

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: uiwebviews

Cropping a UIImage


use a UIImageView and adjust the crop mode to achieve the same results but these images are sometimes displayed in UIWebViews . I've started to notice some crashes in this code and I'm a bit stumped. I've got two different theories and I'm wondering..

Reused UIWebView showing previous loaded content for a brief second on iPhone


view. When I sat with an Apple engineer on WWDC 2010 and asked him this question his answer was simply Don't reuse UIWebViews that's not how they were ment to be used. Since then I make sure to calls this set of lines before allocating a new UIWebView..

get current URL of UIWebview


NSURL was empty. Anything wrong here I'am working with Xcode 3.2.2 beta 5. The code above should be executed in the UIWebViews delegate didStartLoad... Thanks a lot iphone url uiwebview request share improve this question You could try this NSString..

UIWebView memory management


management. I am developing an application that makes heavy use of UIWebView. This app generates dynamically lots of UIWebViews while loading content from my server. Some of these UIWebViews are quite large and have a lot of pictures. If I use instruments.. of UIWebView. This app generates dynamically lots of UIWebViews while loading content from my server. Some of these UIWebViews are quite large and have a lot of pictures. If I use instruments to detect leaks I do not detect any. However lots of objects.. to detect leaks I do not detect any. However lots of objects are allocated and I suspect that has to do with the UIWebViews. When the webviews release because no longer needed it appears that not all memory is released. I mean after a request to..

Call objective c method from javascript with parameter


question Noticing that this is unanswered I have a little project that simplifies the calling of Objective C from UIWebViews. It provides a small Javascript function to invoke the Objective C and a class called KPWebViewInterceptor that sits between..

iphone bullet point list


text on the iPhone is to use a UIWebView and insert HTML Code like this ul li Bullet li ul In response to your comment UIWebViews can be beautified by the following peace of code for UIView v in webView.subviews if v isKindOfClass UIScrollView class..

Create a UIImage by rendering UIWebView on a background thread - iPhone


The catch is that is must be on a background thread. I'll elaborate I'm trying to obtain the image from multiple UIWebViews every second and display it on screen iPhone's of course . Because rendering a layer to a CGContext is a CPU consuming job.. to a graphics context is this was added in iOS 4 but not creating UIViews on a secondary thread. Are you creating your UIWebViews off the main thread Do you perhaps have some code to share I would suspect your issues are being caused by the fact you're..

UIWebView with just an image that should fit the whole view


with just an image that should fit the whole view So the issue I'm having now is with UIWebViews displaying a single image. What I'd like is the image to be reduced if it doesn't fit the place and keep it's original size..

Youtube - iPhone - displaying UIWebView of video


would greatly be appreciated thanks iphone sdk uiwebview youtube share improve this question This works using UIWebViews created in IB The .h File @property nonatomic retain IBOutlet UIWebView infoVideo1 void embedYouTubeInWebView NSString url..

UIWebView - Enabling Action Sheets on <img> tags


advance iphone ios ios4 uiwebview share improve this question Yes apple has disabled this feature among others in UIWebViews and kept it for Safari only. However you can recreate this yourself by extending this tutorial http www.icab.de blog 2010..

UIWebView won't load links with certificate (https:// prefix)


the computer science e mail link. I have scoured the iOS help sites posted questions tried multiple open source custom UIWebViews but I have not found anything that works. Most answers I have read around the web point to ASIHTTPRequest. I have tried..

How to create UIImage from UIWebView


to do it will be all about loading web pages in UIWebView. I have a feature wherein I will display previews of the UIWebViews more like thumbnails of these web pages. How do I do this generating UIImage from these web pages would be cool... Hope..

UIWebView without Copy/Paste and selection rectangle when showing documents


the first UIScrollView in the webView we are scanning for it so this shouldn't break on later iOS versions . Set the UIWebViews frame to it's scrollViews size. And set the scrollView's contentSize to the webViews contentSize or by now it's frame ...

How do I use a UIWebView in a Table Cell?


a subview of my custom table cells. I already ran into one problem as I scrolled down in the table it would take the UIWebViews a second to update. For example I'd be viewing Cells at rows numbered 1 2 and 3. I'd scroll down to say 8 9 and 10. For.. the content from cell #1 the content in cell #9 was that from cell #2 and so on. I learned that the problem was that UIWebViews simply render their text slowly. It was suggested to instead preload the content into the UIWebView as soon as I could instead..

Convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage


I 'm almost positive this will be an issue To get around the problem I figured I could convert the contents of the UIWebViews to UIImages and animate them instead. So my questions are How do you convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage or CGImageRef.. and animate them instead. So my questions are How do you convert UIWebview contents to a UIImage or CGImageRef My UIWebViews have transparent bacgrounds will the transparency be carried over to the UIImage Thanks for any suggestions iphone objective..