

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:19

iphone Programming Glossary: inferenceresponse

Objective C alloc/release error


answers NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity variable variableValues count NSString path NSString stringWithFormat @ inferenceresponse state variable pageId d valuedefinition pageID NSArray valueElement doc nodesForXPath path error nil GDataXMLElement valueDefinitionElement.. xmlData bytes length xmlData length encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding theXML theXML stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ inferenceresponse withString @ inferencerequest theXML theXML stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString @ SOAP ENV Envelope xmlns SOAP ENV http.. alloc initWithData xmlData options 0 error error if self.doc nil return nil NSArray status doc nodesForXPath @ inferenceresponse state @goalreached 'true' error nil if status count 1 self.xmlBody nil Variable variable Variable alloc init NSString path..

iPhone SDK: XML mystery, after adding child nodeforXPath returns nothing (found a hacky solution)


variableElement addChild newValueDefElement and now when I query NSString path NSString stringWithFormat @ inferenceresponse state variable pageId d valuedefinition pageID NSArray valueElement self.doc nodesForXPath path error nil Now array comes.. starts like this SOAP ENV Envelope xmlns SOAP ENV http schemas.xmlsoap.org soap envelope SOAP ENV Header SOAP ENV Body inferenceresponse xmlns state goalreached false .. .. Update I just found a hacky solution when I convert doc to NSData with doc.XMLData and.. not fix the namespaces for new child. iphone xml xpath gdataxml share improve this question Your problem is here inferenceresponse xmlns The empty namespace attribute is obviously confusing the libxml XPath evaluation. If you step through GDataXMLNode's..