

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:20

iphone Programming Glossary: inimage

Generate hash from UIImage


CommonCrypto CommonDigest.h unsigned char result 16 NSData imageData NSData dataWithData UIImagePNGRepresentation inImage CC_MD5 imageData bytes imageData length result NSString imageHash NSString stringWithFormat @ 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X 02X..

Is it possible to tile images in a UIScrollView without having to manually create all the tiles?


from Deepa's answer below UIImage tileForScale float scale row int row col int col size CGSize tileSize image UIImage inImage CGRect subRect CGRectMake col tileSize.width row tileSize.height tileSize.width tileSize.height CGImageRef tiledImage CGImageCreateWithImageInRect.. tileSize.width row tileSize.height tileSize.width tileSize.height CGImageRef tiledImage CGImageCreateWithImageInRect inImage CGImage subRect UIImage tileImage UIImage imageWithCGImage tiledImage return tileImage iphone objective c image uiscrollview.. piece of code for tiled image generation In PhotoScroller source code replace tileForScale row col with the following inImage Image that you want to create tiles UIImage tileForScale float scale row int row column int col size CGSize tileSize image..

How to write text on image in objective-c iPhone?


share improve this question Draw text inside an image and return the resulting image UIImage drawText NSString text inImage UIImage image atPoint CGPoint point UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext image.size image.. NSString text inImage UIImage image atPoint CGPoint point UIFont font UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize 12 UIGraphicsBeginImageContext image.size image drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 image.size.width image.size.height CGRect rect CGRectMake point.x point.y.. note replace ImageUtils with the class where you pasted the method above UIImage img ImageUtils drawText @ Some text inImage img atPoint CGPointMake 0 0 Change the origin of the text inside the image from 0 0 to whatever point you like. To paint..

Overlay an image over another image in iOS


scrolling performance retrieve the thumbnail and paint the play button over it. UIImage drawImage UIImage fgImage inImage UIImage bgImage atPoint CGPoint point UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions bgImage.size FALSE 0.0 bgImage drawInRect CGRectMake.. the play button over it. UIImage drawImage UIImage fgImage inImage UIImage bgImage atPoint CGPoint point UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions bgImage.size FALSE 0.0 bgImage drawInRect CGRectMake 0 0 bgImage.size.width bgImage.size.height fgImage..

self.navigationController is null


OpenGL ES 2.0 / MonoTouch: Texture is colorized red


0 All.Rgba All.UnsignedByte RequestImagePixelData image protected CGBitmapContext CreateARGBBitmapContext CGImage inImage var pixelsWide inImage.Width var pixelsHigh inImage.Height var bitmapBytesPerRow pixelsWide 4 var bitmapByteCount bitmapBytesPerRow.. RequestImagePixelData image protected CGBitmapContext CreateARGBBitmapContext CGImage inImage var pixelsWide inImage.Width var pixelsHigh inImage.Height var bitmapBytesPerRow pixelsWide 4 var bitmapByteCount bitmapBytesPerRow pixelsHigh.. image protected CGBitmapContext CreateARGBBitmapContext CGImage inImage var pixelsWide inImage.Width var pixelsHigh inImage.Height var bitmapBytesPerRow pixelsWide 4 var bitmapByteCount bitmapBytesPerRow pixelsHigh Note implicit colorSpace.Dispose..

image manipulation using slider in iphone


to do it without using GlImageprocessing. iphone ios ios4 share improve this question here is the code CGImageRef inImage currentImage.CGImage CFDataRef ref CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider inImage UInt8 buf UInt8 CFDataGetBytePtr.. here is the code CGImageRef inImage currentImage.CGImage CFDataRef ref CGDataProviderCopyData CGImageGetDataProvider inImage UInt8 buf UInt8 CFDataGetBytePtr ref int length CFDataGetLength ref float value2 1 slider.value 0.5 NSLog @ i value for.. g SAFECOLOR green value2 buf b SAFECOLOR blue value2 CGContextRef ctx CGBitmapContextCreate buf CGImageGetWidth inImage CGImageGetHeight inImage CGImageGetBitsPerComponent inImage CGImageGetBytesPerRow inImage CGImageGetColorSpace..