

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inefficient

SDWebImage process images before caching


are all kind of sizes they can be big small etc.. So I can resize them when I display them in the cell but this is inefficient. It's way better to resize them after SDWebImage have download them and cache them resized instead of storing large images..

Detect touches only on non-transparent pixels of UIImageView, efficiently


area of the image. Ideas Override hitTest withEvent or pointInside withEvent although this approach might be terribly inefficient as these methods get called many times during a touch event. Checking if a single pixel is transparent might create unexpected..

How can I maintain display order in UITableView using Core Data?


sorted on displayOrder to return the data for my UITableView. Everything but reordering is being respected. Here is my inefficient moveRowAtIndePath method void tableView UITableView tableView moveRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath fromIndexPath toIndexPath NSIndexPath..

How to optimize Core Data query for full text search


I worry that an automatically generated database will be bloated with metadata unnecessary inverse relationships inefficient attribute datatypes etc. Should I dive in or proceed with caution iphone sql cocoa cocoa touch core data share improve..

Can I show/hide a certain cell in an UITableView depending on the state of another cell?


deleteSections withRowAnimation to adjust things accordingly you can start with tableView reloadData but it's inefficient . I realize that the API can be a bit daunting but take the time to read through it and understand what the various calls..

How to change an UILabel/UIFont's letter spacing?


notice I draw the text twice first with clear color. This is to auto center the text in the label. Whilst this may be inefficient isn't it nice to be auto centered Enjoy @interface RALabel UILabel @end @implementation RALabel void drawRect CGRect rect..

UIImageJPEGRepresentation - memory release issue


How to get a Phone Number from an Address Book Contact (iphone sdk)


to also get the contacts name even though the property selected is not a person's name. Also what I'm doing seems very inefficient. Are there any better ways to do this Edit If I can't store them as an int a string would be fine. I just can't figure out..

Detecting a Lightweight Core Data Migration


it with some data. Of course I could check if the entity is empty every time the application starts but this seems inefficient when Core Data has a migration framework. Is it possible to detect when a lightweight migration occurs possibly using KVO..

NSThread vs. NSOperationQueue vs. ??? on the iPhone


the remaining operations. With NSThread creating 100 threads to cache 100 images is probably overkill and somewhat inefficient. You may want to cancel the cacheImage operation. Implementing cancellation is easier with NSOperationQueue most the work..

How to find a pixel-positon of a cursor in UITextView?


x f y f n cursor.x cursor.y iphone ipad ios cursor uitextview share improve this question This is probably rather inefficient but could you take the same basic principal of the code you have posted and take the line of text the cursor is on and loop..

How do I get a view in Interface Builder to load a custom view in another nib?


view between the UIAwesomeSauce view and the subviews or sub subviews as the case would be. I'm not sure how inefficient that is but in messing with some stuff it looks like some views like UIWebView seem to have one of these seemingly unnecssary..

Blob Data Type?


than a database having to excise a bunch of pages that contain the BLOB . Putting BLOBs in the database is horribly inefficient and quite possibly will blow out your app's memory use too unless you have figured out a way to stream data from the database..

Replace multiple characters in a string in Objective-C?


@ . withString @ Thanks matt iphone objective c string replacement share improve this question A somewhat inefficient way of doing this NSString s @ foo bar baz.foo NSCharacterSet doNotWant NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString..

Extending UIScrollView and Monitoring Scroll Events


also mean I'd need to relay delegate calls out if an application class assigned itself as a delegate too which seems inefficient. As a direct descendant of UIScrollView I'd expect to be able to override the method that triggers the scrollViewDidScroll..