

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: infact

How do chat iOS applications communicate?


iOS. you may refer to apple developer documentation for that or this link can help you regarding this. Following links infact would be very helpful http blog.scriptico.com 08 iphone chat native rtmp library for ios in action http mobile.tutsplus.com..

How to add an UIViewController's view as subview


and show it's view as the subview of this view. However the subview exceeds the bounds of the frame for subview and infact fills the entire screen. What could be wrong I presume the problem is that UIViewController's view has a frame 0 0 320 460..

finding unsupported apis with os version


apis with os version i've developed and application for iphone. it works fine on os4 but it does not work on os3.1. infact works but there are some problems after splash screen a what screen appears. while i leaving the application i can see the..

512x512 image for AppStore (iTunes Connect), will Apple do corner rounding like they do on the phone?


icon Yet all the images I see on iTunes app store are rounded. Also web version of iTunes show rounded icons and infact are 175 175 square with an image mask that has rounded corners http a1.phobos.apple.com us r1000 050 Purple 49 68 e3 mzi.wijnmlbw.175x175..

NSDefaultRunLoopMode vs NSRunLoopCommonModes


from the network while the table view is scrolling could improve the UI because we can see the images while scrolling infact this is dangerous as the final effect will be a scrolling not fluid. So don't add NSURLConnection to the run loop in such..

How to override -drawrect in UIButton subclass?


Thanks. iphone uibutton share improve this question As other people have said you don't need to subclass UIButton infact it's best not to as UIButton is pretty complex as you found . You have three options Leave the button's title blank and..

Iphone Lock Screen


Lock Screen friends I am new to Iphone development I am creating a simple analog clock infact I have already created one i am basically an Android Developer created same as widget for android too Iphone does not seem..