

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indirectory

Translating iOS app to unsupported/non-standard languages


void setLocale NSString lProjFile NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ Localizable.strings ofType @ inDirectory NSString stringWithFormat @ @.lproj lProjFile self.i18nTable NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile path NSString localizedStringForKey..

Optimized Image Loading in a UIScrollView


@ RestaurantContent 03d recipe.identifier NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource filename ofType @ png inDirectory directory UIImage image UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile path imageView ImageView alloc initWithImage image andFrame CGRectMake..

UIWebView display locally stored website (HTML, images, Javascript)


a relative path say the 'webpages' folder NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ index ofType @ html inDirectory @ webpages The last thing to check for is if there are any BASE tags in the html file. This is a way to specify a default..

how to set the html +css add in the iphone


path bundle bundlePath NSString filename @ index NSString fullPath NSBundle pathForResource filename ofType @ html inDirectory path fullPath stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ withString @ _ load a HTML from a file NSString chapter_filename NSString.. ios ipad share improve this question NSString htmlPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ demo ofType @ html inDirectory nil NSString htmlString NSString stringWithContentsOfFile htmlPath encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding error nil NSURL Url NSURL..

AVAudioPlayer not releasing memory


alloc initWithContentsOfURL NSURL fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ mysound ofType @ aif inDirectory @ error err audioPlayer.numberOfLoops 0 audioPlayer.volume .5 audioPlayer prepareToPlay audioPlayer play audioPlayer release..

Read Text File in Document Folder - Iphone SDK


standardUserDefaults objectForKey @ recentDownload NSString fullPath NSBundle pathForResource fileName ofType @ txt inDirectory NSHomeDirectory stringByAppendingString @ Documents NSError error nil textViewerDownload setText NSString stringWithContentsOfFile..

Changing language on the fly, in running iOS, iphone app


you can do so via manually loading resource files in your bundle. You can use NSBundle pathForResource ofType inDirectory forLocalization for this purpose but keep in mind that your application would be responsible for all loading of localized..

How can I write an iPhone app entirely in JavaScript without making it just a web app?


NSBundle mainBundle NSString path bundle bundlePath NSString fullPath NSBundle pathForResource @ index ofType @ html inDirectory path webView loadRequest NSURLRequest requestWithURL NSURL fileURLWithPath fullPath Now any files you have added as resources..

iPhone app crashes on device but not simulator. Accessing local files with UIWebView, possible [NSBundle mainBundle] issue?


a UIWebView. Here is what I am using in my .m NSString path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ index ofType @ html inDirectory @ localHTML mobile NSURL url NSURL fileURLWithPath path NSURLRequest request NSURLRequest requestWithURL url webView loadRequest..