

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: init..

Several UIAlertViews for a delegate


the UIAlertView s like this #define kAlertViewOne 1 #define kAlertViewTwo 2 UIAlertView alertView1 UIAlertView alloc init... alertView1.tag kAlertViewOne UIAlertView alertView2 UIAlertView alloc init... alertView2.tag kAlertViewTwo and then differentiate.. UIAlertView alertView1 UIAlertView alloc init... alertView1.tag kAlertViewOne UIAlertView alertView2 UIAlertView alloc init... alertView2.tag kAlertViewTwo and then differentiate between them in the delegate methods using these tags void alertView..

iPhone — is initWithCoder an exception to the usual designated initializer design pattern?


of this iphone initialization archiving share improve this question Apples says that designated initializer The init... method that has primary responsibility for initializing new instances of a class. Each class defines or inherits its own.. instances of a class. Each class defines or inherits its own designated initializer. Through messages to self other init... methods in the same class directly or indirectly invoke the designated initializer and the designated initializer through..

Create object from NSString of class name in Objective-C


iPhone - Fixed (tableHeaderView) with grouped UITableView while scrolling cells


use your init function with rect something like 0 0 320 50 view addsubview self.myHeaderView self.tv UITableView alloc init... with frame like 0 50 320 430 view addSubview self.tv release everything This way you have a UIView that's always at the..

iPhone SDK: what is the difference between loadView and viewDidLoad?


in loadView as demonstrated in Apple's pre Interface Builder examples is more like this UIView view UIView alloc init... ... view addSubview whatever view addSubview whatever2 ... self.view view view release And I don't blame you for not using..

Best way to pass variables between views


How to check if iCloud is configured programmatically


Animate change of view controllers without using navigation controller stack, subviews or modal controllers?


self.window UIWindow alloc initWithFrame UIScreen mainScreen bounds MyViewController vc MyViewContoller alloc init... self.transitionController TransitionController alloc initWithViewController vc self.window.rootViewController self.transitionController.. new view controller from any view controller IBAction flipToView anotherViewController vc AnotherViewController alloc init... MyAppDelegate appDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication .delegate appDelegate.transitionController transitionToViewController.. Example use in a view controller IBAction flipToNextView AnotherViewController anotherVC AnotherVC alloc init... MyAppDelegate appDelegate MyAppDelegate UIApplication sharedApplication .delegate appDelegate transitionToViewController..

Regarding Apple's KMLViewer placemarkDescription and annotation subtitle


view calloutAccessoryControlTapped UIControl control DetailViewController dvc DetailViewController alloc init... PlacemarkAnnotation pa PlacemarkAnnotation view.annotation dvc.placemarkDescription pa.placemarkDescription self presentModalViewController..

why is “error:&error” used here (objective-c)


Request request error NSError error ... if error NULL some_error_condition error SomeNSErrorSubclass alloc init... autorelease return nil Note that this also allows the calling code to ignore errors by simply passing in NULL for the.. will still see error nil . NSArray executeFetchRequest Request request error NSError error ... error NSError alloc init... autorelease local only error SomeNSErrorSubclass alloc init... autorelease local only Reason #2 instances of NSError are.. request error NSError error ... error NSError alloc init... autorelease local only error SomeNSErrorSubclass alloc init... autorelease local only Reason #2 instances of NSError are immutable Let's keep the same function declaration but call the..