

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inertial

Detecting Acceleration in a car (iPhone Accelerometer)


rise to exactly the same readings on an accelerometer. They will be completely impossible to distinguish. That's why inertial navigation systems combine a gyro and accelerometer. The reason you can't do this was given by Einstein Using a local measurement..

Gyroscope vs Accelerometer?


solve for twist . By using both sensors you can often implement what is referred to as a 6DOF degrees of freedom inertial system or dead reckoning allowing you to find the relative physical location of the device. Note that all inertial systems.. inertial system or dead reckoning allowing you to find the relative physical location of the device. Note that all inertial systems drift so its not stable in the long term . In short gyroscopes measure rotation accelerometers measure translation...

Skybox OpenGL ES iPhone and iPad


the sample view controller to draw a skybox as required and to respond to touches with a version of the normal iPhone inertial scrolling which has meant writing less than 200 lines of also commented code. To achieve this I needed to know the CoreGraphics.. to track a touch to manipulate the member variables dictating rotation including a tiny bit of mechanics to give an inertial rotation Of course the normal view controller lifecycle instructions are obeyed. Textures are loaded on viewDidLoad and..

iPhone CoreLocation: How to get the most accurate speed


am ballistically. Save that as ballistic point D. Of course you're using the accelerometer to get some sort of inertial sense of which way I went right So you can't know direction you don't know what way the phone is pointing but you can make..

How to do a motion blur effect on an UIImageView in Monotouch?


way to do a realtime motion blur in MonoTouch I need to apply a motion blur effect on an UIImageView when scrolling an inertial picture gallery with strength and direction as parameters as in Photoshop. I can't find any blur or motion blur filter in..