

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:26

iphone Programming Glossary: underlying

How to get UIImage from EAGLView?


iphone uikit uiview opengl es eaglview share improve this question An EAGLView is just a kind of view and its underlying CAEAGLLayer is just a kind of layer. That means that the standard approach for converting a view layer into a UIImage will..

AurioTouch & FFT for an instrument tuner


with one string peak at the appropriate frequency of the note. Has anyone used aurioTouch enough to know whether the underlying code is functional or whether it is just a crude sample Other options I have are to use FFTW or KISS FFT. Anyone have any..

MFMailComposeViewController image orientation


it needs to rotate the image 90 degrees so it will display correctly. Be clear that this ˜rotation does not effect the underlying storage of the UIImage which remains as 3264w x 2448h. If you capture an image in landscape mode image.imageOrientation.. tells displaying software that the image is fine to display as it is no rotation is necessary. Again the underlying storage of the UIIMage is 3264w x 2448h. Once you are clear about the difference between how the data is physically stored.. because this line of code sees the orientation property and rotates the image appropriately while NOT touching the underlying storage at 3264x2448 . Flow of control goes to the E Mailer code now and the orientation property is still present in gImag..

Multiple annotation callouts displaying in MKMapView


method directly. An MKMapView object calls this method in response to user interactions with the annotation. so the underlying message is that the selection of annotationView instances in under the full responsability of user selection and as the..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


to stay completely still so the rows only appear if you scroll back up. I've tried saving the current position of the underlying UIScrollview and resetting the position after the rows have been inserted but this results in a judder up and down although..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only rotation disallowed Hallo I have a simple application which does contain UITabBarController.. set this property to YES and NO. It does work but the problem is that when the user ends video playback in landscape underlying view is not rotated back to portrait. The only way to rotate back to portrait is to use private API which is no no. 2 View.. like objectAtIndex 1 or apply transformation to all UIWindows except the main one etc. Beside the fact that the underlying implementation can be modified and it will stop working. Question So the question is how to allow MPMoviePlayerController..

CGContextDrawImage draws image upside down when passed UIImage.CGImage


to do with the UIImage holding onto knowledge of the orientation while the CGContextDrawImage method gets the underlying raw image data with no understanding of orientation. Note that you'll run into this problem in many areas but one specific..

iOS: Using device modifiers for loading xib files?


Universal application for iOS you can use the device specific naming conventions to load the correct nib file for the underlying device automatically. For more information about how to name your nib files see œiOS Supports Device Specific Resources...

iOS UIImagePickerController result image orientation after upload


case UIImageOrientationDown case UIImageOrientationLeft case UIImageOrientationRight break Now we draw the underlying CGImage into a new context applying the transform calculated above. CGContextRef ctx CGBitmapContextCreate NULL self.size.width..

Draw text in circle overlay


UILineBreakModeClip alignment UITextAlignmentCenter Also be sure to use a text color that's different from the underlying circle's color. Note that using drawInRect will result in the text being restricted to inside the circle and may get truncated...

Most efficient way to draw part of an image in iOS


images to display you'll get acceptable performance with UIView implementation because it can get full acceleration of underlying OpenGL which means GPU acceleration . Anyway if you need extreme optimization for hundreds of animated sprites with finely..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


to need to perform KVO correctly . And blocks... well block memory management is just weird. So my point is that the underlying memory management is still important but where I used to spend significant time stating and restating the rules for new..

Overriding highlighted selection in UIPickerView


Is there a way to disable the behavior of highlighting the selected row when touched I think this is a property of the underlying UITableViewCell inherent in the UIPickerView and I can't find a way to change it. iphone cocoa touch uipickerview share..

Improving Finger Painting Performance


Starts Moves 2 Paint Temporary Graphics on top UIView 3 Touch Ends 4 Pass Temporary Graphics To underlying UIView 5 Underlying UIView adds Temporary Graphics to Stored Graphics 6 Underlying UIView Re Draws all Stored Graphics 7 Delete Temporary Graphics.. Ends 4 Pass Temporary Graphics To underlying UIView 5 Underlying UIView adds Temporary Graphics to Stored Graphics 6 Underlying UIView Re Draws all Stored Graphics 7 Delete Temporary Graphics on top UIView. In this manner I can accumulate graphics..

Call Function in Underlying ViewController as Modal View Controller is Dismissed


Function in Underlying ViewController as Modal View Controller is Dismissed I have a mainViewController. I call self pushModalViewController someViewController..

Keep uitableview static when inserting rows at the top


The other approach I tried which ends up in exactly the right pace but with a judder is. save tableView currentOffset. Underlying scrollView method Add rows beginUpdates insert... endUpdates reloadData to force a recalulation of the scrollview size Recalculate.. of the scrollview size Recalculate the correct new offset from the bottom of the scrollview setContentOffset Underlying scrollview method Trouble is the reloadData causes the scrollview tableview to start scrolling briefly then the setContentOffset..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


you can try to create artificial touches to feed to UIScrollView by creating a class that looks similar to UITouch. Underlying C code does not check types so maybe casting YourTouch into UITouch will work and you will be able to trick UIScrollView..