

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: infodictionary

Getting an iPhone app's product name at runtime?


How to display the current project version of my App to the user?


xcode share improve this question After further searching and testing I found the solution myself. NSDictionary infoDictionary NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary NSLog @ i Keys infoDictionary count infoDictionary allKeys componentsJoinedByString.. After further searching and testing I found the solution myself. NSDictionary infoDictionary NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary NSLog @ i Keys infoDictionary count infoDictionary allKeys componentsJoinedByString @ This snipplet gave me the following.. and testing I found the solution myself. NSDictionary infoDictionary NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary NSLog @ i Keys infoDictionary count infoDictionary allKeys componentsJoinedByString @ This snipplet gave me the following output 20 Keys NSBundleResolvedPath..

Read version from Info.plist


xcode info.plist share improve this question You can read your Info.plist as a dictionary with NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary And you can easily get the version at the CFBundleVersion key that way. Finally you can get the version with NSDictionary..

How do I rotate custom splash screen on iOS?


label self.versionNumberLabel_iPadSplashScreen.text NSString stringWithFormat @ Version @ NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion aView addSubview self.versionNumberLabel_iPadSplashScreen return aView autorelease share..

How can my iphone app detect its own version number?


revision number using something similar to the following NSString stringWithFormat @ Version @ @ NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion kRevisionNumber which will create a string of the format Version 1.0 51 . share improve..

Is iOS developer able to view file system?


NSCachesDirectory NSUserDomainMask YES if myPathList count NSString bundleName NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleIdentifier path myPathList objectAtIndex 0 stringByAppendingPathComponent bundleName return path..

-[CALayer release]: message sent to deallocated instance


version.shadowOffset CGSizeMake 0 1 version.text NSString stringWithFormat @ Version v @ @ NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion kRevisionNumber version.textAlignment UITextAlignmentCenter version.textColor UIColor colorWithWhite..

How to send the device token and app version to server


Get Bundle Info for Remote Registration handy if you have more than one app NSString appVersion NSBundle mainBundle infoDictionary objectForKey @ CFBundleVersion Prepare the Device Token for Registration remove spaces and NSString deviceToken devToken..

Reducing piracy of iPhone applications


Signing The last one is easiest to check with this code NSBundle bundle NSBundle mainBundle NSDictionary info bundle infoDictionary if info objectForKey @ SignerIdentity nil do something Generally we don't have SignerIdentity in any of the App Store applications..

Get fileSize of info.plist to prevent piracy


I do that I tried the following but it logs 0. NSBundle bundle NSBundle mainBundle NSDictionary mainDictionary bundle infoDictionary NSLog @ d mainDictionary fileSize iphone piracy protection share improve this question You might prevent the noobish..