

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initval

Cannot set NSUserDefaults field


to a button press I check the value using NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults NSString initVal defaults objectForKey @ init_val initVal is always nil. I have checked and init_val is set up exactly the same in my settings.. using NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults NSString initVal defaults objectForKey @ init_val initVal is always nil. I have checked and init_val is set up exactly the same in my settings bundle as another field that I can.. setObject uid forKey @ init_val defaults synchronize For Retrieving Data You Should Use The Following Code NSString initVal NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults valueForKey @ init_val OR NSString initVal NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults objectForKey..