

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inherited

How would I tint an image programatically on the iPhone?


likely the whole thing will need refreshing. To use it create an instance of the object then set the image property inherited from UIImageView to the picture and overlayColor to a UIColor value the blend levels can be adjusted by changing the alpha..

motionBegan: Not Working


some other people's posts with this problem but I have not found an answer. Thanks for any help First Example .h class inherited from UIView Is called from the app delegate class @class TestApplicationView @interface TestApplicationView UIView IBOutlet.. self void setUpView self becomeFirstResponder NSLog @ First Responder d self isFirstResponder Second Example .h class inherited from UIApplicationDelegate and UIScrollViewDelegate #import UIKit UIKit.h @class TestApplicationViewController @interface..

Setting property value of parent viewcontroller class from child viewcontroller?


variable scope share improve this question with super you access your base class the one your current class has inherited from to do what you've explained you need to access a property of your parent view which is rather complicated since this..

Using object from one class in another


ViewController which I do not want. Why don't you make few property private in first cass so that it doesn't get inherited. Obviously I can create another class and make my second ViewController a member of this class however I want the code for..

iPhone — is initWithCoder an exception to the usual designated initializer design pattern?


an initWithCoder message the object should first send a message to its superclass if appropriate to initialize inherited instance variables and then it should decode and initialize its own instance variables. But Apple also says that a class..

iOS 4.2+ webfont (ttf) 's bold font-weight rendering bug


Proper way to instantiate an NSDecimalNumber from float or double


on the right track with caveats see below . You should be able to just use the initialisers from NSNumber as they are inherited by NSDecimalNumber. NSDecimalNumber floatDecimal NSDecimalNumber alloc initWithFloat 42.13f autorelease NSDecimalNumber.. to precision and conversion to from doubles with NSDecimalNumber . Especially when you use the initialisation members inherited from NSNumber. I knocked up the test below double dbl 36.76662445068359375000 id xx1 NSDecimalNumber numberWithDouble dbl..

How to print a double with full precision on iOS?


improve this question The first two lines round to 6 decimals because that's the default rounding length for printf inherited from C. The third line displays the data with the maximum useful precision an IEEE 754 64bit floating point number has slightly..

How to set round corners in UI images in iphone


UI Image. iphone share improve this question You could not set the corner of UIImage instance because it's not inherited from UIView So you need to create an UIImageView instance by passing your UIImage . use the below code. UIImageView roundedView..

iPhone - Create a semi transparent rectangle with opaque text


in the list of controls so it is in the background. Setting the container view to an alpha value below 1 will also be inherited by the subviews which is not displayed in the interface builder Settings for view view with clear color bg and alpha 1.0..

“Variable Undeclared” error when compiling to iOS Device, but not for Simulator


that is the base class for other controllers and has an instance of a custom UIView variable that is accessed by inherited the classes. BaseViewController.h @interface BaseViewController UIViewController UIView _vwHeader @end BaseViewController.m.. is. EDIT I tried to create another variable that is not a pointer a BOOL instead of the UIView and then used it in the inherited class the problem also occurs EDIT 2 I have no properties whatsoever in any of my classes and I still get the error. I just..

Property vs. instance variable


that one can easily distinguish the difference between an ivar and property. So if I want to use the memory management inherited by a synthesized property I'd use something such as myVar @ Foo The other way would be referencing it via self. ivar property..

Which initializer(s) to override for UITableViewController subclass


there are 3 designated initializers as far as I can tell initWithStyle declared locally initWithNibName bundle inherited from UIViewController initWithCoder from adopting NSCoding protocol You need to override 1 or more of these in your subclass..

iPhone UIWebview: How to force a numeric keyboard? Is it possible?


I know that Apple doesn't currently provide any API to allow this. I'm wondering if creating a custom class that inherited from UIWebView might help or maybe creating a custom keyboard would open up some possibilities Update 6 Nov 2009 As noted..

UISearchDisplayController causes crash after viewDidUnload


to nil in viewDidUnload. So that the search display controller will use the property you create instead of using the inherited property. I also notice the similar bug also appear for gesture recognizers if you create gesture recognizers from the storyboard..

Record the drawing as a m4v video file - OpenGL


kBrushScale Make sure to start with a cleared buffer needsErase YES AppDelegate.h PaintingWindow window its a class inherited from window. PaintingView drawingView @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet PaintingWindow window @property nonatomic retain..

Download image asynchronously


improve this question Yes. You can user other libary. I've already implemented that using AsyncImageView which is inherited from UIImageView . What it does is it stores images in Cache memory fetched from a url and whenever you need to load image..