

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inherit

Adding a combo box or drop-down list to UIView


not find such an object in the Library of the interface builder. How do I add this object to my UIVIEW Do I have to inherit it from another object which one or do I have to create it from scratch programmatically Please help iphone combobox uiview..

What's the trick to pass an event to the next responder in the responder chain?


touches withEvent event else self handleDoubleTap touch I have a View Controller. Like you know View Controllers inherit from UIResponder. That View Controller creates a MyView object that inherits from UIView and adds it as a subview to it's.. Controller. Like you know View Controllers inherit from UIResponder. That View Controller creates a MyView object that inherits from UIView and adds it as a subview to it's own view. So we have View Controller has a View automatically has a MyView..

Dynamically setting layout on UICollectionView causes inexplicable contentOffset change


collection view to be at least the length of it's containing view. edit Manicaesar added an easy workaround if you inherit from UICollectionViewFlowLayout CGSize collectionViewContentSize Workaround CGSize superSize super collectionViewContentSize..

iPhone SDK: Non-transparent subviews in transparent view


as the user needs to be able to see what is behind it. The problem is that when I add uibuttons to the subview they inherit the alpha from the subview I want the buttons to be non transparent and have an alpha of 1.0 . I've tried to tackle this..

self.title sets navigationController and tabBarItem's title? Why?


improve this question OK I figured it out Here's what I am doing self.title @ Title for TabBarItem TabBarItem.title inherits the viewController's self.title self.navigationItem.title @ Title for NavigationBar the navigationBar would inherit self.title..

Can I force a UITableView to hide the separator between empty cells?


If not I'll have to load a custom background with a separator drawn in for each cell which will make it harder to inherit behavior. I found a somewhat similar question here but I can't use a grouped table view in my implementation. iphone objective..

When to use a UIView vs. a UIViewController on the iPhone?


How to display scrollbar in UITableView


and they will flash to show the user that they are there. This is usually put in viewDidAppear. If you inherit from UITableViewController then you will have a self.tableView instance variable if not then substitute another UITableView...

Is it possible to determine whether ViewController is presented as Modal?


to use other UIKit controllers as UITableViewController for example in a base controller that my other controllers inherit of BOOL isModal BOOL isModal self.parentViewController self.parentViewController.modalViewController self or if I have..

Figure out UIBarButtonItem frame in window?


is to sort the buttons array in increasing .origin.x value. Of course this still assumes the bar button item must inherit the UIControl class and are direct subviews of the toolbar nav bar which again may not be. As you can see there are a lot..

Using a UISegmentedControl in the footer of UIPopoverController


self setToolbarItems theToolbarItems ctrl release item release EDIT Now i got it just do not set the tintColor it will inherit the correct color whatever it is . The screenshot below now looks exactly like the one in the Google Maps App share improve..

How to detect touches in status bar


in status bar I have custom view in my application which can be scrolled by the user. This view however does not inherit from UIScrollView. Now I want the user to be able to scroll this view to the top just as any other scrollable view allows...

ViewController not responding to didRotateFromInterfaceOrientation


My Custom Code... Am I doing something wrong here iphone objective c share improve this question If you can't inherit from UIViewController which is unfortunate you can use this UIDevice currentDevice beginGeneratingDeviceOrientationNotifications..

Category-like extension for instance variables


and I want to keep its name after extending it with new methods AND ivars from other cllass ClassB . Of course I can inherit ClassA but resulting class will have different name. For methods addition it's not a problem category would be a good solution...

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


html links an action sheet shows up. But not for the img tags. I've tried things like putting img webkit touch callout inherit in css which didn't work. On the other hand when I double tap and hold on the images a copy balloon shows up. So the question..

Can Objective-C protocols and categories be inherited?


Objective C protocols and categories be inherited I am little confused about some concepts around Objective C protocols and categories. Can protocols and categories be.. I am little confused about some concepts around Objective C protocols and categories. Can protocols and categories be inherited by subclasses in Objective C iphone objective c ios protocols objective c category share improve this question Categories.. declared that it conforms to a protocol its as if the methods are declared in that class's interface and the rules of inheritance are exactly the same subclasses inherit the declaration and implementation of the protocol methods but may also choose..

scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag


tr th td margin 0 padding 0 border 0 font weight normal font style normal font size 100 line height 1 font family inherit vertical align top style head body img src http www.dmacktyres.com img head_car_tyres.jpg body html What am I doing wrong..

How can I programmatically link an UIView or UIImageView with an event like “touch up inside”?


addTarget ... what do I have to do so that it works with an UIImageView. I see in the docs that UIImageView does not inherit from UIControl but addTarget is part of UIControl. UPDATE I ended up creating an UIButton after creating the UIImageView...