

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: ingredients

CoreData, many-to-many relationships and NSPredicate


You can only have one to many element in a keypath in a predicate. As a Recipe example Many recipes and many ingredients. A recipe can have many ingredients of which salt can be one while salt is used in many recipes. This is a natural many.. element in a keypath in a predicate. As a Recipe example Many recipes and many ingredients. A recipe can have many ingredients of which salt can be one while salt is used in many recipes. This is a natural many to many relationship. What are suggested..

How to store an NSArray in an NSDictionary?


like Spaghetti Fettucine Alfredo Grilled Chicken Salad And the NSDictionary had an NSArray which was simply a list of ingredients. I suppose the equivalent PHP code would be something like 'Spaghetti' array 'Spaghetti Pasta' 'Spaghetti Sauce' 'Meatballs'..

take screen Programmatically of UIview+glview


provider with data. CGDataProviderRef provider CGDataProviderCreateWithData NULL buffer2 myDataLength NULL prep the ingredients int bitsPerComponent 8 int bitsPerPixel 32 int bytesPerRow 4 width CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB..

GLPaint save image


provider with data. CGDataProviderRef provider CGDataProviderCreateWithData NULL buffer2 myDataLength NULL prep the ingredients int bitsPerComponent 8 int bitsPerPixel 32 int bytesPerRow 4 320 CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB..

Save OpenGL Drawn item as a Image


provider with data. CGDataProviderRef provider CGDataProviderCreateWithData NULL buffer2 myDataLength NULL prep the ingredients int bitsPerComponent 8 int bitsPerPixel 32 int bytesPerRow 4 320 CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB..

Saving imageRef from GLPaint creates completely black image


provider with data. CGDataProviderRef provider CGDataProviderCreateWithData NULL buffer2 myDataLength NULL prep the ingredients int bitsPerComponent 8 int bitsPerPixel 32 int bytesPerRow 4 w s CGColorSpaceRef colorSpaceRef CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB..