

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inform

How can my server securely authenticate iPhone in-app purchase?


device they will have to purchase the product multiple times. This might be the desired effect but you should likely inform your users before they purchase since they might expect to be able to use the content across devices they have associated.. the content across devices they have associated with their account. If the receipt also contains the iTunes account information authentication could use that to allow users to share content between all their devices but not their friends' . share..

Apple push notification is not working for distribution but working for development


2195 in my php. I created production.pem with this steps. openssl x509 in aps_developer_identity.cer inform der out PushChatCert.pem openssl pkcs12 nocerts out PushChatKey.pem in PushChatKey.p12 Enter Import Password MAC verified..

NSURLConnection NSURLRequest proxy for asynchronous web service calls


the received data receivedData is declared as a method instance elsewhere receivedData NSMutableData data retain else inform the user that the download could not be made The variable theConnection is our ivar. Then you can check it like this void..

Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C? [closed]


return nil Add this instance of TestClass as an observer of the TestNotification. We tell the notification center to inform us of TestNotification notifications using the receiveTestNotification selector. By specifying object nil we tell the notification..

Delegates Vs. Notifications in iPhoneOS


or the delegate message. In many cases the view controller should change the model and then the model should inform its observers or its delegate that it has been changed. Implementing a delegate pattern is simple In your ChildViewController.h..

Pop-up modal with UITableView on iPhone


controller in a UINavigationController and then put a Cancel button in the nav bar. Then use the delegate pattern to inform the parent view controller that the user has made their choice so you can pop the stack. Here's what the code will look..

Drawing a route in mapkit in iphone sdk


map. Something as a tour guide. When the tourist clicks another location I want to be able to draw route as well as inform the distance from current location. I am aware of sites on the internet which tell how to draw polylines on map. But most.. get the coordinates from Google or any other provider as the location is selected dynamically. If NO how do I get the information for intermediate coordinates As I am a newbie please don't mind me asking this question. EDIT Does iOS 6 provide any.. easy enough to draw lines when you know the coordinates but mapkit won't give you access to the roads or other routing information. I'd say you need to call an external API to get your data. I've been playing with cloudmade.com API. The vector stream..

How to determine at run-time if app is for development, app store or ad hoc distribution?


if was build for app store or ad hoc distribution Is it e.g. possibly to access the code signature and get the information from there Or are there certain files present in one of variants that don't exist in the other ones Is part of the.. ofType nil It's a bit of a pain to parse since it's a signed plist PKCS#7 signed data according to openssl asn1parse inform der but a bad hack is to just look for plist and plist . Development contains UDIDs and key get task allow key true Ad Hoc..

Output iPad content to external display


will need to listen for the UIScreenDidConnectNotification and UIScreenDidDisconnectNotification notifications that inform your application when the external display has been attached and removed. I demonstrate how to do this in the video for..

send RSA public key to iphone and use it to encrypt


again . By default OpenSSL generates a PEM encoded cert so you have to convert it with openssl x509 in cert.pem inform PEM out cert.cer outform DER . iOS will barf on PEM. The reason I use a cert is it's actually easier to work with and is..

How to check WiFi is pass through web page login?


anywhere and may need to pay to use the internet hotel airplane coffee shop. Instead the best course of action is to inform the user with a dialog that they will need to perform additional steps to reach the internet using the Wi Fi access point..

iPhone - Backgrounding to poll for events


long running task and return immediately. dispatch_async dispatch_get_global_queue DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT 0 ^ inform others to stop tasks if you like NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter postNotificationName @ MyApplicationEntersBackground..

iPhone: Resign Keyboard with Done button action with XIB


how do you link directly to app store app update page?


do you link directly to app store app update page I'm finishing up an iPhone app. I'm using an external server to inform users of when an update is available for my app and allowing them to click from within the app to go straight to the update..

Iphone navigate to previous/next viewController


removing the details view that just animated off. So in a nutshell The details view will detect the swipe gestures and inform the parent. The parent determines the next previous row that should be displayed. The parent replaces the current view with..

How to download docx , pdf , image , pptx , or any file from a internet


request delegate self connection start void connection NSURLConnection connection didFailWithError NSError error inform the user void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveAuthenticationChallenge NSURLAuthenticationChallenge challenge.. newCredential forAuthenticationChallenge challenge else challenge sender cancelAuthenticationChallenge challenge inform the user that password is incorrect void connection NSURLConnection connection didReceiveResponse NSURLResponse response..

Is it possible to create a app that makes phone calls and play sounds when phone call begins and ends?


I have no control over my app but some says there is possibility so play sound using AVAudioPlayer's delegate. Please inform me whether it is technically feasible or not If I started it now but is not possible for app to get approval from apple..

Apple MDM Vendor CSR Signing


these three certs to PEM format one by one which will be read by program as the PushCertCertificateChain openssl x509 inform der in AppleWWDRCA.cer out chain.pem As a vendor following sample java code in Mobile Device Management Protocol Reference..

How to manage Enterprise Distribution certificate expiration?


redeploy it on thousands of devices every year. For us it is a month long exercise where we rebuild all our apps and inform all users to get new ones through the distribution channel. Still every year some users are left with non functional apps...