

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:18

iphone Programming Glossary: individually

UIActionSheet addButtonWithTitle: doesn't add buttons in the right order


doesn't add buttons in the right order I've subclassed UIActionSheet and in the init method I have to add the buttons individually after calling the super init can't pass a var_args . Right now it looks like this if self super initWithTitle title delegate..

how to remove subviews from scrollview?


all your views where you create them and hold on to pointers to those views so you can send them removeFromSuperview individually as necessary Add an if statement to the above loop checking for class equality. For example to only remove all the UIButtons..

Include a resource directory hierarchy into app bundle


include into the app bundle. Is this possible without creating a Copy Files phase for each directory in the hierarchy individually iphone xcode share improve this question Drag the source folder to the project Groups Files area say under the Resources..

ViewController in UINavigationController orientation change


supportedInterfaceOrientations for iOS 6 you can set each view controller whatever the orientation support you want individually. for iOS 5 and below you can set BOOL shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation UIInterfaceOrientation interfaceOrientation..

iOS 6 AutoRotate In UiNavigationController


For iOS 6 I am using the following code in my app which allows you to specify rotation for each viewcontroller individually AppDelegate.m NSUInteger application UIApplication application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow UIWindow window NSUInteger..

to drawRect or not to drawRect (when should one use drawRect/Core Graphics vs subviews/images and why?)


idea to call setNeedsDisplay on a view 60 times per second. So if you have sub components of your view that need to be individually animated each component should be a separate layer. The other problem is that when you don't do custom drawing with drawRect..

Does the iPhone / iPod Touch support bulk enterprise app deployment or would all customers have to buy from app store


an application to a large # of customers. Or does every customer have to go to the app store and buy the application individually giving Apple the 30 cut of your app price. Thanks iphone deployment enterprise share improve this question If you develop..

Create UIActionSheet 'otherButtons' by passing in array, not varlist


UIActionSheet The workaround I've seen suggested is to pass nil into otherButtonTitles then specify the button titles individually by using addButtonWithTitle . But this has the problem of moving the Cancel button to the first position on the UIActionSheet..

How to encrypt an NSString in Objective C with DES in ECB-Mode?


des share improve this question DES encryption in ECB mode uses an 8 byte block size and encodes each blocks individually. The problem is that your input string doesn't divide into 8 bytes equally and the cryptor doesn't know what to do with..

Using Reachability for Internet *or* local WiFi?


will be much less I'm sure. Switching back to reachabilityWithHostName works within seconds. I also tried each pair individually in case there was an issue with two notifiers in progress simultaneously but that made no difference. So what is the appropriate..

Understanding the memory consumption on iPhone


not accessing autoreleased memory common cause of crashes. Create a separate test app and play with loading textures individually and in combination to find out what texture or combination thereof is causing the problem. UPDATE After thinking about your..

Practical efficient usage of IBOutletColletion


used this to easily initialize a grid of labels. I have a n by n matrix of labels on a view and reference each one individually via an IBOutlet in order to display relevant data. However when the view first loads I wanted to control the default text..

What is the fastest way to draw single pixels directly to the screen in an iPhone application?


draw single pixels directly to the screen in an iPhone application I am looking the fastest way to draw thousands of individually calculated pixels directly to the screen in an iPhone application that preforms extremely well. iphone cocoa touch opengl..

Aligning text and image on UIButton with imageEdgeInsets and titleEdgeInsets


this question but that was if you wanted both text and image centered. We don't want the image and text to be centered individually we want the image and the text to be centered together as a single entity. This is in fact what UIButton already does so..

Rendering a UIWebView into an ImageContext


2.Now we can 'cut' the whole page into dozens of UIWebView sized small pieces. Then we can capture every small pieces individually and save them into our Cache. I implemented this by calculating page offsets and use UIGraphicsBeginImageContext webView.frame.size..

Send and receive NSData via GameKit


across whole files. I've been reading that you have to split large files up into packets before sending them across individually. So I decided to create a struct to make it easier to decode the packets when they're received at the other end typedef..

Rotating an image 90 degrees on same position when orientation changes


your question as that you are trying to not to rotate the interface as whole but to rotate the purple and red squares individually. I created a UIViewController that resembles your layout. The black square is a UIView and the white square is there only..

Three slightly different Apps from one code base


the current App in Xcode. Nicely integrated into Xcode and offers a high flexibility All build settings can now individually be changed per configuration New configurations can easily be added by cloning existing configurations within Xcode No need..

How simplify iPhone localization?


for this. iphone localization share improve this question There really isn't an easy fix here. NIBs need to be individually laid out for every language. To some extent this improves overall user interface because different languages actually often..