

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initwitharray

GameKit in iPhone SDK 3.0


_session.available YES self cleanupProgressWindow void loadPeerList self.peerList NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray _session peersWithConnectionState GKPeerStateAvailable void session GKSession session peer NSString peerID didChangeState..

how to remove duplicate value in NSMutableArray


code but still getting the duplicate values if scan_networks count 0 NSArray uniqueNetwork NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray NSSet setWithArray scan_networks allObjects scan_networks removeAllObjects NSSortDescriptor networkName NSSortDescriptor..

How do i stop NSXMLParser?


setDelegate parserdelegate BOOL success xmlParser parse if success NSLog @ No Errors links NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray links titles NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray titles dates NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray dates descriptions NSMutableArray.. parse if success NSLog @ No Errors links NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray links titles NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray titles dates NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray dates descriptions NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray descriptions loading.. NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray links titles NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray titles dates NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray dates descriptions NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray descriptions loading FALSE theTableView reloadData else NSLog @ Error..

populate UITableView from json


dictionary responseString JSONValue NSArray response dictionary objectForKey @ response exercises NSArray alloc initWithArray response iphone objective c ipad share improve this question You need to tell your table view to reload. Try adding..

Data Formatters temporarily unavailable, will re-try after a 'continue'


if fullContact phoneArray count 0 rv addObject fullContact NSLog @ ContactsWithPN end loop NSArray ret NSArray alloc initWithArray rv return ret In the View Controller that calls the said class method I added the following code to see if memory warnings..

NSMutableArray memory management


arrayWithArray etc. return autoreleased objects. However their corresponding init methods init initWithObjects initWithArray etc. do not if you call them you are responsible for calling release on the returned object. I seem to recall a few other..

Setting up a plist to store application data (not settings) for an iPhone game


if self super init self.levelNum levelNum self.levelSpeed levelSpeed self.levelSequence NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray levelSequence autorelease return self void dealloc _levelSequence release _levelSequence nil super dealloc @end I'm just..

iPhone - Writing NSMutableDictionary to file


NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithContentsOfFile self.favSaveFilePath favoriteJokes NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray self.favoriteJokesDictionary objectForKey @ FavoriteJokes return I'm adding new dictionary to array as below BOOL addJokeToFavorite..

Get all folders of URL


@ linktoserver NSFileManager fileManager NSFileManager defaultManager NSError error nil self.contentList NSArray alloc initWithArray fileManager contentsOfDirectoryAtURL directory includingPropertiesForKeys NSArray alloc initWithObjects NSURLNameKey nil..

USB-Programming on iPhone


registerForLocalNotifications Then you should find the attached accessories _accessoryList NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray EAAccessoryManager sharedAccessoryManager connectedAccessories Then check this is the correct accessory you are looking..

How to write to plist successfully?


myDictionary allValues creates and array to store only the event details NSMutableArray data NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray allmyData data addObject NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithObjectsAndKeys tfAddress.text @ Address tvEvents.text @ Events..

UiLocalNotifications Based on Id's


code in the time set local notification u set the id in user info. NSMutableArray SheduleArray NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray UIApplication sharedApplication scheduledLocalNotifications for int s 0 s SheduleArray count s UILocalNotification Not SheduleArray..

Storing messages using XMPPFramework for ios?


NSError error NSArray messages moc executeFetchRequest request error error self print NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray messages void print NSMutableArray messages @autoreleasepool for XMPPMessageArchiving_Message_CoreDataObject message in..

How to Save NSMutableArray into plist in iphone


iphone I am new in iphone i want to save NSMutableArray data into plist file my Code is NSArray array NSArray alloc initWithArray self.artistDetailsArray self.artistDetailsArray writeToFile self.path atomically YES but it shows 0 element in my plist.. NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithDictionary dict dict release self.artistDetailsArray NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray self.ResumedataDictionary objectForKey @ artistDetailsDict To get stored value from NSUserDefault NSUserDefaults fetchData.. objectForKey @ artistDetailsDict void saveDataToLocalStorage To store value into .plist NSArray array NSArray alloc initWithArray self.artistDetailsArray ResumedataDictionary setObject array forKey @ artistDetailsDict ResumedataDictionary writeToFile..

Json Passing in iphone


@ BrandName cipd rnameary objectAtIndex i objectForKey @ Dose tempary addObject rs result NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray tempary temptab reloadData using this i get Data from WebServies Data like ActiveCrNo BPL 0 BloodGroupIDF 1 CRNumber 0000187..