

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initializers

Apple LLVM compiler 3.1 error - iOS 5; Xcode 4.3


usr bin clang x objective c arch armv7 fmessage length 0 std gnu99 Wno trigraphs fpascal strings O0 Wno missing field initializers Wno missing prototypes Wreturn type Wno implicit atomic properties Wformat Wno missing braces Wparentheses Wswitch Wno unused..

Where to determine UIView size


initializer. Just use init as in UIView alloc init . The designated initializer has to be used from subclasses' initializers. On the other hand setting the frame twice should not do much harm. Performing a lot of tasks in setFrame is unusual. Layouting..

Description of initWithNibName, awakeFromNib and viewDidLoad?


to set up your view with information specific to your applications current running context rather than pre determined initializers. Even if you are programmatically creating views and view controllers however you can still put all the initialization in..

Which initializer(s) to override for UITableViewController subclass


It seems like this violates the whole designated initializer convention as there would essentially be 3 separate initializers that don't end up calling a common init method. Or is there a way to create a common designated initializer while supporting.. have a single designated initializer. This is not true and in the case of UITableViewController there are 3 designated initializers as far as I can tell initWithStyle declared locally initWithNibName bundle inherited from UIViewController initWithCoder..

When using drawRect for UIButton subclass


there is no straight forward way to subclass UIButton. UIButton is not the actual class type that is returned by the initializers. UIButton is kind of a front for a series of private classes. Say you had UIButton myButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect..

Objective-C: _variable
