

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inherently

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl not rotating


4. Additionally you can not display other views modally under a partial curl official documentation states this which inherently means it does not behave like a normal modal display e.g. view 1 view 2 partial curl tell view 2 to modally display view..

iPhone app launch times and Core Data migration


How to switch from Core Data automatic lightweight migration to manual Update To clarify my position on this. It is inherently possibly to do just about anything. However doing a migration on a background thread is a bad idea . It is extremely difficult..

NSDictionary sort by keys as floats


iphone objective c nsarray nsdictionary share improve this question Not sure what you are up to dictionaries are inherently unsorted there is no stable key ordering in the default implementation. If you want to walk the values by sorted keys you..

Is OpenGL threadsafe for multiple threads with distinct contexts?


In other words as long as the contexts are different can two threads share the C API and thus the GPU Or is that inherently something that is unshareable Or is this implementation specific Asking specifically for OpenGL ES on iOS but it's probably..

Choosing between the two - Interface Builder OR creating via code


taste but there are some advantages to using Interface Builder. The first thing to recognize is that UI design is inherently a visual task . Interface Builder can allow you to create and modify a UI much faster than you can in code. Rather than..

iPhone Development on Hackintosh


to the Intel platform for their chip it is obviously now possible to run their OS on a PC. So with that and my inherently cheap nature I was wondering if it was possible to bypass the purchase of a refurbished Mac by running the iPhone SDK on..

How to protect app IPA from hacks if reverse engineering is possible


If the knowledge of that URL alone poses a security threat then your whole approach and your clients API is inherently insecure. Remember that such information could possibly be captured by a man in the middle attack and other modes of attack..