to initialization always call the super class's method first if you are going to call it at all . This gives the super..

iPhone: How to load a View using a nib file created with Interface Builder


nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName @ Question1View bundle nibBundleOrNil Custom initialization return self When I run the code Im getting this error 2009 05 14 15 05 37.152 iMobiDines 17148 20b Terminating..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


this id initWithNib Load the view nib if self super initWithNibName @ ViewA bundle nil do ivar initialization here if needed return self That works. I see the view from ViewControllerA when I start the app. But..

Interface orientation in iOS 6.0


id initWithNibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil if self Custom initialization return self void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad void didReceiveMemoryWarning super didReceiveMemoryWarning BOOL shouldAutorotate return NO NSUInteger supportedInterfaceOrientations..

Placeholder in UITextView


do this iphone objective c cocoa touch uitextfield uitextview share improve this question I made a few minor modifications to bcd's solution to allow for initialization from a xib file text wrapping and to maintain background color. Hopefully it will save others the trouble. UIPlaceHolderTextView.h #import Foundation Foundation.h..

Adding C++ Object to Objective-C Class


AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?


Update I've posted the working code for this here . .net iphone encryption aes share improve this question At the very least you are using differing initialization vectors IV . The .Net code uses the key for IV. private static AesCryptoServiceProvider GetProvider byte key Set up the encryption objects AesCryptoServiceProvider.. iv openssl by default prepends a randomly generated salt which is why the output is longer . The openssl output is more secure since it is prepending a random initialization vector. It looks like the first few bytes of the base64 decoded string is Salted__ . You can also ask openssl to not use a salt nosalt and or provide an IV iv ...

`[super viewDidLoad]` convention


didAppear etc... Any thoughts iphone objective c cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question My rule of thumb is if you're doing something related to initialization always call the super class's method first if you are going to call it at all . This gives the super class a chance to do any set up that you may be relying on..

iPhone: How to load a View using a nib file created with Interface Builder


like this id initWithNibName NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName @ Question1View bundle nibBundleOrNil Custom initialization return self When I run the code Im getting this error 2009 05 14 15 05 37.152 iMobiDines 17148 20b Terminating app due to uncaught exception ' NSInternalInconsistencyException..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


cvA release By the way the initWithNib method looks like this id initWithNib Load the view nib if self super initWithNibName @ ViewA bundle nil do ivar initialization here if needed return self That works. I see the view from ViewControllerA when I start the app. But now the big question is A View Controller typically has all..

Optimizing CLLocationManager/CoreLocation to retrieve data points faster on the iPhone


you can be off in accuracy by 1000 meters or more thus one attempt is not going to do it. Three attempts after initialization usually gets you to within 47 or so meters which is good. Remember that each successive attempt is going to take longer..

iOS - Passing variable to view controller


I had id initWithTeamCount int teamCount self super initWithNibName nil bundle nil if self Custom initialization self.teamCountLabel.text NSString stringWithFormat @ d teamCount return self However this didn't work either. It's just..

Interface orientation in iOS 6.0


bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil if self Custom initialization return self void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad void didReceiveMemoryWarning super didReceiveMemoryWarning BOOL shouldAutorotate..

Placeholder in UITextView


uitextfield uitextview share improve this question I made a few minor modifications to bcd's solution to allow for initialization from a xib file text wrapping and to maintain background color. Hopefully it will save others the trouble. UIPlaceHolderTextView.h..

Loop an UIScrollView [duplicate]


nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil Custom initialization return self void viewDidLoad scrollView UIScrollView alloc init CGRect scrollFrame scrollFrame.origin.x 0 scrollFrame.origin.y..

Adding C++ Object to Objective-C Class


SEL performSelector and arguments


In all cases your Objective C initializer methods should look like id myInitMethod self super init if self nil perform initialization of self return self Your method if it's an init method would then look like id init SEL sel owner NSObject parent self super..

NSMutableArray addObject: -[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance


anObject nil NOTE In debug anObject is NOT nil at time of execution... I have tested anObject and it isThe initialization works just fine but I keep getting the error below when I try to addObject to self.array. 2010 07 10 11 52 55.499 MyApp..

UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?


bundle it together with the UIViewController subclass .xib file and use the UIViewController's viewDidLoad to do final initialization. But if you want your View class to be a subcomponent reused multiple times in different view controllers integrated either.. then you need to implement both the initWithFrame init method and awakeFromNib to handle both cases. If your internal initialization always includes some objects from .xib then in your initWithFrame you'll need to load your .xib manually in order to support..

Can you make the settings in Settings.bundle default even if you don't open the Settings App


default values specified twice once as DefaultValue keys in your Settings.bundle Root.plist file and once in your app initialization code so you do not have to keep them in sync. Since Settings.bundle is stored within the app bundle itself you can just..

AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?


for this here . .net iphone encryption aes share improve this question At the very least you are using differing initialization vectors IV . The .Net code uses the key for IV. private static AesCryptoServiceProvider GetProvider byte key Set up the.. generated salt which is why the output is longer . The openssl output is more secure since it is prepending a random initialization vector. It looks like the first few bytes of the base64 decoded string is Salted__ . You can also ask openssl to not use..

iPhone SDK: what is the difference between loadView and viewDidLoad?


executed and what is the more appropriate place to put init code. What would be perfect is a simple diagram of the initialization calls. Thanks iphone objective c share improve this question I can guess what might be the problem here because I've..

`[super viewDidLoad]` convention


objective c cocoa cocoa touch share improve this question My rule of thumb is if you're doing something related to initialization always call the super class's method first if you are going to call it at all . This gives the super class a chance to do..

iPhone: How to load a View using a nib file created with Interface Builder


bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName @ Question1View bundle nibBundleOrNil Custom initialization return self When I run the code Im getting this error 2009 05 14 15 05 37.152 iMobiDines 17148 20b Terminating app due to..

View Controllers: How to switch between views programmatically?


method looks like this id initWithNib Load the view nib if self super initWithNibName @ ViewA bundle nil do ivar initialization here if needed return self That works. I see the view from ViewControllerA when I start the app. But now the big question..

Using AFNetworking and HTTP Basic Authentication


self.requestSerializer setAuthorizationHeaderFieldWithUsername username password password #pragma mark Initialization id initWithBaseURL NSURL url self super initWithBaseURL url if self return nil self.requestSerializer AFJSONRequestSerializer.. password self clearAuthorizationHeader self setAuthorizationHeaderWithUsername username password password #pragma mark Initialization id initWithBaseURL NSURL url self super initWithBaseURL url if self return nil self registerHTTPOperationClass AFJSONRequestOperation..

How implement a UIActivityIndicatorView when the UIWebView is Loading? (iPhone ObjC)


NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil Initialization code m_activity nil return self void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView m_activity.hidden TRUE m_activity stopAnimating.. NSString nibNameOrNil bundle NSBundle nibBundleOrNil if self super initWithNibName nibNameOrNil bundle nibBundleOrNil Initialization code m_activity nil return self The call to super initialized your indicator from your XIB assuming you connected it to..

iPhone - Splash Screen with progress bar


is some code SPLASHSCREEN id initWithFrame CGRect frame withStepCount int stepCount if self super initWithFrame frame Initialization code background UIImageView alloc initWithFrame self bounds background setImage UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile NSString.. NSTimer delayTimer delayTimer NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval 0.05 target self selector @selector finishInitialization userInfo nil repeats NO return self void finishInitialization do some stuff like allocation opening a db creating views.. 0.05 target self selector @selector finishInitialization userInfo nil repeats NO return self void finishInitialization do some stuff like allocation opening a db creating views heavy stuff... splashView tick this should update the progress..

how to convert UIView part as UIImage in iphone application


@implementation MyLineDrawingView id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self Initialization code self.backgroundColor UIColor whiteColor myPath UIBezierPath alloc init myPath.lineCapStyle kCGLineCapRound myPath.miterLimit..

How to convert an NSString to hex values


Update Thanks to drawnonward's answer here's the method I wrote to create the hex NSStrings. It gives me an Initialization discards qualifiers from pointer target type warning on the char declaration line but it works. NSString stringToHex NSString..

How do I get a view in Interface Builder to load a custom view in another nib?


in in the other nib. Yay id initWithCoder NSCoder coder if self super initWithCoder coder UIView tMyActualSelf nil Initialization code NSArray tNibItems NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ UIAwesomeSauce owner self options nil for id object in tNibItems..

How to customize the background/border colors of a grouped table view cell?


fillColor position BOOL isOpaque return NO id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame Initialization code return self void drawRect CGRect rect Drawing code CGContextRef c UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext CGContextSetFillColorWithColor..

iPhone : How to set BackgroundColor of UIButton with buttonType UIButtonTypeCustom


_highlightedColor void didUnTapButtonForHighlight UIButton sender self setBackgroundColor _normalColor #pragma mark Initialization void setupButton self addTarget self action @selector didTapButtonForHighlight forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchDown..

Horizontal UIScrollView inside a UITableViewCell


LocalLibrary newLib andVolumeID NSString newVolumeID @end @implementation phVolumeController #pragma mark #pragma mark Initialization id initWithLibrary LocalLibrary newLib andVolumeID NSString newVolumeID if self super initWithStyle UITableViewStylePlain..

UIView and initWithFrame and a NIB file. How can i get the NIB file loaded?


@implementation MyView @synthesize l view id initWithFrame CGRect frame self super initWithFrame frame if self Initialization code. NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ MyView owner self options nil self addSubview self.view return self void awakeFromNib..

AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?


rather due to the wrapper code that you pointed at which has a serious bug in it... . The iPhone code uses 0 for IV. Initialization vector dummy in this case 0's. uint8_t iv kChosenCipherBlockSize memset void iv 0x0 size_t sizeof iv openssl by default..

Alternative to Singleton in Objective-C for better application design


discussions on SO are theory based without a single line of code Let's use the Google Analytics iOS SDK as an example Initialization GANTracker sharedTracker startTrackerWithAccountID @ UA 0000000 1 dispatchPeriod kGANDispatchPeriodSec delegate nil..

Is there an SDK to draw lines on iOS with touch?


CFRelease mask void awakeFromNib self initialize id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame Initialization code self initialize return self void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event mouseSwiped NO UITouch touch touches..

AudioQueue how to find out playback length of queued data


MusicChunker.h void ReportAudioError OSStatus statusCode @implementation MusicChunker id init self super init if self Initialization code here. return self void ReportAudioError OSStatus statusCode switch statusCode case noErr break case kAudioFileUnspecifiedError.. kAudioFileAAC_ADTSType return fileTypeHint id initWithURL NSURL url andFileType NSString ext self super init if self Initialization code here. OSStatus theErr noErr if ext isEqualToString @ mp3 _ism4a FALSE else _ism4a TRUE firstTime TRUE _packetOffset..

Correct Singleton Pattern Objective C (iOS)?


super avoids a deadlock with the above allocWithZone instance super allocWithZone nil init return instance MARK MARK Initialization id init self super init if self Initialization code here. return self @end Please feel free to comment and tell me if I've.. instance super allocWithZone nil init return instance MARK MARK Initialization id init self super init if self Initialization code here. return self @end Please feel free to comment and tell me if I've missing something or doing something completely..