

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: indomains

Core Data: UIManagedDocument or AppDelegate to setup core data stack?


NSURL applicationDocumentsDirectory return NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject @end Any time you need context you can grab it using NSManagedObjectContext context DataAccessLayer..

iPhone: How to copy a file from resources to documents?


there... NSURL applicationDocumentsDirectory return NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject In trying to get a path to documents folder I used the method given above like this... NSString..

How to get URL for application's document directory iPhone


NSURL applicationDocumentsDirectory return NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject EDIT problem solved. Updated post with answer. Returns the URL to the application's Documents..

How to use pList in iOS Programming


NSFileManager alloc init NSURL documentDirectoryURL fileManager URLsForDocumentDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask objectAtIndex 0 Turn the filename into a string safe for use in a URL NSString safeString @ scores.plist..

How to download docx , pdf , image , pptx , or any file from a internet


NSURLConnection connection NSURL docDirectory NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject NSURL filePath docDirectory URLByAppendingPathComponent @ testfile.pptx receivedData writeToURL..

Pre-load core data database in iOS 5 with UIManagedDocument


in a Loader app using this code.. NSURL url NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject url url URLByAppendingPathComponent @ Default Database if NSFileManager defaultManager fileExistsAtPath..

How do I create a global UIManagedDocument instance per document-on-disk shared by my whole application using blocks?


vacation Documents Directory vacationName NSURL url NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject url url URLByAppendingPathComponent vacationName If UIManagedObject was not retrieved create..

Detect if the user has touched the screen


NSURL applicationDocumentsDirectory return NSFileManager defaultManager URLsForDirectory NSDocumentDirectory inDomains NSUserDomainMask lastObject IBAction toggleSettingsView id sender UIView from settingsViewController view isHidden padViewController..