

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: ing

How to use NSzombie in xcode? [duplicate]


to use NSzombie in xcode duplicate I have an app that is crashing with no error tracing. I can see part of what is going on if I debug but can't figure out which object is zombie ing . Does.. to use NSzombie in xcode duplicate I have an app that is crashing with no error tracing. I can see part of what is going on if I debug but can't figure out which object is zombie ing . Does anybody know how to.. to use NSzombie in xcode duplicate I have an app that is crashing with no error tracing. I can see part of what is going on if I debug but can't figure out which object is zombie ing . Does anybody know how to enable NSZombie in Xcode 4 xcode..

Mobile Safari: Javascript focus() method on inputfield only works with click?


this problem. I have a simple input field like this. div class search input type text value y u no work div And I'm trying to focus it inside a function. So inside of a random function doesn't matter what function it is I have this line p '.search'.. .focus This works just fine on every Desktop whatsoever. However it doesn't work on my iPhone. The field is not getting focused and the the Keyboard is not shown on my iPhone. For testing purposes and to show you guys the problem I did a quick.. it doesn't work on my iPhone. The field is not getting focused and the the Keyboard is not shown on my iPhone. For testing purposes and to show you guys the problem I did a quick sample '#some test element' .click function '.search' .find 'input'..

HTTP byte range protocol client behaviour on iPad/iPhone


byte range protocol client behaviour on iPad iPhone I was testing a HTTP servlet implementation kindly shared by BalusC which supports HTTP byte range requests . I have found some peculiar.. HTTP byte range requests . I have found some peculiar differences between different HTTP clients and was wondering if I am not missing anything. I have used a 2G mp4 video file for my tests and was capturing packets with Wireshark. This.. requests . I have found some peculiar differences between different HTTP clients and was wondering if I am not missing anything. I have used a 2G mp4 video file for my tests and was capturing packets with Wireshark. This is roughly what happens..

Changing my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view


my CALayer's anchorPoint moves the view I want to alter the anchorPoint but keep the view in the same place. I've tried.. anchorPoint moves the view I want to alter the anchorPoint but keep the view in the same place. I've tried NSLog ing self.layer.position and self.center and they both stay the same regardless of changes to the anchorPoint. Yet my view moves.. touch uiview share improve this question The Layer Geometry and Transforms section of the Core Animation Programming Guide explains the relationship between a CALayer's position and anchorPoint properties. Basically the position of a layer..

hide keyboard in iphone safari webapp


keyboard in iphone safari webapp I'm creating a webapp for the iPhone based in HTML CSS JS. I'm using forms to receive input and pass data to the script but a problem.. keyboard in iphone safari webapp I'm creating a webapp for the iPhone based in HTML CSS JS. I'm using forms to receive input and pass data to the script but a problem I'm encountering is that the keyboard won't disappear... iPhone based in HTML CSS JS. I'm using forms to receive input and pass data to the script but a problem I'm encountering is that the keyboard won't disappear. The user will enter the information hit submit and since it's JavaScript the page..

How can I display one UIView in landscape?


when they choose that view from the tab at the bottom. I want the regular animations to occur such as the tab dropping out the view rotating etc. when they choose that item and the opposite to happen when they choose a different view. Is there.. view from the tab at the bottom. I want the regular animations to occur such as the tab dropping out the view rotating etc. when they choose that item and the opposite to happen when they choose a different view. Is there not a built in property.. view. Is there not a built in property or method to tell the system what orientation to display the view as Overriding the shouldautorotate... method does absolutely nothing so far as I can tell. The type of answer I would NOT appreciate is..

iPhone/iPad App Code Obfuscation - Is it Possible? Worth it?


iPad App Code Obfuscation Is it Possible Worth it I've researched quite a bit both on SO as well google ing all over the place but I can't seem to find a straight forward answer in regards to code obfuscation for iPhone iPad apps.. for example if your program uses a copy protection you want to make it harder for a potential cracker or if you're using some advanced algorithm you don't want the business competitors to be able to decompile it. The copy protection is already.. to be able to decompile it. The copy protection is already been taken care of on iOS. Although through jailbreaking a normal app can be copied and run I'd say the actual number of users who do this is fairly low at least a lot lower than..

jQuery live() removing iPhone touch event attributes?


live removing iPhone touch event attributes I am binding live events on links in my PhoneGap app. The event does fire successfully confirmed.. live removing iPhone touch event attributes I am binding live events on links in my PhoneGap app. The event does fire successfully confirmed by alert ing but it seems any touch.. attributes I am binding live events on links in my PhoneGap app. The event does fire successfully confirmed by alert ing but it seems any touch data is not attached to the event object like it should be. This happens on all touch events touchstart..

Accessing parent view controller (custom) properties


parent view controller custom properties I have written a UITabBarController subclass called MainViewController and added.. and NSLog @ @ self.tabBarController.venue.name But XCode gives the error error request for member 'venue' in something not a structure or union I can access the venue property from within MainViewController just fine so have ruled out an error.. 05 17 54 46.502 Venue 29729 20b MainViewController 0x536600 Since it's seen as a MainViewController instance I doubt using casting would help. Is my only other option to initialize the HomeViewController with a copy of the venue or am I just doing..