

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: init

How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK?


file of where you are implementing the check you can place this in one of the first methods called init or viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad etc void viewWillAppear BOOL animated check for internet connection..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector.. NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload.. will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader. Side effects None id initWithURL NSURL aServerURL IN filePath NSString aFilePath IN delegate id aDelegate IN doneSelector SEL..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


such values. int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact.. key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely..

Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C? [closed]


to the deallocated object. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self super dealloc id init self super init if self return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification... object. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self super dealloc id init self super init if self return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification. We tell the..

How can I send mail from an iPhone application


Then to send a message MFMailComposeViewController controller MFMailComposeViewController alloc init controller.mailComposeDelegate self controller setSubject @ My Subject controller setMessageBody @ Hello..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


Johann Save any media to disk when you can. Use larger tileSizes if rendering on TiledLayers init frequently used arrays with placeholder objects alternitively another design approach is this one Note.. ctx kCGRenderingIntentDefault before CGContextDrawPDFPage to reduce memory usage while drawing init'ing your NSOperations with a docRef is a bad idea memory wrap the docRef into a singleton. Cancel needless..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


an instance of MyClass and assign it as the window's delegate MyClass myDelegate MyClass alloc init window setDelegate myDelegate On the NSWindow side it probably has code similar to this to see if the..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters.. NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString.. @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it.. for a specific region generally the US but this is a bit messy NSLocale loc NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US df setLocale loc loc release Not too bad in onsies twosies but I'm dealing.. My first instinct is to override NSDateFormatter with a version that would set the locale in the init method. Requires changing two lines the alloc init line and the added import. Added This is what I've..

How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK?


.m file where you are implementing the check 7 In the .m file of where you are implementing the check you can place this in one of the first methods called init or viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad etc void viewWillAppear BOOL animated check for internet connection NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


question Header @interface EPUploader NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector NSString filePath @end Main.. NSData data void uploadSucceeded BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of.. Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader. Side effects None id initWithURL NSURL aServerURL IN filePath NSString aFilePath IN delegate id aDelegate IN doneSelector SEL aDoneSelector IN errorSelector SEL anErrorSelector IN if self..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


points in a real application it wouldn't make sense to print such values. int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSData cipher plain AES256EncryptWithKey.. key printf s n cipher description UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted data will not always translate nicely into.. plaintext dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely works on Snow Leopard and @Boz reports that CommonCrypto..

Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C? [closed]


Center will continue to try and send notification objects to the deallocated object. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self super dealloc id init self super init if self return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification. We tell the notification center to inform us of TestNotification.. to try and send notification objects to the deallocated object. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self super dealloc id init self super init if self return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification. We tell the notification center to inform us of TestNotification notifications..

How can I send mail from an iPhone application


and import #import MessageUI MFMailComposeViewController.h Then to send a message MFMailComposeViewController controller MFMailComposeViewController alloc init controller.mailComposeDelegate self controller setSubject @ My Subject controller setMessageBody @ Hello there. isHTML NO if controller self presentModalViewController..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


here EDIT Some Tips Credit Luke Mcneice VdesmedT Matt Gallagher Johann Save any media to disk when you can. Use larger tileSizes if rendering on TiledLayers init frequently used arrays with placeholder objects alternitively another design approach is this one Note that images will render faster than a CGPDFPageRef Use NSOperations.. ctx kCGInterpolationHigh CGContextSetRenderingIntent ctx kCGRenderingIntentDefault before CGContextDrawPDFPage to reduce memory usage while drawing init'ing your NSOperations with a docRef is a bad idea memory wrap the docRef into a singleton. Cancel needless NSOperations When you can especially if they will be..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


NSNotification notification ... @end Then you could create an instance of MyClass and assign it as the window's delegate MyClass myDelegate MyClass alloc init window setDelegate myDelegate On the NSWindow side it probably has code similar to this to see if the delegate responds to the windowDidMove message using respondsToSelector..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


nonatomic retain NSMutableString resultString NSString convertEntiesInString NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString s NSString.. NSMutableString resultString NSString convertEntiesInString NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString s NSString convertEntiesInString.. convertEntiesInString NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString s NSString convertEntiesInString NSString s if s nil NSLog..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


that NSDateFormatter has a feature that bites you unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the US and most locales UNTIL ... someone with.. circumvention is apparently to set the locale of the date formatter for a specific region generally the US but this is a bit messy NSLocale loc NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US df setLocale loc loc release Not too bad in onsies twosies but I'm dealing with about ten different apps and the first one I look at.. to change everything without making the code to obscure My first instinct is to override NSDateFormatter with a version that would set the locale in the init method. Requires changing two lines the alloc init line and the added import. Added This is what I've come up with so far seems to work in all scenarios @implementation..

How to check for an active Internet Connection on iPhone SDK?


check 7 In the .m file of where you are implementing the check you can place this in one of the first methods called init or viewWillAppear or viewDidLoad etc void viewWillAppear BOOL animated check for internet connection NSNotificationCenter..

How can I upload a photo to a server with the iPhone?


NSObject NSURL serverURL NSString filePath id delegate SEL doneSelector SEL errorSelector BOOL uploadDidSucceed id initWithURL NSURL serverURL filePath NSString filePath delegate id delegate doneSelector SEL doneSelector errorSelector SEL errorSelector.. BOOL success void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection @end @implementation EPUploader Uploader initWithURL filePath delegate doneSelector errorSelector Initializer. Kicks off the upload. Note that upload will happen on.. upload. Note that upload will happen on a separate thread. Results An instance of Uploader. Side effects None id initWithURL NSURL aServerURL IN filePath NSString aFilePath IN delegate id aDelegate IN doneSelector SEL aDoneSelector IN errorSelector..

AES Encryption for an NSString on the iPhone


make sense to print such values. int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init NSString key @ my password NSString secret @ text to encrypt NSData plain secret dataUsingEncoding NSUTF8StringEncoding.. UTF8String plain cipher AES256DecryptWithKey key printf s n plain description UTF8String printf s n NSString alloc initWithData plain encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding UTF8String pool drain return 0 Given this code and the fact that encrypted data.. AES256EncryptWithKey key NSString decryptData NSData ciphertext withKey NSString key return NSString alloc initWithData ciphertext AES256DecryptWithKey key encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding autorelease This definitely works on Snow Leopard..

Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C? [closed]


objects to the deallocated object. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self super dealloc id init self super init if self return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification. We tell the notification.. to the deallocated object. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter removeObserver self super dealloc id init self super init if self return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification. We tell the notification center..

How can I send mail from an iPhone application


Then to send a message MFMailComposeViewController controller MFMailComposeViewController alloc init controller.mailComposeDelegate self controller setSubject @ My Subject controller setMessageBody @ Hello there. isHTML NO..

Fast and Lean PDF Viewer for iPhone / iPad / iOs - tips and hints?


VdesmedT Matt Gallagher Johann Save any media to disk when you can. Use larger tileSizes if rendering on TiledLayers init frequently used arrays with placeholder objects alternitively another design approach is this one Note that images will.. ctx kCGRenderingIntentDefault before CGContextDrawPDFPage to reduce memory usage while drawing init'ing your NSOperations with a docRef is a bad idea memory wrap the docRef into a singleton. Cancel needless NSOperations..

How do I create delegates in Objective-C?


Then you could create an instance of MyClass and assign it as the window's delegate MyClass myDelegate MyClass alloc init window setDelegate myDelegate On the NSWindow side it probably has code similar to this to see if the delegate responds..

Objective C HTML escape/unescape


NSString convertEntiesInString NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString.. convertEntiesInString NSString s @end @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString.. @implementation MREntitiesConverter @synthesize resultString id init if super init resultString NSMutableString alloc init return self void parser NSXMLParser parser foundCharacters NSString s self.resultString appendString s NSString convertEntiesInString..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


bites you unexpectedly If you do a simple fixed format operation such as NSDateFormatter fmt NSDateFormatter alloc init fmt setDateFormat @ yyyyMMddHHmmss NSString dateStr fmt stringFromDate someDate fmt release Then it works fine in the US.. of the date formatter for a specific region generally the US but this is a bit messy NSLocale loc NSLocale alloc initWithLocaleIdentifier @ en_US df setLocale loc loc release Not too bad in onsies twosies but I'm dealing with about ten different.. the code to obscure My first instinct is to override NSDateFormatter with a version that would set the locale in the init method. Requires changing two lines the alloc init line and the added import. Added This is what I've come up with so far..

Display UIViewController as Popup in iPhone


improve this question I am going to answer here with use of storyboard bout it is also possible without storyboard. Init Create two UIViewController in storyboard. lets say FirstViewController which is normal and SecondViewController Which we..

post image to server in iphone


NSData imageData UIImagePNGRepresentation yourImage NSString postLength NSString stringWithFormat @ d imageData length Init the URLRequest NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest alloc init request setHTTPMethod @ POST request setURL NSURL..

send image to server as binary data


NSData postData nsdata from your original image NSString postLength NSString stringWithFormat @ d postData length Init and set fields of the URLRequest NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest alloc init request setHTTPMethod @ POST..

Received memory warning. Level=1 when showing a UIImagePickerController


green felt background self.view.backgroundColor UIColor colorWithPatternImage UIImage imageNamed @ green_felt_bg.jpg Init UIImagePickerController Instantiate a UIImagePickerController for use throughout app and set delegate self.playerImagePicker..

Best practice to send a lot of data in background on iOS4 device?


^ app endBackgroundTask bgTask bgTask UIBackgroundTaskInvalid NSLog @ Sending picture... Init async NSURLConnection .... void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSLog @ Picture sent. UIApplication..

Compensating compass lag with the gyroscope on iPhone 4


try and keep increasing but thats is mine maybe others have a better method for avoid the error. below is my steps Init Read gravity XYZ Xg Yg Zg Check if Xg 0.25 If TRUE try Yg then Zg Note 1 1g 9.82 m s^2 Read the compass and gyro Configure..

UIWebView with just an image that should fit the whole view


my own question but I'm so excited I discovered the solution to this issue So basically what you need to do this Init the view with it's real final desired frame webView UIWebView alloc initWithFrame _desiredFrame Add a viewport property..

How can i apply lens effect to my UIImage?


it here is how you can easily apply a lens effect void aFunction const CGSize size CCDirector sharedDirector winSize Init and position your image CCSprite img CCSprite spriteWithFile @ images.png img.position ccp size.width 2.f size.height 2.f..

Return NSArray from NSDictionary


are testing the code. NSArray data NSArray arrayWithObjects @ 2011 01 01 00 00 00 0000 @ 2011 12 01 00 00 00 0000 nil Initialise empty marks array this will be populated with TRUE FALSE in order for each day a marker should be placed on. NSMutableArray.. with TRUE FALSE in order for each day a marker should be placed on. NSMutableArray marks NSMutableArray array Initialise calendar to current type and set the timezone to never have daylight saving NSCalendar cal NSCalendar currentCalendar.. NSHourCalendarUnit NSSecondCalendarUnit fromDate startDate NSDate d cal dateFromComponents comp Init offset components to increment days in the loop by one each time NSDateComponents offsetComponents NSDateComponents alloc..

iPhone - Opening word,excel, and PDF files without using UIWebview


documentInteractionControllerViewControllerForPreview UIDocumentInteractionController controller return self Init display UIDocumentInteractionController docController UIDocumentInteractionController interactionControllerWithURL fileURL..

Avfoundation - Play and record video (along with audio and preview) simultaneously


nil alertView show alertView release else UIAlertView alertView UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle @ Input Device Init Failed message error localizedDescription delegate nil cancelButtonTitle @ Okay otherButtonTitles nil alertView..

Can we turn on/off the GPS programatically in iPhone?


the GPS programmatically in iPhone iphone objective c ios ipad gps share improve this question A simple example Init location manager CLLocationManager locationManager CLLocationManager alloc init locationManager.delegate self we must implement..

NSDate from stange looking string


and build a date from it. The NSScanner class is a good fit for parsing information out of strangely formatted text. Init a scanner with your date string NSScanner scanner NSScanner scannerWithString @ Date Date 1314313200000 0100 Skip everything..

Delay in Recording using avaudiorecorder [closed]


setBackgroundImage UIImage imageNamed @ stop.png forState UIControlStateNormal recordBtn YES startRecording Init audio with record capability AVAudioSession audioSession AVAudioSession sharedInstance audioSession setCategory AVAudioSessionCategoryRecord..

Iphone UIButton not working in nested UIViews


share improve this question FINALLY I had to init all the views with initWithFrame and pass in valid frame rects. Init should be used with controllers and initWithFrame passing rects for UIViews characterView CharacterView alloc initWithFrame..

XCode: Displaying a UIDatePicker when user clicks on UITextbox


view has not yet loaded and dueDate is part of your view. In objective c an object is instantiated with alloc init. Init is the first real method call to any object. At this point in your view controller's life the view has not been created..

AVCaptureSession only got video buffer


Audio SampleBuffer captured Audio SampleBuffer captured Here are the code how i setup the audio video input and output Init Video and audio capture devices component NSError error nil Setup the video input videoDevice AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType..

RestKit Object Mapping Relationships without KVC


given answer below my current mapping looks like the following RestKit v.10 . Setting up Restkit with objectStore ... Init objectMapping for Class Company companyMapping RKManagedObjectMapping mappingForClass Company class inManagedObjectStore.. @ name companyMapping.setDefaultValueForMissingAttributes NO companyMapping.primaryKeyAttribute @ companyID Init objectMapping for Class Contact contactMapping RKManagedObjectMapping mappingForClass Contact class inManagedObjectStore.. @ firstName contactMapping.setDefaultValueForMissingAttributes NO contactMapping.primaryKeyAttribute @ contactID Init relationships contactMapping mapRelationship @ company withMapping companyMapping contactMapping connectRelationship @ company..