

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: infobutton

How to add a UIToolbar to a UITableViewController programmatically?


toolbarHeight Reposition and resize the receiver toolbar setFrame rectArea Create a button UIBarButtonItem infoButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithTitle @ back style UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered target self action @selector info_clicked.. target self action @selector info_clicked toolbar setItems NSArray arrayWithObjects infoButton nil Add the toolbar as a subview to the navigation controller. self.navigationController.view addSubview toolbar self tableView..

pass id to calloutAccessoryControlTapped


alloc initWithAnnotation annotation reuseIdentifier defaultPinID autorelease pinAnnotation.canShowCallout YES UIButton infoButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure pinAnnotation.rightCalloutAccessoryView infoButton return pinAnnotation.. YES UIButton infoButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure pinAnnotation.rightCalloutAccessoryView infoButton return pinAnnotation find the item to pass to detail view void mapView MKMapView mapView annotationView MKPinAnnotationView..

Setting a background image for a tabbar


#import UIKit UIKit.h @interface CustomTabBarController UITabBarController UIButton settingsButton UIButton infoButton UIButton aboutUsButton @property nonatomic retain UIButton settingsButton @property nonatomic retain UIButton infoButton.. UIButton aboutUsButton @property nonatomic retain UIButton settingsButton @property nonatomic retain UIButton infoButton @property nonatomic retain UIButton aboutUsButton void addCustomElements void selectTab int tabID @end CustomTabBarController.m.. #import CustomTabBarController.h @implementation CustomTabBarController @synthesize settingsButton infoButton aboutUsButton void viewDidAppear BOOL animated super viewDidAppear animated void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad self addCustomElements..

MKMapView annotations changing/losing order?


TRUE tapping the pin produces a gray box which shows title and subtitle annotationView.canShowCallout YES UIButton infoButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure annotationView.rightCalloutAccessoryView infoButton return annotationView.. YES UIButton infoButton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeDetailDisclosure annotationView.rightCalloutAccessoryView infoButton return annotationView iphone mkmapview mkannotation share improve this question When you call addAnnotation or addAnnotations..