

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: undocumented

How to install iPhone application in iPhone Simulator


on the app to get it started not confortable when you want to do testing and start the app numerous times. There are undocumented command line parameters for the iOS Simulator which can be used for such purposes. The one you are looking for is SimulateApplication..

Is there a documented way to set the iPhone orientation?


in Landscape mode so as I swapping the views out I would like to force the rotation to be set to portrait. There is an undocumented property setter on UIDevice that does the trick but obviously generates a compiler warning and could disappear with a future..

The simplest way to resize an UIImage?


UIImage newImage image _imageScaledToSize CGSizeMake 290 390 interpolationQuality 1 It works perfectly but it's an undocumented function so I can't use it anymore with iPhone OS4. So... what is the simplest way to resize an UIImage iphone resize uiimage..

How does Apple know you are using private API?


a special region of the binary and therefore Apple could extract the content from there and check if you've used some undocumented Objective C methods such as UIDevice setOrientation . Since selectors are independent from the class you're messaging even..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


if you have some subviews that should be able to autorotate what the master controller will prevent . The usage of undocumented API's to force a certain interface orientation is not an option either. The solution The best solution I have found so far..

Figure out UIBarButtonItem frame in window?


view.bounds toView nil Of course no one wants this when targeting the AppStore. A more unreliable method and also uses undocumented features but will pass Apple's test is to loop through the subviews to look for the corresponding button item. NSMutableArray.. of the toolbar nav bar which again may not be. As you can see there are a lot of uncertainty when dealing with undocumented features. However you just want to pop up something under the finger right The UIBarButtonItem's .action can be a selector..

Check for private API “usage” yourself?


for private API &ldquo usage&rdquo yourself So we all know Apple forbids using private or undocumented APIs in iOS apps. I have no problem with this as there are sound technical reasons for why this is a good idea. However..

HTML5 inline video on iPhone vs iPad/Browser


Obj C webview.allowsInlineMediaPlayback YES And all works just fine Hope this helps someone as it's virtually undocumented and the only place I could find a reference to webkit playsinline was in the iAds reference where it says iAds JS only ...

How can I set a button background color on iPhone?


require as I do a programmatic way to set button color. It's a glaring omission from the UIKit and I couldn't get the undocumented UIGlassButton to work. I've solved this with a single segment UISegmentedControl which allows you to set the tintColor UISegmentedControl..

Customizing the More menu on a Tab bar


success. The object self.moreNavigationController.topViewController is of type UIMoreListController which seems to be undocumented and I can't see anything obvious in the interface that will help me. Any ideas iphone share improve this question visibleCells..

Use Key Value Observing to get a KVO callback on a UIView's frame


programatically measuring carrier's signal strength in iPhone device


interesting to you as they call into CoreTelephony.framework . I am pretty confident that some of the used calls are undocumented in the CoreTelephony framework documentation from Apple and therefore private any app in the AppStore must have slipped..

Play alert sound (same as default message ringtone)


can I download the same sounds iphone audio alert share improve this question Yes it is possible but they use undocumented enum values that means you should not use it on AppStore apps. AudioServicesPlaySystemSound 1003 iOS SDK does not bundle..

Responding to touchesBegan in UIPickerView instead of UIView


withEvent you write in the subclass won't be called but will return a subview exactly the view at index 4 an undocumented subclass called UIPickerTable . The trick is to make the UIView hitTest CGPoint point withEvent UIEvent event method to..

How to invoke iPhone Maps for Directions with Current Location as Start Address


in comments below for how to localize the Current Location string. However you are taking advantage of another undocumented feature and as Jason McCreary points out below it may not work reliably in future releases. Update for iOS 6 Originally..

How do I change the color of the side Alphabet in an indexed UITableView?


is some code in the iPhone Developers cookbook by Erica Sadun which shows how to access the UITableViewIndex view an undocumented class . You can find the reference to it on page 175 of the book if you have it. Which gives access to the background color.. to the background color and the font. You can see an unofficial document related to this class here . WARNING This is undocumented use of an undocumented class so you need to be cautious about using it. Here is a code snippet from the cookbook with minor.. and the font. You can see an unofficial document related to this class here . WARNING This is undocumented use of an undocumented class so you need to be cautious about using it. Here is a code snippet from the cookbook with minor modifications UITableViewCell..