

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: informed

Where are the iOS frameworks binaries located in the filesystem?


How to use iOS Reachability


main purposes of Reachability Reachability is used to query the network status and to register your listeners to get informed when connectivity changes Is this the main purpose of Reachability to show the user a message No of course its main usage..

Is there a nine-patch loader for iPhone?


iphone graphics uiimage nine patch share improve this question I received an e mail from Tortuga22 software who informed me that they have created such a library and released it under the Apache license Announcement http blog.tortuga22.com 2010..

how to parse simple xml


setShouldResolveExternalEntities YES success XMLparser parse return value not used if not successful delegate is informed of error if success NSLog @ Sucess Parsed else NSLog @ Error Error Error NSLog @ Parsed string @ valueForItem void parser..

Build for armv6 architecture (target iOS 3.1.3) with iOS 6 SDK and Xcode 4.5?


a new version that supports only versions 4.3 What happens to my users on earlier versions Are they simply not being informed about the incompatible update and hence going to continue to use the older version of my app If not can this be achieved..

Multithreaded use of Core Data (NSOperationQueue and NSManagedObjectContext)


Core Bluetooth and backgrounding: Detection of a device and triggering an action, even after being days in background mode?


of a device and triggering an action even after being days in background mode I've written an app that needs to get informed when a certain Bluetooth Low Energy device comes within range. If the BLE device gets noticed my app just stores a timestamp...

core data in a static library for the iPhone


the point of the library was to hide implementation details to the maximum possible. In a separate question I was informed that I cannot bundle resources with a library which makes complete sense to me now . So is there a way to programatically..

Notification of or detecting screenshot being taken?


of or detecting screenshot being taken Is there a notification or other mechanism of being informed that the user is taking a screenshot with the home power buttons I've seen threads about wanting to disable the taking of..

iPhone and OpenCV


I do not know whether a Mac OS X port is enough for the iPhone. Does anyone know better than me Edit Thanks for the informed answer Adam. iphone opencv share improve this question OpenCV now 2012 has an official port for the iPhone iOS . You..

Alternative to startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges?


is intended for applications that provide specific services such as navigation services that involve keeping the user informed of his or her location at all times. The presence of the key in the application ™s Info.plist file tells the system that..

xcode info.plist build variable ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} seems completely undocumented?


What are the Dangers of Method Swizzling in Objective C?


closed source classes. Can we formalise the risks so that anyone who is deciding whether to use swizzling can make an informed decision whether it is worth it for what they are trying to do. E.g. Naming Collisions . If the class later entends its.. As with all design patters if we are fully aware of the consequences of the pattern we are able to make more informed decisions about whether or not to use it. Singletons are a good example of something that's pretty controversial and for..

Counting missing calls on iPhone/iOS


share improve this question Hello and welcome to iPhone Development As you have already pointed out you can be informed through a notification if a call is happening. Great But here comes the dark side of iPhone Development That's the end of..

Problem while Working in background and Nstimer?


is intended for applications that provide specific services such as navigation services that involve keeping the user informed of his or her location at all times. The presence of the key in the application ™s Info.plist file tells the system that..

What describes the Application Delegate best? How does it fit into the whole concept?


for instance . iPhone doesn't permit much control over the UIApplication so mostly the UIApplicationDelegate is informed of changes rather than having an active decision making process. The UIApplicationDelegate isn't strictly available from..

XCode: Displaying a UIDatePicker when user clicks on UITextbox


self selector @selector textFieldBeganEditing name UITextFieldTextDidBeginEditingNotification object nil Ask to be informed when any textfield begins editing center addObserver self selector @selector textFieldEndedEditing name UITextFieldTextDidEndEditingNotification.. self selector @selector textFieldEndedEditing name UITextFieldTextDidEndEditingNotification object nil Ask to be informed when any textfield ends editing id init if self super init self initializationCodeMethod return self id initWithFrame CGRect..

iOS background application network access


in the background. This content includes streaming audio or video content using AirPlay. location ”The app keeps users informed of their location even while it is running in the background. voip ”The app provides the ability for the user to make phone..