

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initialize

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


to set the AVAudioRecorder settings read carefully the audio types documentation otherwise you will never be able to initialize it correctly. One more thing. In the code I am not showing how to handle metering data but you can figure it out easily...

Get the password from the webservices url and access through that password


all the properties like HTTP method http header field with length of the post string. Create URLRequest object and initialize it. NSMutableURLRequest request NSMutableURLRequest alloc init autorelease Set the Url for which your going to send the.. with the URLRequest. NSURLConnection conn NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request delegate self It returns the initialized url connection and begins to load the data for the url request. You can check that whether you URL connection is done properly..



crucial registration step where I tell Xcode that my Person entity should be accessible.. Also I didn't have a way to initialize the managedObjectContext at all the Location example doesn't seem to do that either. objective c iphone core data share..

Upload live streaming video from iPhone like Ustream or Qik


AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture session AVCaptureSession captureSession AVCaptureSession alloc init autorelease captureSession addInput inputDevice..

iPhone: How to Pass Data Between Several Viewcontrollers in a Tabbar App


a tabbar application with 4 tabs. I want to pass a object variable from the first tab controller to the third one and initialize this controller with the corresponding object. I've already done some research. The best way corresponding to a clean model..

NSMutableArray addObject: -[__NSArrayI addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance


addObject __NSArrayI addObject unrecognized selector sent to instance I have tried to initialize my NSMutableArray 100 ways from Sunday and NOTHING is working for me. I tried setting it equal to a newly allocated and.. NSMutableArray 100 ways from Sunday and NOTHING is working for me. I tried setting it equal to a newly allocated and initialized NSMutableArray just allocating initializing the variable by itself every combination I could think of and always the same..

How to add a push pin to a MKMapView(IOS) when touching?


pushpin share improve this question You can use a UILongPressGestureRecognizer for this. Wherever you create or initialize the mapview first attach the recognizer to it UILongPressGestureRecognizer lpgr UILongPressGestureRecognizer alloc initWithTarget..

Customizing the More menu on a Tab bar


its content before returning it. Using the code below after having displayed once the moreNavigationController to initialize it you'll see that when you return to the moreNavigationController the cells are red but return immediately to white background...

iPhone - Backgrounding to poll for events


app UIApplication sharedApplication it's better to move dispatch_block_t expirationHandler into your headerfile and initialize the code somewhere else i.e. void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application expirationHandler ^ ... because.. void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application expirationHandler ^ ... because your app may crash if you initialize expirationHandler twice. dispatch_block_t expirationHandler expirationHandler ^ app endBackgroundTask bgTask bgTask UIBackgroundTaskInvalid..

Uploading live streaming video from iPhone [duplicate]


AVCaptureVideoDataOutput alloc init outputDevice setSampleBufferDelegate self queue dispatch_get_main_queue initialize capture session AVCaptureSession captureSession AVCaptureSession alloc init autorelease captureSession addInput inputDevice..

Can somebody explain the process of a UIViewController birth (which method follows which)?


viewController object At its most basic a viewController is a generic controller object. When it is first allocated an initialized it has no view object associated with it. The view is only instantiated when and if it is required. So without considering.. the same as any other object UIViewController myVC UIViewController alloc initWith... ... myVC release The designated initializer for viewControllers is initWithNibname bundle . If you specify a nib the viewController can automagically load its view.. when the view method is called for the first time and can happen at any time in your program depending on how you initialize your UI. The view may also be destroyed and reloaded several times during the lifetime of your program agan depending on..

What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


application. You won't have any issues with concurrency if you do your swizzling here. If you were to swizzle in void initialize however you could end up with a race condition in your swizzling implementation and the runtime could end up in a weird..

iPhone Facebook Video Upload


nor the version of the SDK it came with . The request no longer gets an error however nothing is being uploaded. I initialize the facebook object and the upload object _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppID _permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects..

AES interoperability between .Net and iPhone?


Convert decimal to fraction in Objective-C?


realNumber long maxDenominator double atof int atoi void exit long m 2 2 double startx long ai startx realNumber initialize matrix m 0 0 m 1 1 1 m 0 1 m 1 0 0 loop finding terms until denom gets too big while m 1 0 ai long realNumber m 1 1 maxDenominator..

Why am I having to manually set my view's frame in viewDidLoad?


manually the recommended place to do so is in loadView. Since you construct the view yourself in this method you can initialize its frame to whatever you'd like. The size you choose doesn't matter much since UIKit is likely to change it on you anyway...

How to log all methods used in iOS app


getCString maxLength encoding UIApplication class SLSMoleculeAppDelegate isSubclassOfClass SLSMoleculeAppDelegate initialize If you're wondering where I pulled the memory addresses read this Phrack article on the Objective C runtime internals. The..

Customize the MKAnnotationView callout


can create more and set them here and a dictionary of random values with the title photo url etc. Use this class to initialize a MKAnnotation Annotation object. #import MapKit MapKit.h @interface Content NSObject @property nonatomic assign CLLocationCoordinate2D.. annotation CalloutAnnotation is added which follows the same behaviour but this time the view returned CalloutView is initialized from a XIB and contains Core Graphics code in BaseCalloutView to animate and replicate a callout. The initializer of the.. is initialized from a XIB and contains Core Graphics code in BaseCalloutView to animate and replicate a callout. The initializer of the CalloutView class id initWithAnnotation CalloutAnnotation annotation NSString identifier NSStringFromClass self..

Hide UITabBar?


Common multithreading mistakes beginners make on iPhone


sender Try to disable the UI to prevent user from launching duplicate threads self.view setUserInteractionEnabled NO Initialize indicator delcared in .h myIndicator UIActivityIndicatorView alloc initWithFrame CGRectMake 155 230 20 20 myIndicator.activityIndicatorViewStyle..

Get the password from the webservices url and access through that password


Set the HTTPBody of the urlrequest with postData. request setHTTPBody postData 4. Now create URLConnection object. Initialize it with the URLRequest. NSURLConnection conn NSURLConnection alloc initWithRequest request delegate self It returns the..

how to increase the label and cell size on clicking on a button on a cell


15.0f constrainedToSize constrainSize lineBreakMode NSLineBreakByCharWrapping return MAX labelSize.height 75 100.0f Initialize custom Show more TableViewCell UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath..

Listing All Folder content from Google Drive


yyyy hh mm ss NSString fileName df stringFromDate NSDate date fileName fileName stringByAppendingPathExtension @ png Initialize newFile like this GTLDriveFile newFile GTLDriveFile alloc init newFile.mimeType mimeType newFile.originalFilename fileName..

Integrating iPhone Application with Shibboleth


activities. @implementation ApplicationDelegate void applicationDidFinishLaunching UIApplication application Initialize the console. consoleViewController ConsoleViewController alloc init window UIWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen..

How to initiate UIProgressView to a certain value?


UIImagePickerController in Landscape


illegal but it worked for me. If you want the UIImagePickerController to start and stay in Landscape orientation code Initialize picker UIImagePickerController picker UIImagePickerController alloc init picker.delegate self set Device to Landscape. This..

When should I initialize a view controller using initWithNibName?


Further initialization if needed return self id initWithNibName NSString nibName bundle NSBundle bundle NSAssert NO @ Initialize with init return nil This moves the key implementation details back into the object and prevents callers from accidentally..

Blank black screen when running my iPad App


mainBundle pathForResource @ MainMenuOptions ofType @ plist retain viewDidLoad from DetailView.m void viewDidLoad Initialize the preset things. NSLog @ Detail This self @ self eleDetailToolbar.barStyle UIBarStyleBlack eleWebView.opaque NO eleWebView.backgroundColor..

How do you make an iPhone beep?


@ TNG_Theme ofType @ mp3 Convert the file path to a URL. NSURL fileURL NSURL alloc initFileURLWithPath filePath Initialize the AVAudioPlayer. self.audioPlayer AVAudioPlayer alloc initWithContentsOfURL fileURL error nil Preloads the buffer and..

iPhone TableView Search XML


on this @implementation RootViewController @synthesize listOfItems copyListOfItems void viewDidLoad super viewDidLoad Initialize the array. NSString filePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ plistArray ofType @ plist NSMutableArray tmpArray NSMutableArray.. tmpArray NSMutableArray alloc initWithContentsOfFile filePath self.listOfItems tmpArray tmpArray release Initialize the copy array. copyListOfItems NSMutableArray alloc init Set the title self.navigationItem.title @ Search Add the search..

How to add a UIToolbar to a UITableViewController programmatically?


following example and I am not sure on its validity void viewWillAppear BOOL animated super viewWillAppear animated Initialize the toolbar toolbar UIToolbar alloc init toolbar.barStyle UIBarStyleDefault Set the toolbar to fit the width of the app...

iOS Pinch Scale and Two Finger Rotate at same time


Here's an approach. Give yourself one new instance variable _activeRecognizers NSMutableSet _activeRecognizers Initialize it in viewDidLoad _activeRecognizers NSMutableSet set Use one method as the action for both recognizers IBAction handleGesture..

How to remove parsing and NSPlaceholderMutableString frame Leaks in iPhone [closed]


attributes NSDictionary attributeDict currentElementValue elementName copy if elementName isEqualToString @ markers Initialize the array. appDelegate.markers NSMutableArray alloc init else if elementName isEqualToString @ marker Initialize the book... Initialize the array. appDelegate.markers NSMutableArray alloc init else if elementName isEqualToString @ marker Initialize the book. aMarker marker alloc init tempaMarkerDict nil tempaMarkerDict NSMutableDictionary alloc init aMarker.name NSMutableString.. attributes NSDictionary attributeDict currentElementValue elementName copy if elementName isEqualToString @ markers Initialize the array. appDelegate.markers NSMutableArray alloc init 2.7 leak found else if elementName isEqualToString @ marker Initialize..

how to play local video file?


thePath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ yourVideo ofType @ MOV NSURL theurl NSURL fileURLWithPath thePath 4. Initialize the moviePlayer with your path. self.moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL theurl self.moviePlayer.view..