

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unclear

Detecting a clap in IOS


@ f peak averageInputLabel.text NSString stringWithFormat @ f average Though I see the suggested algorithm I am unclear as to how to implement it in Objective C. iphone ios algorithm core audio share improve this question You didn't mention..

Intercepting/Hijacking iPhone Touch Events for MKMapView


share improve this question The best way I have found to achieve this is with a Gesture Recognizer. It's unclear if you want to recognize zoom events yourself or just detect when the user is zooming panning. I don't need to detect a..

UIView. How do I constrain scaling to one dimension only


to subclass UIView and override the appropriate method to prevent vertical scaling I like this approach but I am unclear on which method to override and what that overridden method should actually do. Cheers Doug iphone uiview uiscrollview..

UIViewController. viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear: What is the proper division of labor?


viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear What is the proper division of labor I have always been a bit unclear on the type of tasks that should be assigned to viewDidLoad vs. viewWillAppear in a UIViewController subclass. For example..

UINavigationBar gradient details


I'm trying to recreate the look of a UINavigationBar. The background of the bar is drawn using a gradient but it's unclear exactly what the default colors and points are in it. Has anyone done anything in this area iphone uinavigationbar share..

Signer not valid error


Removing and adding persistent stores to a core data application


The NSManagedObjectModel NSPersistentStoreCoordinator and NSPersistentStore are tied together rather tightly so it is unclear what your goal is here. If you update your question with what you are trying to accomplish it will make answers a lot less..

How do I access variable values from one view controller in another?


void viewDidLoad if time 3 Do something else if time 3 time 6 Do something else etc... super viewDidLoad I'm kind of unclear on when @property and @synthesize is necessary. Is that the case in this situation Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers?


release pattern for UIPopoverController UIActionSheet and modal view controllers I'm somewhat unclear on the object ownership patterns required for the following instances. When my UIViewController presents a popover controller..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


Push notification guide?


how to fully utilise the push notification system. Iv read the push notification guide on the apple website but still unclear of some things. Lets say i have a windows PC and an iPad. 1 what should the PC be configured with to become a provider Should..

Learn Obj-C Memory Management [duplicate]


X but I can't wrap my head around the practicalities of memory management. I understand the high level concepts but am unclear how that plays out in implementation. Web developers typically don't have to worry about these sorts of things so it is..

Reading samples via AVAssetReader


it getting each sample Thanks. iphone objective c cocoa touch avfoundation share improve this question It's unclear from your question whether you are talking about video samples or audio samples. To read video samples you need to do the..

Long-term potential of iPhone/Windows Mobile development platforms


become relevant again but as of today they are not. There's no healthy market for software on these devices and it's unclear to me whether a large part of the people who decide to buy Windows Mobile phones even care about third party software. As..

Invoke native date picker from web-app on iOS/Android


make it possible for us to stop using JavaScript libraries like jQuery mobile and YUI. If my answer is in any way unclear please tell me. Thank you in advance javascript iphone android ios html5 share improve this question Nowadays some..

If you have an IBOutlet, but not a property, is it retained or not?


you have an IBOutlet but not a property is it retained or not I find the documentation on this issue to be unclear Say you are working with iOS NOT the Mac case no need to mention the differences . Say it is strictly 4.0 no need to mention.. how do you know Did you ask DTS or through testing or I suggest the key documentation just pasted in is aggressively unclear. Again if you have an IBOutlet but not a property connected to a top level object .. are you responsible for releasing it..

News Feed Response parsing in iphone using Facebook Graph Api


anyone help me with this iphone json parsing facebook graph api response share improve this question it's unclear what you exactly asking but I try to answer. First of all you need to parse this response in the method void request FBRequest..

iPhone SDK: what is the difference between loadView and viewDidLoad?


I end up with an infinite stack trace so I typically do all my child view building in viewDidLoad...but it's really unclear to me when each gets executed and what is the more appropriate place to put init code. What would be perfect is a simple..

Is it possible to use only region monitoring + GSM and to get not more than 5 km horizontalAccuracy?


foreground then app stops significant and starts standard location. Seems like apple docs are quite vague it's unclear what penalties horizontalAccuracy do we get if we use only region monitoring or do we have always to use all three methods..