

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: informat

CoreData : store images to DB or not?


flickr dataForPhotoID firstPhoto.id fromFarm firstPhoto.farm onServer firstPhoto.server withSecret firstPhoto.secret inFormat FlickrFetcherPhotoFormatSquare and here definition of dataForPhotoID method NSData dataForPhotoID NSString photoID fromFarm.. NSData dataForPhotoID NSString photoID fromFarm NSString farm onServer NSString server withSecret NSString secret inFormat FlickrFetcherPhotoFormat format #if TEST_HIGH_NETWORK_LATENCY sleep 1 #endif NSString formatString switch format case FlickrFetcherPhotoFormatSquare..

Wrong time from NSDateFormatter


date and output just the time portion w hours minutes am pm First convert our string into an NSDate NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy HH mm ss aaa NSDate date inFormat dateFromString longdate.. w hours minutes am pm First convert our string into an NSDate NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy HH mm ss aaa NSDate date inFormat dateFromString longdate inFormat release Now convert from.. NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy HH mm ss aaa NSDate date inFormat dateFromString longdate inFormat release Now convert from date back to a string NSDateFormatter outFormat NSDateFormatter..

NSDate and NSDateFormatter - short format date and time in iphone sdk


@ MMM dd yyyy HH mm NSDate now NSDate alloc init NSString dateString format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy NSDate parsed inFormat dateFromString dateString NSLog @.. NSDate alloc init NSString dateString format stringFromDate now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy NSDate parsed inFormat dateFromString dateString NSLog @ n now @ n dateString @ n parsed @ now.. now NSDateFormatter inFormat NSDateFormatter alloc init inFormat setDateFormat @ MMM dd yyyy NSDate parsed inFormat dateFromString dateString NSLog @ n now @ n dateString @ n parsed @ now dateString parsed iphone nsstring nsdate nsdateformatter..