

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: initialising

How do I add a UIActivity Indicator to every Cell and maintain control of each individual indicator


control these multiple activity indicators from ANOTHER METHOD. I figured a property was a way to do this however by initialising a new instance of actIndicator every time I loose reference's to all but the 'latest' init of the activity indicator thus..

How to reloadData in tableView with didSelectedRowAtIndexPath and call group of methods in it


in tableView 4 rows titles and when i push on some of this titles all process connection to the server parsing arrays initialising must be repeated. In didSelectedRowAtIndexPath I have to transmit section ID so that the server sent me the correct data..

Setting Address Book image for a contact doesn't seem to work


not sure why the error object is logging as an ABPeoplePickerNavigationController object because you're not properly initialising the error here CFErrorRef error Assign nil here or it will have a random or more precisely some previous memory value incidentally..

NSFetchedResultsController crashing on performFetch: when using a cache


displayed in the table view. However it seems that when the app is relaunched I get a crash. I specify a cache when initialising the NSFetchedResultsController and when I don't it works perfectly. Here is how I create my NSFetchedResultsController NSFetchedResultsController..

Proper way to instantiate an NSDecimalNumber from float or double


can be found here . However I've seen a lot of discussion on Stack Overflow and around the web about issues with initialising NSDecimalNumber. There seems to be some issues relating to precision and conversion to from doubles with NSDecimalNumber..

Knowing when AVPlayer object is ready to play


trying to play an mp3 file that is passed to a view from the previous view. stored in the NSURL fileURL variable Im initialising AVPlayer with player AVPlayer playerWithURL fileURL NSLog @ Player created d player.status The NSLog prints Player created..