

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initializer

iOS - Passing variable to view controller


self presentModalViewController vc animated YES vc release However this didn't work. So I tried creating a convenience initializer. SetTeamsViewController vc SetTeamsViewController alloc initWithTeamCount self.teamCount And then in the SetTeamsViewController.. the label. Any help would be greatly appreciated. EDIT I've just tried setting an instance variable in my designated initializer and then setting the label in viewDidLoad and that works Is this the best way to do this Also when dismissing this modal..

Delayed UIImageView Rendering in UITableView


currentRunLoop forMode NSRunLoopCommonModes connection start Note that you have to specify startImmediately NO in the initializer which seems to run counter to Apple's documentation that suggests you can change run loop modes even after it has started...

Using Cocoa Touch Tutorial: Extract Address Book Address Values on iPhone OS


YES return Yes If they didn't pick an address return YES here to keep going. return YES The designated initializer. Override if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is not appropriate for viewDidLoad...

When should I initialize a view controller using initWithNibName?


objective c uiviewcontroller initialization share improve this question initWithNibName bundle is the designated initializer for UIViewController. Something should eventually call it. That said and despite Apple's examples which favor brevity over..

SEL performSelector and arguments


set by NSInvocation inv invoke On a side note your method looks like an init method but does not follow the correct initializer pattern for Objective C. You need to call the super classes initializer and you need to test for a nil result from that.. an init method but does not follow the correct initializer pattern for Objective C. You need to call the super classes initializer and you need to test for a nil result from that call and you must return self from the initializer method. In all cases.. the super classes initializer and you need to test for a nil result from that call and you must return self from the initializer method. In all cases your Objective C initializer methods should look like id myInitMethod self super init if self nil perform..

NSDateFormatter's init method is deprecated?


Dismiss popover using UIbutton


#import MyPopoverViewController.h @implementation MyPopoverViewController @synthesize delegate The designated initializer. Override if you create the controller programmatically and want to perform customization that is not appropriate for viewDidLoad...

How to customize the background/border colors of a grouped table view cell?


backgroundColor property that makes this really easy especially in combination with the UIColor colorWithPatternImage initializer . But I'll leave the 2.0 version of the answer here for anyone that needs it p It's harder than it really should be. Here's..

how to create custom tableViewCell from xib


test return cell iphone uitableviewcell custom controls share improve this question Do not use UITableViewCell's initializer but make the cell load from your nib UITableViewCell tableView UITableView tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath..

What is the use of -[NSUserDefaults registerDefaults:]?


application with some already predefined values for these keys. A typical place to put the registerDefaults is in the initializer method in the appDelegate. Then somewhere in your program you may want to set the values of these fields then you use the..

Can somebody explain the process of a UIViewController birth (which method follows which)?


the same as any other object UIViewController myVC UIViewController alloc initWith... ... myVC release The designated initializer for viewControllers is initWithNibname bundle . If you specify a nib the viewController can automagically load its view..

What are the key concepts for an iPhone Developer to learn? [closed]


iPhone isn't an iPad and an iPhone at the same time now is it In the iOS SDK singleton classes often have a special initializer. Instead of the usual Class alloc init singletons often use SingletonClass sharedInstance . shared Instance since the instance..

MPMoviePlayer done button issue


as that notification gets sent once the user taps on the DONE Button. Somewhere in your initializer NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreen name MPMoviePlayerDidExitFullscreenNotification..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


share improve this question Instead of subclassing you could create an NSDateFormatter category with an additional initializer that takes care of assigning the locale and possibly also a format string so you'd have a ready to use formatter right after..

Customize the MKAnnotationView callout


is initialized from a XIB and contains Core Graphics code in BaseCalloutView to animate and replicate a callout. The initializer of the CalloutView class id initWithAnnotation CalloutAnnotation annotation NSString identifier NSStringFromClass self class..