

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithappid

Uploading UImage to facebook


and its working fine. I am unable to find whats going wrong with my code. void shareOnFacebook facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ MYAPPID andDelegate id self NSArray neededPermissions NSArray alloc initWithObjects @ offline_access @ user_about_me @..

what to change in this code If I want to post videos in Facebook in iPhone?


iPhone / iOS Facebook SDK - can you log in within the app, and keep the login credentials?


@ ExpirationDate NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults synchronize To check for login stuff _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ app_id retain _facebook.accessToken NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults stringForKey @ AccessToken _facebook.expirationDate..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


i'm calling the following method void chatFacebook if appDelegate.facebook nil appDelegate.facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId _APP_ID autorelease if accessToken appDelegate.facebook authorize XMPPStreamFacebook permissions delegate self appAuth NO..

iPhone Facebook Video Upload


my iPhone App. I can connect to facebook and have uploaded pictures without a problem using _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppID _permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ publish_stream @ offline_access nil retain _facebook authorize _permissions.. however nothing is being uploaded. I initialize the facebook object and the upload object _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppID _permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ publish_stream @ offline_access nil _facebook authorize _permissions delegate..

How to publish from iOS application to facebook wall without user amending message


code which publishes to wall but with amendable textbox offer to facebook connect your score facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ 210645928948875 facebook authorize nil delegate self NSMutableString facebookMessage NSMutableString stringWithString..

Implementing Facebook into Xcode Project


application UIApplication application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions NSDictionary launchOptions facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ YOUR_APP_ID facebook authorize permissions delegate self Also put in this file the other method. BOOL application UIApplication..

facebookErrDomain error 10000 when calling graph api Facebook ios


any further. In my appdelegate i've placed the following code within the didFinishLaunching facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ cut app id out NSArray permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ email @ user_location @ user_events @ user_checkins @..

Does the Facebook iOS SDK require the user to authenticate every time they use the app?


building it into the SDK yourself the easiest way is as such Each time you allocate _facebook _facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ SuperDuperAppID NSUserDefaults prefs NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults NSString accessToken prefs stringForKey @ facebook..

fbDidLogin not called - iOS


In the FBFetcher.m @implementation FBFetcher @synthesize facebookFetcher facebook void login facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ .... NSArray permissions NSArray arrayWithObjects @ offline_access @ user_about_me nil retain facebook authorize permissions..

Facebook FQL multiquery in iOS SDK


result NSLog @ didLoad received result @ result The facebook object is created like Facebook facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppID More info on how to set this up can be found here https developers.facebook.com docs guides mobile And depending..

Facebook iOS Authorise and Post Without Dialog?


defaults synchronize And then when you initialize facebook you would do the following facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId kAppId NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults facebook.accessToken defaults objectForKey ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY..

Problems with fbDidLogin never called iOS


to ask permission the first time and receive the access token from the user defaults facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ APPID NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults if defaults objectForKey @ FBAccessTokenKey defaults..

Facebook API dialog page showing error in second time and after that


developers.facebook.com docs mobile ios build Here it is my code. void buttonPressed id sender facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ YOUR_APP_ID andDelegate self NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults if defaults objectForKey @ FBAccessTokenKey..

Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch


forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.viewController.view addSubview logoutButton facebook Facebook alloc initWithAppId @ id andDelegate self NSUserDefaults defaults NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults if defaults objectForKey @ FBAccessTokenKey..