

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: unable

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


I need a UIScrollView . I've tried changing the class of my UIView to a UIScrollView but I'm still unable to scroll the textboxes up or down. Do I need both a UIView and a UIScrollView Does one go inside the..

iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari?


Since I'm adapting the size of the user interface to the iPad's window size the user is normally unable to scroll. In other words if I set the window's scrollTop it will remain at 0. If on the other hand..

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


fine in the iPad simulator on Xcode but I would now like to test the iPhone functionality. I seem unable to run the iPhone simulator with this code as it always defaults to the iPad Instead I tried to run..

display image from URL retrieved from ALAsset in iPhone


access the thumbnail and display it. I want to display the actual image in an image view but I am unable to figure out how to do this. I tried using the URLs field in the ALAsset object but was unsuccessful...

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


Practical solutions ........................ For anyone reading in the future if you are actually unable to get this to work in production code because of the mystery progressive slowdown ... Felz and Void..

iPhone UIView Animation Best Practice


the best approach If you could provide a snippet as well it'd be much appreciated. NOTE I've been unable to get the second approach to work correctly. iphone ios cocoa touch uiview core animation share..

iOS 5 Best Practice (Release/retain?)


many libraries you might wish to use will sometimes throw up innumerable errors and you will be unable to use them until the developers release an update which is compatible with ARC. Edit I recently discovered..

Is it possible to target older iOS versions when using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 SDK?


just recently downloaded the Xcode 4.2 with iOS 5 SDK package and I immediately noticed that I am unable to use my iPhone 3Gs with iOS 4.2.1 for debugging. I am only able to debug and test on my iphone 4 with.. versions lower than 5 How can I be sure that my app will still run on lower iOS versions if I am unable to install them on my old phone Edit OK it looks like iOS SDK 5 dropped support for armv6 by default...

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


jump by scrolling up or shortening I know that I need a UIScrollView . I've tried changing the class of my UIView to a UIScrollView but I'm still unable to scroll the textboxes up or down. Do I need both a UIView and a UIScrollView Does one go inside the other EDIT I now know that you want a UIView inside of a UIScrollView..

iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari?


It also won't work in every situation but it works for me. Since I'm adapting the size of the user interface to the iPad's window size the user is normally unable to scroll. In other words if I set the window's scrollTop it will remain at 0. If on the other hand the keyboard is shown scrolling suddenly works. So I can set..

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


I have written an iPhone and iPad universal app which runs fine in the iPad simulator on Xcode but I would now like to test the iPhone functionality. I seem unable to run the iPhone simulator with this code as it always defaults to the iPad Instead I tried to run on the device and as it begins to run I get the following error..

display image from URL retrieved from ALAsset in iPhone


the files in the device's photo gallery. So far I am able to access the thumbnail and display it. I want to display the actual image in an image view but I am unable to figure out how to do this. I tried using the URLs field in the ALAsset object but was unsuccessful. Anybody knows how this can be done Here's some code where..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


background look or using one of the 'immediate' methods. Practical solutions ........................ For anyone reading in the future if you are actually unable to get this to work in production code because of the mystery progressive slowdown ... Felz and Void have each presented astounding solutions in the other specific..

iPhone UIView Animation Best Practice


myview removeFromSuperview UIView commitAnimations What is the best approach If you could provide a snippet as well it'd be much appreciated. NOTE I've been unable to get the second approach to work correctly. iphone ios cocoa touch uiview core animation share improve this question From the UIView reference 's section..

iOS 5 Best Practice (Release/retain?)


required. However certain things wont work and most noticeably many libraries you might wish to use will sometimes throw up innumerable errors and you will be unable to use them until the developers release an update which is compatible with ARC. Edit I recently discovered that you can turn off ARC on a per file basis. See pixelfreak..

Is it possible to target older iOS versions when using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 SDK?


older iOS versions when using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 SDK I just recently downloaded the Xcode 4.2 with iOS 5 SDK package and I immediately noticed that I am unable to use my iPhone 3Gs with iOS 4.2.1 for debugging. I am only able to debug and test on my iphone 4 with iOS 5 installed. For any of my devices running any iOS less.. it possible to still make apps with the new SDK work for iOS versions lower than 5 How can I be sure that my app will still run on lower iOS versions if I am unable to install them on my old phone Edit OK it looks like iOS SDK 5 dropped support for armv6 by default. What you have to do is add armv6 in the Architectures field..

How to make a UITextField move up when keyboard is present


I know that I need a UIScrollView . I've tried changing the class of my UIView to a UIScrollView but I'm still unable to scroll the textboxes up or down. Do I need both a UIView and a UIScrollView Does one go inside the other EDIT I now know..

iOS 6 shouldAutorotate: is NOT being called


nothing. I am trying to make my iOS 5 app iOS 6 compatible. I cannot get the orientation stuff to work right. I am unable to detect when a rotation is about to happen. Here is the code I am trying BOOL shouldAutorotate return NO BOOL supportedInterfaceOrientations..

iPhone In-App Purchase Store Kit error -1003 “Cannot connect to iTunes Store”


normal cycle of receiving paymentQueue updatedTransactions and calling finishTransaction was interrupted . Now I am unable to successfully complete any transactions and instead am getting only transactions with transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed..

XCode 5 Crashes on AppStore Validation


from the organizer while in Xcode 4.6 I had no issues just weeks before. It seems the real issue is that XCode is unable to find a matching signing identity somehow the previously created provisioning profile is not compatible or is not recognized...

iPad Web App: Detect Virtual Keyboard Using JavaScript in Safari?


but it works for me. Since I'm adapting the size of the user interface to the iPad's window size the user is normally unable to scroll. In other words if I set the window's scrollTop it will remain at 0. If on the other hand the keyboard is shown..

Universal iPhone/iPad application debug compilation error for iPhone testing


app which runs fine in the iPad simulator on Xcode but I would now like to test the iPhone functionality. I seem unable to run the iPhone simulator with this code as it always defaults to the iPad Instead I tried to run on the device and as..

Missing symbol names when profiling IPhone application with Instruments


with Instruments I am compiling an IPhone application via command line so no XCode options involved and I am unable to get my symbol names to show when profiling with Instruments. I have tried several flags such as gdawrf 2 and g without..

display image from URL retrieved from ALAsset in iPhone


So far I am able to access the thumbnail and display it. I want to display the actual image in an image view but I am unable to figure out how to do this. I tried using the URLs field in the ALAsset object but was unsuccessful. Anybody knows how..

Do iPhone / Android browsers support CSS @media handheld?


e.g. droid X is 854x480 . Is there any way to detect those I don't think those are being handled with this query. I'm unable to say for certain since I've no access to those devices however another A List Apart Article Responsive Web Design notes.. phones and their ilk. So I presume that they Android devices must be target able by @media queries but as noted I'm unable to say with any certainty. To target device resolution there is an example of link rel stylesheet type text css media screen..

How to use GData in iphone?


use GData in iphone I know that this question has been asked here many times and i have looked many of them but was unable to use GData with my project I have used this GData and the tutorial ......But every time i missed something and lost......i..

Is there a way to make drawRect work right NOW?


'immediate' methods. Practical solutions ........................ For anyone reading in the future if you are actually unable to get this to work in production code because of the mystery progressive slowdown ... Felz and Void have each presented..

iPhone UIView Animation Best Practice


What is the best approach If you could provide a snippet as well it'd be much appreciated. NOTE I've been unable to get the second approach to work correctly. iphone ios cocoa touch uiview core animation share improve this question..

iOS 5 Best Practice (Release/retain?)


and most noticeably many libraries you might wish to use will sometimes throw up innumerable errors and you will be unable to use them until the developers release an update which is compatible with ARC. Edit I recently discovered that you can..

What does the Xcode 4.2 preference “Support Wirelessly Connected Devices” do?


XCode to go to Organizer Devices and cross your fingers. Step 5 is what did it for me. I've been struggling for days unable to get my devices to appear but when I wirelessly synced them from the device itself the little wirelessly connected symbol..

Is it possible to target older iOS versions when using Xcode 4.2 and iOS 5 SDK?


4.2 and iOS 5 SDK I just recently downloaded the Xcode 4.2 with iOS 5 SDK package and I immediately noticed that I am unable to use my iPhone 3Gs with iOS 4.2.1 for debugging. I am only able to debug and test on my iphone 4 with iOS 5 installed... new SDK work for iOS versions lower than 5 How can I be sure that my app will still run on lower iOS versions if I am unable to install them on my old phone Edit OK it looks like iOS SDK 5 dropped support for armv6 by default. What you have to do..

iPhone UIWebView local resources using Javascript and handling onorientationChange


that it is compiled the bullseye column . If you don't do this you'll get a warning in your build log about being unable to compile the file which should be your first warning always try to figure out and and correct any and all warning that..

Is there any way to determine if the iphone is roaming?


3. Check the class dumped sources of SpringBoard I've dumped the classes of SpringBoard using class dump . I was unable to find any references to 'roam' or 'roaming' 4. Obviously I started by checking at SO for this Couldn't find anything related...

Install iOS Apps on device without developer program, iOS 5.1


me when i try to start the app i'm not getting any crash log in Xcode May 8 18 25 35 unknown SpringBoard 54 Warning Unable to obtain a task name port right for pid 1017 os kern failure May 8 18 25 35 unknown com.apple.launchd 1 Notice UIKitApplication..

Unable to load image from asset URL


to load image from asset URL I have a class that stores information about the assets on the phone images videos . My class..

Are there complete examples that make use of all the NSURLConnection delegate methods?


NSURLConnection connection didFailWithError NSError error responseData release connection release textView setString @ Unable to fetch data void connectionDidFinishLoading NSURLConnection connection NSLog @ Succeeded Received d bytes of data responseData..

Unable to create UIBackgroundModes key in Info.plist for iOS4


to create UIBackgroundModes key in Info.plist for iOS4 I have an audio application which works great for iPhone 3.1.x versions...

Problem using NSURLRequest to POST data to server


is look like this. php name _POST 'name' email _POST 'email' link mysql_connect localhost fffasfdas Nfdsafafs or die Unable to connect to database. mysql_select_db muradsbi_mydatabase or die Unable to select database. sqlstatement INSERT INTO dbname.. localhost fffasfdas Nfdsafafs or die Unable to connect to database. mysql_select_db muradsbi_mydatabase or die Unable to select database. sqlstatement INSERT INTO dbname name email VALUES ' name' ' email' newquery mysql_query sqlstatement..

unable to open database


for inserting data in the database. and i am inserting aprox 15000 records but after 245 records it throws the error Unable to open database void addGeoRegions const char query geoId int geoId geoFatherId int geoFatherId geoName NSString geoName..

Xcode: Unable to open project… cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed


Unable to open project&hellip cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed I have been working for a while to create.. Now when I plugged my computer back in and it is getting good power I try to open my project file and I get an error Unable to Open Project Project ... cannot be opened because the project file cannot be parsed. Is there a way that people know..

This code to write video+audio through AVAssetWriter and AVAssetWriterInputs is not working. Why?


NSLog @ Error @ _videoWriter.error return if _videoWriterInput appendSampleBuffer sampleBuffer NSLog @ Unable to write to video input void newAudioSample CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer if _isRecording if _videoWriter.status AVAssetWriterStatusWriting.. NSLog @ Error @ _videoWriter.error return if _audioWriterInput appendSampleBuffer sampleBuffer NSLog @ Unable to write to audio input I would be very glad if someone could find which is the problem in this code. iphone video audio..

Issue with iphone sdk 4.2.1


When running my project on the Device in the debug mode I get a lot of warnings al having the following string warning Unable to read symbols for Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform DeviceSupport 4.2.1 8C148a Symbols System Library PrivateFrameworks..

libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib is missing in iOS 4.2.1 development SDK


from 4.2.0 beta I believe to 4.2.1 the libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib file is missing which results in warning Unable to read symbols for Developer Platforms iPhoneOS.platform DeviceSupport 4.2.1 8C148 Symbols Developer usr lib libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib..

Can't find momd file: Core Data problems


@ CoreData ofType @ momd if path path NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ CoreData ofType @ mom NSAssert path nil @ Unable to find Resource in main bundle CoreData is the name of my app. I've tried to put in initial data into the app by finding..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


didReceiveError void xmppStreamDidDisconnect XMPPStream sender NSLog @ xmppStreamDidDisconnect if isOpen NSLog @ Unable to connect to server. Check xmppStream.hostName And the two methods for online and offline user presence but don't know..

Unable to display data in view?”working in simulator but not in device


to display data in view ”working in simulator but not in device I'm not getting data from sqlite database. I checked in..

Crash when adding persistent store (iCloud enabled) in app delegate


. Error Error Domain LibrarianErrorDomain Code 1 The operation couldn ™t be completed. LibrarianErrorDomain error 1 Unable to initiate item download. UserInfo 0x176000 NSURL file localhost private var mobile Library Mobile 20Documents . data NSDescription.. download. UserInfo 0x176000 NSURL file localhost private var mobile Library Mobile 20Documents . data NSDescription Unable to initiate item download. For the life of me I cannot figure out why I'm seeing this all the sudden or how to make it stop...

Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)


to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error 1095 I am creating a newsstand application... upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error 1095 I googled this in the net but did..