

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:26

iphone Programming Glossary: undefined

file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (i386)


DruvaProject libraries libnetUtils.a file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked i386 Undefined symbols for architecture i386 _OBJC_CLASS_ _netUtils referenced from objc class ref in ViewController.o ld symbol s not..

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7: “_SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress”


symbols for architecture armv7 &ldquo _SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress&rdquo Right this has become a right pain.. a right pain I have been looking at it for 2 days now and can't seem to solve it. Here is the error I am getting. Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 _SCNetworkReachabilityCreateWithAddress referenced from Reachability reachabilityWithAddress..

Linker Error: iPhone Unit Test Bundle referencing App classes


LoginViewController class @ Top view controller is not LoginViewController The following build error is generated Undefined symbols _OBJC_CLASS_ _LoginViewController referenced from __objc_classrefs__DATA@0 in LoginViewTest.o ld symbol s not found..

Core Data data model: attribute type for UIColor


attribute for my entity but the type dropdown for the attribute doesn't have an option for this. Do I set it to Undefined or what Thanks iphone objective c cocoa touch core data share improve this question What you probably want is a transformable..

iPhone SDK linking errors with static library


Users nameghino src Sucursales build Sucursales.build Debug iphoneos Sucursales.build Objects normal armv6 Sucursales Undefined symbols _OBJC_CLASS_ _DataCatalogService_GetSingleRow referenced from objc class ref to DataCatalogService_GetSingleRow..

Monotouch binding for TouchJSON?


pGRsu1k TI Tmp tmpe374af5.tmp main.m 2055 warning initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast Undefined symbols _OBJC_CLASS_ _CJSONSerializer referenced from objc class ref to CJSONSerializer in libAdMobNoThumb.a AdMobAd.o objc..

Xcode4 Linking Problem. File was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked (arm6)


Products Debug iphoneos libTapkuLibrary.a file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked armv6 Undefined symbols for architecture armv6 _OBJC_CLASS_ _TKLoadingView referenced from objc class ref in RootViewController.o I opened..

Xcode 4 Final - “armv6 armv7” issue while linking with armv6 libs


file .. bin iOS static arm libcrypto.a file was built for archive which is not the architecture being linked armv7 Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 list of symbols The armv6 version compiles just fine but the overall compilation process..

FFMPEG integration on iphone/ ipad project


And in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions function add av_register_all if suppose you are getting this errors means Undefined symbols for architecture i386 _iconv referenced from _mail_iconv in libmailcore.a charconv.o _iconv_open referenced from..

Undefined symbols for architecture i386: _OBJC_CLASS_$_SKPSMTPMessage", referenced from: error


Undefined symbols for architecture i386 _OBJC_CLASS_ _SKPSMTPMessage referenced from error I have imported framework for sending.. in background. i have imported framework i.e. SKPSMTPMessage. Can somebody suggest me why i am getting this error Undefined symbols for architecture i386 _OBJC_CLASS_ _SKPSMTPMessage referenced from objc class ref in ConfirmController.o _kSKPSMTPPartContentTransferEncodingKey..

Facebook symbols not found for i386 architecture


for i386 architecture I get the following error when trying to compile my project in xcode 4 worked fine in xcode 3.x Undefined symbols for architecture i386 _OBJC_CLASS_ _FBSession referenced from objc class ref in View1Controls.o _OBJC_CLASS_ _FBLoginDialog..

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1


I just opened a project i havent worked for in a couple months and just tried to compile and run it. I immediately got Undefined symbols for architecture i386 l_OBJC_PROTOCOL_ _VideoOverviewControllerDelegate referenced from l_OBJC_CLASS_PROTOCOLS_..

How to build ICU so I can use it in an iPhone app?


gnumake runs without errors. Then I add the libraries to my Xcode project. But when I build I get 50 lines of this Undefined symbols _uregex_close_48 referenced from _icuRegexpDelete in libsqlite3 cerod.a sqlite3_cerod.o _ubrk_current_48 referenced.. alas. Edit #2 Targeting the device instead of the emulator solved all but one of the link errors Here's what's left Undefined symbols for architecture armv6 ___sync_synchronize referenced from _ucol_initUCA_48 in libicui18n.a ucol_res.ao udata_getHashTable..

MBProgressHUD armv7 error


self.view self.view addSubview HUD HUD.labelText @ Connecting HUD show YES when i build project it happens an error Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 _OBJC_CLASS_ _MBProgressHUD referenced from objc class ref in FormViewController.o ld symbol..

iPhone assembly, compilation error with LDR parameters


in ldr ne instructions .text .set DEC_OPB 0xC944 ldrne r2 258014 @ ERROR Unsupported relocation on symbol L0. ERROR Undefined local symbol 0 0f or 0b ldr r6 0x00800080 @ ERROR Unsupported relocation on symbol L0. ldr r5 DEC_OPB @ ERROR Unsupported.. @ ERROR Unsupported relocation on symbol L0. ldr r5 DEC_OPB @ ERROR Unsupported relocation on symbol L0. ERROR Undefined local symbol 0 0f or 0b ldr r5 DEC_OPB @ ERROR Bad immediate value for offset 51024 . ERROR Unsupported relocation on symbol..

“Apple Mach-O linker command failed with exit code 1”


my appDelegate but can't figure out why it crashes. I get they following error and am not sure where to look to fix it Undefined symbols for architecture i386 _OBJC_CLASS_ _SVProgressHUD referenced from objc class ref in QuotesAppDelegate.o ld symbol..

How to import Social framework only for iOS 6?


Cocoa-Touch, NSManagedObject: Exception when setting a property


NSManagedObject initWithEntity insertIntoManagedObjectContext . Failure to cause the designated initializer leads to undefined and likely incorrect behavior because the instance is not guaranteed to be properly initialized. I would guess that the..

How can my iPhone Objective-C code get notified of Javascript errors in a UIWebView?


C code catch Javascript errors in a UIWebView. That includes uncaught exceptions syntax errors when loading files undefined variable references etc. This is for a development environment so it doesn't need to be SDK kosher. In fact it only really..

Masking a CALayer - iPhone


When setting the mask to a new layer the new layer ™s superlayer must first be set to nil otherwise the behavior is undefined. You should remove the self layer addSublayer maskLayer line. To solve your problem I would create another layer or view..

apply style to range of text with javascript in uiwebview


to work on an IE version soon. script type text javascript var nextId 0 var rangeIntersectsNode typeof window.Range undefined Range.prototype.intersectsNode function range node return range.intersectsNode node function range node var nodeRange..

Get total height of webView's content using Javascript


scrollable area to set the webView's height. I have tried a number of different Javascript solutions document.height undefined document.height document.body.offsetHeight Returns height of UIWebView document.body.offsetHeight Returns zero document.body.clientHeight..

How to split Code for iOS 3.0 and iOS 3.2 so I can use MPMoviePlayerViewController if OS 3.2++


Code for older iOS #else Code for iOS 3.2 up #end But it doesn't also. Because in iOS 3 for example __IPHONE_3_2 is undefined. So I thought I would have to create some more intelligent if elseif else block but then I finally D read the comment above..

How to search an NSSet or NSArray for an object which has an specific value for an specific property?


Does jQuery preserve touch events properties?


selector '#someNodeId' .bind 'touchmove' touch produces the error TypeError Result of expression 'evt.changedTouches' undefined is not an object . Device iPod Touch OS 3.1.3 7E18 jQuery 1.4.2 . How is this possible and what am I doing wrong jquery..

Try-catch exception handling practice for iPhone/Objective-C


Usage of NSException in iPhone Apps


app is in an inconsistent state and may lose data. Behavior of any exception thrown through system framework code is undefined. Can you explain the Behavior of any exception thrown through system framework code is undefined. in detail Sure. The system.. framework code is undefined. Can you explain the Behavior of any exception thrown through system framework code is undefined. in detail Sure. The system frameworks use a design where any exception is considered to be a fatal non recoverable error.. deeper . If your code 2 throws an exception that the exceptions passes over system code means the behavior is undefined system code may or may not leave your application in an undefined potentially crashy or data lossy state. Or more strongly..

How To implement a sqlite database in phonegap


Lawnchair setup Getting some data out of the lawnchair database lawnchair.get 'my_data_key' function obj if obj undefined lastSyncDate obj.lastSync dataList obj.dataList Saving to the database lawnchair.save key 'my_data_key' lastSync currentTime..

objective c categories and inheritance


c categories and inheritance If a method is defined in both a class and a category on that class it is undefined which implementation will be called. But how does this interact with inheritance Specifically Given a superclass category..

How to build ICU so I can use it in an iPhone app?


if you are using it the problem should be solved. Indeed without doing this the built libraries contain the offending undefined symbol sergio@sfogliatella nm a . lib libicuuc.a grep __sync_ U ___sync_synchronize U ___sync_val_compare_and_swap_4 U ___sync_synchronize..

Why doesn't Remove Observer from NSNotificationCenter:addObserverForName:usingBlock get called


pushed onto the stack by addObserverForName the method has not yet returned so gpsObserver is nil under ARC or garbage undefined not under ARC . Declare the variable using __block outside and this should work. __block __weak id gpsObserver gpsObserver..

HTML5 Web SQL Transactions skipped without error when touch triggered in IOS


var hasRun false oldTrans.call db function tx hasRun true callback tx err function function tx if hasRun if suc undefined suc tx return else oldTrans.apply db params return db This code checks that the transaction callback has fired in..

How to capture current view screenshot and reuse in code? (iPhone SDK)


and transforms. I'd prefer to use the system to do this however as I feel it is likely doing it myself could cause undefined keyboard behavior in the manually rotated view etc. Thoughts iphone core animation rotation share improve this question..