

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: ul

Preserve HTML font-size when iPhone orientation changes from portrait to landscape


orientation changes from portrait to landscape I have a mobile web application with an unordered list containing multiple listitems with a hyperlink inside of each li ul li id home class active a href home.html HOME a div li li id home class.. have a mobile web application with an unordered list containing multiple listitems with a hyperlink inside of each li ul li id home class active a href home.html HOME a div li li id home class active a href test.html TEST a div li ul ...My question.. li ul li id home class active a href home.html HOME a div li li id home class active a href test.html TEST a div li ul ...My question is how can I format the hyperlinks so that they DON'T change size when viewed on an iPhone and the accellerometer..

iphone bullet point list


bullet point list Is there any way to make a bullet point list in iphone If you copy and paste a bullet point list into a UITextView.. bullet point list Is there any way to make a bullet point list in iphone If you copy and paste a bullet point list into a UITextView in IB then it shows up. Is there anyway.. bullet point list Is there any way to make a bullet point list in iphone If you copy and paste a bullet point list into a UITextView in IB then it shows up. Is there anyway to do this programatically Thank you Tom iphone..

label not clickable in jqtouch


not clickable in jqtouch With following code I can not click on labels in jqtouch on iphone simulator and iphone itself ul class rounded li label for user_name Name label input type text name user_name id user_name li.. clickable in jqtouch With following code I can not click on labels in jqtouch on iphone simulator and iphone itself ul class rounded li label for user_name Name label input type text name user_name id user_name li ul It is working well in.. and iphone itself ul class rounded li label for user_name Name label input type text name user_name id user_name li ul It is working well in safari I have checked this also in demo of jquery mobile and it is working on iphone simulator so..

Failed to save to data store: The operation couldn?™t be completed. (Cocoa error 133020.)


to save to data store The operation couldn ™t be completed. Cocoa error 133020. I am working on quite complex app with huge sync procedure beetwen iphone and web.. new data cause error such as this 2011 01 07 12 49 10.722 App 1987 207 Failed to save to data store The operation couldn ™t be completed. Cocoa error 133020. 2011 01 07 12 49 10.724 App 1987 207 conflictList NSMergeConflict 0x5ac1ea0 for NSManagedObject.. 96DB 4CBF 9D15 9CC106AC0052 uzytkownicy p10 ' with oldVersion 9 and newVersion 21 and old object snapshot n adres null n haslo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx n id_uzytkownika 3 n imie Jan n kod_jednorazowy 0 n komorka null n login nowakjan n nazwisko..

JavaScript on iOS: opening an HTML select element


on iOS opening an HTML select element I'm not hopeful but I'll ask just in case. I would like to be able to use JavaScript to open a select element in mobile Safari for iPhone.. on iOS opening an HTML select element I'm not hopeful but I'll ask just in case. I would like to be able to use JavaScript to open a select element in mobile Safari for iPhone iPad. An extensive Google Stack.. element in mobile Safari for iPhone iPad. An extensive Google Stack Overflow search shows that a lot of people would like to be able to do this in browsers in general but it is not supported why not I wonder . Various hacks have been suggested..

Remove form assistant from keyboard in iPhone standalone web app


a single input element so they are disabled. The Done button hides the keyboard but since I have a height flexible ul that takes up the space between the keyboard and the input and I have nothing else on this page it serves no purpose. On.. very similar to mine I've tried using an input not wrapped in a form and also using a contenteditable div but the results were the same. There are several custom webkit styles to control various aspects of the web app interface but they are..

scale fit mobile web content using viewport meta tag


pre a abbr acronym address cite code del dfn em img q s samp small strike strong sub sup tt var dd dl dt li ol ul fieldset form label legend button table caption tbody tfoot thead tr th td margin 0 padding 0 border 0 font weight normal.. window .width window.screen.width get proper width var mw 480 min width of site var ratio ww mw calculate ratio if ww mw smaller than minimum size '#Viewport' .attr 'content' 'initial scale ' ratio ' maximum scale ' ratio '.. 'initial scale ' ratio ' maximum scale ' ratio ' minimum scale ' ratio ' user scalable yes width ' ww else regular size '#Viewport' .attr 'content' 'initial scale 1.0 maximum scale 2 minimum scale 1.0 user scalable yes width ' ww script..