

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: infodict

Cancel UILocalNotification


title localNotif.soundName UILocalNotificationDefaultSoundName localNotif.applicationIconBadgeNumber 0 NSDictionary infoDict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject stringID forKey @ id localNotif.userInfo infoDict UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification.. 0 NSDictionary infoDict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject stringID forKey @ id localNotif.userInfo infoDict UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification localNotif localNotif release Its work fine and I'm correctly..

local notification “didReceiveLocalNotification” calls twice


localNotif.alertAction NSLocalizedString @ View Details nil localNotif.applicationIconBadgeNumber 1 NSDictionary infoDict NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys @ This is dict you can pass info for your notification @ info nil localNotif.userInfo.. dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys @ This is dict you can pass info for your notification @ info nil localNotif.userInfo infoDict UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification localNotif localNotif release NSLog @ Event scheduled When I receive..

Read version from Info.plist


xcode info.plist share improve this question You can read your Info.plist as a dictionary with NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary And you can easily get the version at the CFBundleVersion key that way. Finally you can get the version with NSDictionary.. you can easily get the version at the CFBundleVersion key that way. Finally you can get the version with NSDictionary infoDict NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary NSString version infoDict objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion share improve this answer..

Why NSMutableDictionary don't want write to file?


want write to file void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad if NSFileManager defaultManager fileExistsAtPath pathString infoDict NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithContentsOfFile pathString else infoDict NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjects NSArray.. defaultManager fileExistsAtPath pathString infoDict NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithContentsOfFile pathString else infoDict NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjects NSArray arrayWithObjects @ BeginFrame @ EndFrame nil forKeys NSArray arrayWithObjects.. @ EndFrame nil forKeys NSArray arrayWithObjects NSNumber numberWithBool YES NSNumber numberWithBool YES nil if infoDict writeToFile pathString atomically YES NSLog @ Created else NSLog @ Is not created NSLog @ Path @ pathString This is..

Creating a Time Based Reminder App in iPhone


pass additional parameters and arguments you can fill an info dictionary and set it as userInfo property NSDictionary infoDict fill it with a reference to an istance of NSDictionary aNotification.userInfo infoDict UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification.. userInfo property NSDictionary infoDict fill it with a reference to an istance of NSDictionary aNotification.userInfo infoDict UIApplication sharedApplication scheduleLocalNotification aNotification aNotification release Also be sure to setup your..

How to write data in plist?


stringByAppendingPathComponent @ Contents Info.plist if manager isWritableFileAtPath plistPath NSMutableDictionary infoDict NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile plistPath infoDict setObject NSNumber numberWithBool hidden forKey @ LSUIElement.. plistPath NSMutableDictionary infoDict NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile plistPath infoDict setObject NSNumber numberWithBool hidden forKey @ LSUIElement infoDict writeToFile plistPath atomically NO manager changeFileAttributes.. dictionaryWithContentsOfFile plistPath infoDict setObject NSNumber numberWithBool hidden forKey @ LSUIElement infoDict writeToFile plistPath atomically NO manager changeFileAttributes NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject NSDate date forKey NSFileModificationDate..