

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initially

How to stop UITextView from scrolling up when entering it


up when entering it I have a UITextView included in a UITableViewCell . The layout is correct when the views are initially displayed but once I click in the UITextView it automatically scrolls up a bit and the top half of the characters on the..

Transition an existing paid for app to free version with In App Purchase


development moves forward in lieu of angering our existing customers by forcing them to purchase again I'm aware that initially there prolly won't be many authoritative answers to this question as Apple has only today started allowing support for In..

OAuth secrets in mobile apps


that you put the secret into a string right in your app . Another thing I don't believe the secret is involved in initially requesting the Access Token so that could be done without involving our own server. Am I correct iphone android security..

Landscape Mode ONLY for iPhone or iPad


an application that runs in both portrait and landscape modes your application should always launch in portrait mode initially and then let its view controllers rotate the interface as needed based on the device ™s orientation. If your application.. runs in landscape mode only however you must perform the following steps to make it launch in a landscape orientation initially. In your application ™s Info.plist file add the UIInterfaceOrientation key and set its value to the landscape mode. For landscape..

Accordion table cell - How to dynamically expand/contract uitableviewcell?


when the user selects the cell it expands to display a detailed info view inline similar to how the digg app works. I initially tried replacing the current tablecell with a customcell in cellForRowAtIndex however the animation looks a bit choppy as..

Restrict MKMapView scrolling


of how this could be done. Code below should be in the class that has the MKMapView . Make sure the map view is initially set to a region where the overlay is visible. add two ivars to the .h... MKMapRect lastGoodMapRect BOOL manuallyChangingMapRect..

iOS SDK - Programmatically generate a PDF file


as a replacement for CoreGraphics PDF generation. It was a little tricky getting libHaru to build with my project initially but once I got my project setup properly it worked fine for my needs. Second depending on the format layout of your PDF..

How can I improve the performance of my custom OpenGL ES 2.0 depth texture generation?


iPhone call log / history


non jail broken iPhone FMDB is giving an error DB Error 23 authorization denied So this file must be sandboxed as I initially expected I searched high and low again but can't seem to find anything that will do... but these guyse seem to get away..

How to draw a transparent stroke (or anyway clear part of an image) on the iPhone


I want to give him the ability to use a rubber tool to delete some part of the image drawn so far with the finger. I initially did this by using a white color for the stroke set with the CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor function but it didn't work out...because..

UIScrollView with centered UIImageView, like Photos app


view with an image content view. The image is actually map which is much bigger than the screen. The map should be initially in the center of the scroll view like photos in Photos app when you turn iPhone to landscape orientation. I did not manage..

Re-sign IPA (iPhone)


in the resulting ipa file and it seems to be very similar to the original app. What files should really change here I initially thought the the _CodeSignature CodeResources would change but the content looks pretty much exactly the same. Pointers are..

Where would you place your SQLite database file in an iPhone app?


would you place your SQLite database file in an iPhone app When I initially create an SQLite database file with pre inserted datasets for my application I would have to place this file somewhere in..

iMessage Style Receding Keyboard in an iOS App


good starting point. Add the following ivars to your UIViewController CGRect keyboardSuperFrame frame of keyboard when initially displayed UIView keyboardSuperView reference to keyboard view Add an inputAccessoryView to your text controller. I created..

Detecting Color of iPhone/iPad/iPod touch?


think it's worth much because what if the end user uses a skin or an additional casing for his iPhone I'd suggest to initially ask the user Hey what's the color of your phone and then do accordingly. Additionally a research provided me with this information..

Photos app-like gap between pages in UIScrollView with pagingEnabled


to try moving the page content from inside scrollViewDidScroll callback so that assuming you're scrolling to the right initially the target page is slightly offset to the right of its page boundaries and by the time you arrive at the target page it's..

Setting a background image for a tabbar


setSelected true Set this button as selected we will select the others to false as we only want Tab 1 to be selected initially Now we repeat the process for the other buttons btnImage UIImage imageNamed @ info.png btnImageSelected UIImage imageNamed..

Is there a way to simulate multiple iphones using xcode/iphone sim?


Internal clock in iPhone background mode


will always be able to call mach_absolute_time whenever you want calculate the difference from the one you recorded initially and display the correct date. This will only work as long as the device wasn't shut down in that case it makes sense for..

Cannot find protocol declaration for


Some methods @end viewController2.h #import viewController1.h @interface viewController2 viewController1Delegate @end Initially I had the import line in viewController1 above that of the protocol declaration. This was preventing the project from building..

How to add a contact to the iPhone's Address Book from a Web Page?


what IF I could attach a VCARD file to a VCALENDAR file First obstacle is getting an attachment on a calendar event... Initially I tried adding an attachment to an Outlook calendar appointment in Windows which whilst possible did not download correctly..

iPhone: how to get safari to recognize a vcard?


what IF I could attach a VCARD file to a VCALENDAR file First obstacle is getting an attachment on a calendar event... Initially I tried adding an attachment to an Outlook calendar appointment in Windows which whilst possible did not download correctly..

What tool or technology does Apple use to create its documentation?


documentation was like and from what I could tell getting it to generate what I really wanted just wasn't practical. Initially HeaderDoc looked promising. In fact several of the frameworks header files include HeaderDoc markup for example System Library..

How can I get a custom sound to play with an Apple Push Notification?


appears in the resulting .app as confirmed by 'view package contents' in Finder . The sound file plays fine on my Mac. Initially I tried .caf .m4r and .wav files but none would play. I have also tried using one of the .caf files from an Urban Airship..

iPhone app without using Interface Builder


Mac development where I use Interface Builder almost every day to iPhone from when the first beta SDKs were released. Initially there was no Interface Builder and even when it came you couldn't do a lot of things with it so I never took the time to..

Navigation bar show/hide


bar consisting of 2 bar buttons. I would like to hide and show this navigation bar when a user double taps the screen. Initially the navigation bar should be hidden. When a user double taps the screen the navigation bar should come up with an animation..

iPhone Unit Testing


unit testing for iPhone iphone unit testing share improve this question I have a series on iPhone Unit Testing . Initially I explored OCUnit Xcode Google Toolbox for Mac GTM and GHUnit. Testing wise I prefer the Xcode built in unit tests OCUnit..

Determine iPhone user's country


web service if possible are there any other suggestions for determining country from what location services provides Initially I only need to check whether the user is inside the US or not but this may change in the future to add more countries. I..

Using html5 video events on the iPhone, how do I tell “Done” button click from a simple pause?


player. I wanted to check when the video had ended and when the user had dismissed the video with the Done button. Initially I tried this var video #someVideo .get 0 video.addEventListener 'ended' myFunction But that only fired when the video was..

Properly displaying and dismissing fullscreen MPMoviePlayerController in iOS 3.2 (iPad)


then allowing the user to dismiss it with either the Done button or the un fullscreen button on the player controls. Initially I was using MPMoviePlayerViewController for the movie presentation but I wasn't receiving the enter exit fullscreen notifications..

Practical efficient usage of IBOutletColletion


data. However when the view first loads I wanted to control the default text that displayed in all the labels. Initially i wanted a dash to display but since this is for a client I wanted it to be easy to change. The view contents have and continue..

Request a DepthBuffer in OpenGL ES for iPhone


subclass is EAGLView. There's a method in there createFramebuffer that is responsible for creating the frame buffer. Initially it'll say void createFramebuffer if context defaultFramebuffer EAGLContext setCurrentContext context Create default framebuffer..

iPhone: UIImageView Fades in - Howto?


1 imageView.Alpha 1 UIView.CommitAnimations iphone ios ipad uiimageview monotouch share improve this question Initially set the alpha of your imageview as 0 as imageView.alpha 0 void fadeInImage UIView beginAnimations @ fade in context nil..

How to restore Auto Renewable Transaction in iPhone? (In App purchase)


for Auto Renewables in Sandbox is 5 minutes. So transcation identifier will keep on changing after each 5 minutes. Initially i will a buy the product. If I am successfull i will get SKPaymentTransaction object it contains all details about transcation..

How to show and edit existing PDF files in ios application


of this class in the app delegate file as it will retain the object until the app terminates as was my requirement . Initially I am calling beginContextWithFile and it will create a pdf file in the document directory along with data I am adding through..

Facebook iOS SDK - Strange Effects in Writing to Status


this question I also experienced the first issue but solved it by making sure authentication wasn't triggered twice. Initially I had done the following _facebook authorize permissions _facebook dialog @ feed andParams params andDelegate self Not sure..