

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:27

iphone Programming Glossary: understand

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


pcm. Beware if you want to use a different format especially an encoded one make sure you fully understand how to set the AVAudioRecorder settings read carefully the audio types documentation otherwise you will..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button on UIToolbar UIPicker Control I have included an image to understand my requirements. Could you please explain how this can be implemented iphone uipickerview share improve..

How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell


I can make it work if I create a custom cell but that's not what I'm trying to achieve I want to understand why my current approach doesn't work. I've figured out that the label is created on demand since the..

How to get the RGB values for a pixel on an image on the iphone


which include modifying pixel data a better method as it provides writable data whereas as I understand it the method provided by previous posts and at the bottom of this post provides a read only reference..

Is there a documented way to set the iPhone orientation?


when it is prior to the latest release. It is not clear if Apple's static analysis will understand that you are working around the older SDK limitations. I personally have been told by Apple to remove..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


complex form and even reals in stored on the real side. this is probably the hardest thing to understand. We are using the same container A all the way through the process. so in the beginning we want to fill..

Want to display a 3D model on the iPhone: how to get started?


textured model and spin it using a tutorial in C# I got off the net I didn't just copy and paste I understand basically how it works and the XNA game development library using Visual Studio on Windows. What I do..

iPhone get SSID without private library


internet. Everything I've seen about getting the SSID tells me I have to use Apple80211 which I understand is a private library. I also read that if I use a private library Apple will not approve the app. Am..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


and I'd like to have one of my first applications to perform a HTTP POST request. As far as I can understand I should manage the connection which handles the request via a NSURLConnection object which forces me..

What does an underscore signify in the name of a member variable in Objective-C? [duplicate]


the statement @synthesize coordinate _coordinate I know the meaning of @synthesize . But could not understand the complete statement. _coordinate is a member variable. But what is coordinate Where is it declared..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


importantly note that the best practices mentioned in the Stanford presentation are much easier to understand if you think about them in the context of the dependency injection design pattern. In a nutshell this..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


my movie with my picture. However when I try to add some audio tracks I have lot of problems. To understand I put my code When I call this method picture array and song file are ready void writeImagesToMovieAtPath..

How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?


should be used for. UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler As far as I understand this should be used to finish some work in the background also limited in time when an app is moved..

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


but Cocoa's references counting scheme has me rather confused. I'm told it's very elegant once you understand it but I'm just not over the hump yet. How do release retain and autorelease work and what are the conventions.. question Let's start with retain and release autorelease is really just a special case once you understand the basic concepts. In Cocoa each object keeps track of how many times it is being referenced specifically..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


doing _controller performSelector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod Why do I get this warning I understand the compiler can't check if the selector exists or not but why would that cause a leak And how can I..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


date Related problem File structure Sandbox vs. Cloud Perhaps my main problem is a fundamental misunderstanding of how iCloud is supposed to work. When I create a new instance of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite.. will also save a local copy of text.txt into my sandbox Will this work for non iCloud users As I understand iCloud it will save a local copy of text.txt automatically. So there shouldn't be any need for me save..

How to use NSJSONSerialization


so the 0th element in the array is a dictionary with keys id 1 and name Aaa . I do not understand how the NSJSONSerialization stores the data though. Here is my code so far NSError e nil NSDictionary..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


for knowing the Cocoa memory management rules. This is mostly true but it's important to understand why and why not. First if all of your code uses ARC and you violate the Three Magic Words all over the..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


method used to leak so it was best avoided but has been fixed in recent releases. I'd like to understand the caching algorithm better in order to make a reasoned decision about where I can trust the system.. system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and do it myself. My current basic understanding is that it's a simple NSMutableDictionary of UIImages referenced by filename. It gets bigger and.. more than it should have been. whilst warning that On the speed front there is a general misunderstanding of what is going on. The biggest thing that imageNamed does is decode the image data from the source..

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


uses cd quality 44100 samples stereo 2 channels linear pcm. Beware if you want to use a different format especially an encoded one make sure you fully understand how to set the AVAudioRecorder settings read carefully the audio types documentation otherwise you will never be able to initialize it correctly. One more thing...

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


sheet How My application requires following things to be added in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button on UIToolbar UIPicker Control I have included an image to understand my requirements. Could you please explain how this can be implemented iphone uipickerview share improve this question Update for iOS 7 Apple docs for UIActionSheet..

How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell


since a UITableViewCell contains a UILabel by default. I know I can make it work if I create a custom cell but that's not what I'm trying to achieve I want to understand why my current approach doesn't work. I've figured out that the label is created on demand since the cell supports text and image access so it doesn't create the..

How to get the RGB values for a pixel on an image on the iphone


however to post what I propose is at least for my requirements which include modifying pixel data a better method as it provides writable data whereas as I understand it the method provided by previous posts and at the bottom of this post provides a read only reference to data . Method 1 Writable Pixel Information I defined constants..

Is there a documented way to set the iPhone orientation?


to detect older iPhone OS versions and only apply the setOrientation when it is prior to the latest release. It is not clear if Apple's static analysis will understand that you are working around the older SDK limitations. I personally have been told by Apple to remove the method call on my next update so I am not yet sure if..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


form with odd reals stored on the imaginary side of the split complex form and even reals in stored on the real side. this is probably the hardest thing to understand. We are using the same container A all the way through the process. so in the beginning we want to fill it with n real numbers. after the FFT it is going to be..

Want to display a 3D model on the iPhone: how to get started?


to OOP course that used Java I have managed to display a 3D textured model and spin it using a tutorial in C# I got off the net I didn't just copy and paste I understand basically how it works and the XNA game development library using Visual Studio on Windows. What I do not know Much about Objective C Anything about OpenGL or OpenGL..

iPhone get SSID without private library


in a different manner than if it is connected to the internet. Everything I've seen about getting the SSID tells me I have to use Apple80211 which I understand is a private library. I also read that if I use a private library Apple will not approve the app. Am I stuck between an Apple and a hard place or is there something..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


an HTTP POST request I'm approaching iOS development and I'd like to have one of my first applications to perform a HTTP POST request. As far as I can understand I should manage the connection which handles the request via a NSURLConnection object which forces me to have a delegate object which in turn will handle data events...

What does an underscore signify in the name of a member variable in Objective-C? [duplicate]


self @end Can anyone please explain me the meaning of the statement @synthesize coordinate _coordinate I know the meaning of @synthesize . But could not understand the complete statement. _coordinate is a member variable. But what is coordinate Where is it declared iphone objective c share improve this question Basically..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


take a look at this tutorial . Third and perhaps most importantly note that the best practices mentioned in the Stanford presentation are much easier to understand if you think about them in the context of the dependency injection design pattern. In a nutshell this means that your controller shouldn't look up the objects it..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


i used the big post by zoul here . All is perfect I have my movie with my picture. However when I try to add some audio tracks I have lot of problems. To understand I put my code When I call this method picture array and song file are ready void writeImagesToMovieAtPath NSString path withSize CGSize size NSString documentsDirectoryPath..

How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?


doesn't seem to be a clean approach as this is not what notifications should be used for. UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler As far as I understand this should be used to finish some work in the background also limited in time when an app is moved to the background rather than implementing long running background..

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


I'm reasonably comfortable with C's malloc and free concept but Cocoa's references counting scheme has me rather confused. I'm told it's very elegant once you understand it but I'm just not over the hump yet. How do release retain and autorelease work and what are the conventions about their use Or failing that what did you read.. get it iphone objective c cocoa memory share improve this question Let's start with retain and release autorelease is really just a special case once you understand the basic concepts. In Cocoa each object keeps track of how many times it is being referenced specifically the NSObject base class implements this . By calling..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


cause a leak because its selector is unknown . Here's what I'm doing _controller performSelector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod Why do I get this warning I understand the compiler can't check if the selector exists or not but why would that cause a leak And how can I change my code so that I don't get this warning anymore iphone..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


and then check with iCloud if there is something more up to date Related problem File structure Sandbox vs. Cloud Perhaps my main problem is a fundamental misunderstanding of how iCloud is supposed to work. When I create a new instance of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite two methods. First BOOL loadFromContents id contents.. the cloud. Do I have to incorporate separate functions which will also save a local copy of text.txt into my sandbox Will this work for non iCloud users As I understand iCloud it will save a local copy of text.txt automatically. So there shouldn't be any need for me save anything into the 'old' sandbox of my app i.e. as it used..

How to use NSJSONSerialization


I guess the best thing for me would be to have an array of dictionaries so the 0th element in the array is a dictionary with keys id 1 and name Aaa . I do not understand how the NSJSONSerialization stores the data though. Here is my code so far NSError e nil NSDictionary JSON NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData data options NSJSONReadingMutableContainers..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


a couple of comments along the lines of using ARC is no substitute for knowing the Cocoa memory management rules. This is mostly true but it's important to understand why and why not. First if all of your code uses ARC and you violate the Three Magic Words all over the place you'll still have no problems. Shocking to say but..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


or this article on iPhoneDeveloperTips.com UIImage 's imageNamed method used to leak so it was best avoided but has been fixed in recent releases. I'd like to understand the caching algorithm better in order to make a reasoned decision about where I can trust the system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and.. to make a reasoned decision about where I can trust the system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and do it myself. My current basic understanding is that it's a simple NSMutableDictionary of UIImages referenced by filename. It gets bigger and when memory runs out it gets a lot smaller. For example does.. but for the convenience which has probably magnified the problem more than it should have been. whilst warning that On the speed front there is a general misunderstanding of what is going on. The biggest thing that imageNamed does is decode the image data from the source file which almost always significantly inflates the data..

How do I record audio on iPhone with AVAudioRecorder?


2 channels linear pcm. Beware if you want to use a different format especially an encoded one make sure you fully understand how to set the AVAudioRecorder settings read carefully the audio types documentation otherwise you will never be able to..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


things to be added in an action sheet. UIToolbar Button on UIToolbar UIPicker Control I have included an image to understand my requirements. Could you please explain how this can be implemented iphone uipickerview share improve this question..

How do I wrap text in a UITableViewCell without a custom cell


by default. I know I can make it work if I create a custom cell but that's not what I'm trying to achieve I want to understand why my current approach doesn't work. I've figured out that the label is created on demand since the cell supports text..

How to get the RGB values for a pixel on an image on the iphone


least for my requirements which include modifying pixel data a better method as it provides writable data whereas as I understand it the method provided by previous posts and at the bottom of this post provides a read only reference to data . Method..

Is there a documented way to set the iPhone orientation?


only apply the setOrientation when it is prior to the latest release. It is not clear if Apple's static analysis will understand that you are working around the older SDK limitations. I personally have been told by Apple to remove the method call on..

Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework


side of the split complex form and even reals in stored on the real side. this is probably the hardest thing to understand. We are using the same container A all the way through the process. so in the beginning we want to fill it with n real numbers...

Want to display a 3D model on the iPhone: how to get started?


to display a 3D textured model and spin it using a tutorial in C# I got off the net I didn't just copy and paste I understand basically how it works and the XNA game development library using Visual Studio on Windows. What I do not know Much about..

iPhone get SSID without private library


it is connected to the internet. Everything I've seen about getting the SSID tells me I have to use Apple80211 which I understand is a private library. I also read that if I use a private library Apple will not approve the app. Am I stuck between an..

iOS: how to perform an HTTP POST request?


iOS development and I'd like to have one of my first applications to perform a HTTP POST request. As far as I can understand I should manage the connection which handles the request via a NSURLConnection object which forces me to have a delegate..

What does an underscore signify in the name of a member variable in Objective-C? [duplicate]


me the meaning of the statement @synthesize coordinate _coordinate I know the meaning of @synthesize . But could not understand the complete statement. _coordinate is a member variable. But what is coordinate Where is it declared iphone objective..

What's the best way to communicate between view controllers?


and perhaps most importantly note that the best practices mentioned in the Stanford presentation are much easier to understand if you think about them in the context of the dependency injection design pattern. In a nutshell this means that your controller..

Make movie file with picture Array and song file, using AVAsset


All is perfect I have my movie with my picture. However when I try to add some audio tracks I have lot of problems. To understand I put my code When I call this method picture array and song file are ready void writeImagesToMovieAtPath NSString path..

How do I get a background location update every n minutes in my iOS application?


this is not what notifications should be used for. UIApplication beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler As far as I understand this should be used to finish some work in the background also limited in time when an app is moved to the background rather..

Understanding reference counting with Cocoa and Objective-C


and free concept but Cocoa's references counting scheme has me rather confused. I'm told it's very elegant once you understand it but I'm just not over the hump yet. How do release retain and autorelease work and what are the conventions about their.. share improve this question Let's start with retain and release autorelease is really just a special case once you understand the basic concepts. In Cocoa each object keeps track of how many times it is being referenced specifically the NSObject..

performSelector may cause a leak because its selector is unknown


. Here's what I'm doing _controller performSelector NSSelectorFromString @ someMethod Why do I get this warning I understand the compiler can't check if the selector exists or not but why would that cause a leak And how can I change my code so that..

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


something more up to date Related problem File structure Sandbox vs. Cloud Perhaps my main problem is a fundamental misunderstanding of how iCloud is supposed to work. When I create a new instance of an UIDocument I'll have to overwrite two methods... functions which will also save a local copy of text.txt into my sandbox Will this work for non iCloud users As I understand iCloud it will save a local copy of text.txt automatically. So there shouldn't be any need for me save anything into the..

How to use NSJSONSerialization


have an array of dictionaries so the 0th element in the array is a dictionary with keys id 1 and name Aaa . I do not understand how the NSJSONSerialization stores the data though. Here is my code so far NSError e nil NSDictionary JSON NSJSONSerialization..

To ARC or not to ARC? What are the pros and cons?


of using ARC is no substitute for knowing the Cocoa memory management rules. This is mostly true but it's important to understand why and why not. First if all of your code uses ARC and you violate the Three Magic Words all over the place you'll still..

Dispelling the UIImage imageNamed: FUD


UIImage 's imageNamed method used to leak so it was best avoided but has been fixed in recent releases. I'd like to understand the caching algorithm better in order to make a reasoned decision about where I can trust the system to cache my images.. I can trust the system to cache my images and where I need to go the extra mile and do it myself. My current basic understanding is that it's a simple NSMutableDictionary of UIImages referenced by filename. It gets bigger and when memory runs out.. magnified the problem more than it should have been. whilst warning that On the speed front there is a general misunderstanding of what is going on. The biggest thing that imageNamed does is decode the image data from the source file which almost..