

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: uname

ios iphone get device model and make?


currentDevice platformString ex @ iPhone 4G OR You can use this method You can get the device model number using uname from sys utsname.h. For example #import sys utsname.h NSString machineName struct utsname systemInfo uname systemInfo return.. using uname from sys utsname.h. For example #import sys utsname.h NSString machineName struct utsname systemInfo uname systemInfo return NSString stringWithCString systemInfo.machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding The result should be @ i386..

Cross compiling FreeTDS to iPhone


what makes logical sense and has similar naming convention. The mac host architecture is supplied with the command uname p. Here is my example for building for use on the simulator i386 build_for_simulator_i386.sh # bin sh #unset some shell..

iPhone detecting processor model / NEON support


ARM processor such as iPhone 3GS and some iPods 3G and devices equipped with the old ARM processors. I know I can use uname to determine the device model but as only some of the iPod touches 3G received a boost in their ARM processor this isn't..

NSURLConnection, NSURLRequest, untrusted cert and user authentication


certificates. I've got code to accept the invalid certificate and code to respond to the challenge with the correct uname pass below . The problem I'm having is getting the two to play together. I can't seem to find a way to send the challenge..

Differentiate between black and white iPhones? [duplicate]


This question already has an answer here Detecting Color of iPhone iPad iPod touch 6 answers We can use uname to tell the difference between iphone 3GS v.s. iphone 4 v.s. ipod touch v.s. ipad... But how can we tell the difference..

Distinguish between iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S


if this is the only way of doing it and confirm that there is no problem by Apple if used. struct utsname systemInfo uname systemInfo NSString iPhoneVersion NSString stringWithCString systemInfo.machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding For 4S iPhoneVersion..

How to programmatically differentiate between iphone 4 and iphone 4S?


matching model name for machine name. #import sys utsname.h NSString deviceModelName struct utsname systemInfo uname systemInfo NSString machineName NSString stringWithCString systemInfo.machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding NSDictionary..

How to find iPhone/iPod Device model(3G,3GS,4,4S) by code? [duplicate]


model ipod touch share improve this question #import sys utsname.h NSString machineName struct utsname systemInfo uname systemInfo return NSString stringWithCString systemInfo.machine encoding NSUTF8StringEncoding The result should be @ i386..