

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: informations

Load UITableView crash caused by message sent to deallocated instance


command malloc_history 1421 12503 0x10ae83e0 in terminal to try to find any valuable clue. But I only get following informations ALLOC 0x10ae83e0 0x10ae83f7 size 24 thread_ac2502c0 start main UIApplicationMain GSEventRun GSEventRunModal CFRunLoopRunInMode..

Pass data to detailView when annotation tapped on mapview


locations which data comes via webservice. I just want to push to my detail view to show address telephone and other informations of the clicked store. I need to pass data to my detailview when user tapped or touch up inside to a annotation on mapkit...

Xcode workspace with Unity3D as a sub-project?


have made some games using Cocoa as frontend and Unity to 3D stuffs. Take a look on links below there are very good informations on them A Cocoa Based Frontend For Unity iPhone Applications Building a iOS Unity UIView UIViewController Interface Builder..

How to use iOS Reachability


reachability share improve this question Reachability is a network helper utility class its used to get various informations about the connection status What is the main purposes of Reachability Reachability is used to query the network status and..

Streaming Audio MMS:// to the iPhone


Creating a unique id for a Core Data program on the iPhone


are indeed managed by Core Data but you can retrieve them with NSManagedObjectID moID managedObject objectID For more informations see http developer.apple.com mac library DOCUMENTATION Cocoa Conceptual CoreData Articles cdUsingMOs.html share improve..

obtaining the rotation and size of a UIImageView based on its transformation matrices


view how can I calculate how much the image scaled and rotated I suppose that somehow these matrix contain these two informations. The problem is how to extract it... any clues thanks for any help. iphone iphone sdk 3.0 share improve this question..

iPhone “Bookmark to Homescreen” removes cookies and session?


this Page with Add to Home Screen each Time i click the Icon for that page I have to login again. I did not found any informations about that. What can I do so my users can set this page to their homescreen as icon and still dont have to login each time..

Three20 : how to pass a class of objects between 2 views


have a TTableView. The items in this table a mapped to an url so that when I click on an item another view appear with informations about this item. All these informations are attributes of a class. So how can I build my TTableTextItem URL in order to.. a mapped to an url so that when I click on an item another view appear with informations about this item. All these informations are attributes of a class. So how can I build my TTableTextItem URL in order to transmit the class containing informations.. are attributes of a class. So how can I build my TTableTextItem URL in order to transmit the class containing informations to the view responsible for the display of these informations Thanks in advance. iphone objective c cocoa three20 share..

Customizing the MKAnnotation Callout bubble


annotationView.leftCalloutAccessoryView leftCAV annotationView.canShowCallout YES return annotationView For more informations look at this http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation MapKit Reference MKAnnotationView_Class Reference Reference.html..

Apllictaion getting crash due to file not found warning (Iphone sdk )


iphone ios4 share improve this question Go to Window Organizer right click on your device and click on Collect informations . It will takes 5 minutes and after this step you will be able to debug your app. If not works take a look at the bug fixing..

CTServerConnectionGetCellID routine core telephony


routine core telephony I want to retrive some cellular network informations such as cellId and LAC. I know that there is no official way to do that but i still experiencing some CoreTelephony routines..

How to get contacts detail of iphone and make CSV file of that contact


iPhone address book data. iphone csv import contacts share improve this question Following is the code to get all informations of iPhone contact book... void collectContacts NSMutableDictionary myAddressBook NSMutableDictionary alloc init ABAddressBookRef..

Exception Types in iOS crash logs


in mind some signals like SIGABRT cannot be blocked. You can check the Wikipedia page about signals if you want more informations. That said to resume SIGSEGV Segmentation fault Access to an invalid memory address. The address exist but your program..