

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initforreadingwithdata

How to implement Deep copy for the Class in UIKit?


@ imageViewDeepCopy archiver finishEncoding archiver release NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData data UIImageView imgView unarchiver decodeObjectForKey @ imageViewDeepCopy unarchiver release data release return imgView..

How to serialize a UIView?


archiver release return id data UIView viewForData NSData data NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData data UIView view unarchiver decodeObjectForKey @ view unarchiver finishDecoding unarchiver release return view share improve..

iPhone Simulator chrashes in NSKeyedUnarchiver after setting base SDK


following exception Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason ' NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData incomprehensible archive 0x4e 0x49 0x42 0x41 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x69 ' I do not use the NSKeyedUnarchiver so why is the app.. in NSException raise format arguments #3 0x3028e55a in NSException raise format #4 0x30513b77 in NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData #5 0x30ab4b2a in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #6 0x30ab6eb3 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions..

How do I show and start animating a UIActivityIndicatorView from within a method


Trouble decoding with NSKeyedUnarchiver


NSData dataWithContentsOfFile mwPath fwData NSData dataWithContentsOfFile fwPath mwDecoder NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData mwData fwDecoder NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData fwData tempMusicalWorks mwDecoder decodeObjectForKey kMusicalWorksArchiveKey.. fwPath mwDecoder NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData mwData fwDecoder NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData fwData tempMusicalWorks mwDecoder decodeObjectForKey kMusicalWorksArchiveKey tempFeaturedWorks fwDecoder decodeObjectForKey..

Send and receive NSData via GameKit


NSData dataWithData data Packet packetObjectFromRxdData NSData data NSKeyedUnarchiver decoder NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData data autorelease return Packet alloc initWithCoder decoder autorelease @end The reassemblage of the original file from these..

Persisting Custom Objects


myStuff NSData data NSData alloc initWithContentsOfFile path NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiver NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc initForReadingWithData data MyArchive myArchive unarchiver decodeObjectForKey myArchiveKey unarchiver finishDecoding if myArchive myArchive retain..

iOS and unarchiving xib files


with the following Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException' reason ' NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData incomprehensible archive 0x4e 0x49 0x42 0x41 0x72 0x63 0x68 0x69 ' 2012 01 15 09 35 53.025 MyApp 3026 207 Stack 808001701.. in NSException raise format arguments #11 0x30223fc6 in NSException raise format #12 0x305564b4 in NSKeyedUnarchiver initForReadingWithData #13 0x3094927c in UINib instantiateWithOptions owner loadingResourcesFromBundle #14 0x30949090 in NSBundle NSBundleAdditions..