

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:25

iphone Programming Glossary: ultimately

Keep App directory the same when building for iPhone Simulator?


Thanks iphone ios simulator share improve this question I never did find a way to do this using the app guid but ultimately I did find a work around. All I did was put all my references to the applications installation directory into a function..

Playing AVAudio from iPod Library while device is locked


will continue to play. What I'm having trouble with is calling AVPlayer play whilst my screen is ALREADY locked. This ultimately results in no music being played. iphone objective c ios avaudioplayer avplayer share improve this question You need..

Add UIPickerView & a Button in Action sheet - How?


as it can lead to serious invalid context errors in iOS 7. I just spent a few hours working through this problem and ultimately decided to take a different approach. I replaced the call to show the action sheet with a modal view controller containing..

iOS 6 Facebook Login not refreshing access token


the code flow runs through the correct path and FBSession renewSystemAuthorization ends up getting called which is ultimately what I was needing. What this allows iOS to do is the next time I go to Log in to my app through FB iOS prompts me again..

How to learn how to program?


for learning to program. I've been directed towards the Python language because I was told it is good for beginners. I ultimately want to make games for OS X iPhone. My problem is that I understand what I read but I can't apply my knowledge to anything...

iPhone force rotation


the orientations the app supports. I've found that trying to restrict the behavior of some views and view controllers ultimately creates more hassle and can cause issues when transitioning between views and view controllers. The code you posted will.. the same pattern you are using for your custom view should work. Most apps that want a view to only be in landscape ultimately force their entire app to be in landscape. For instance Flight Control only supports one orientation. Thus the drawing code..

developing iphone apps on windows is it worth the hassel


MonoTouch for Mono .NET Flash cross compiling and probably more. You'd still need a Mac iPhone developer account to ultimately test the result in iPhone simulators or on an actual device. As for how 'imoral' this is of Apple Steve Jobs it's the difference..

Custom UITabBarItem Image/Title on iPhone


with my own custom title. Is this level of customization currently supported by the SDK Am I going to have to ultimately screen scrape the image and apply it as a custom image Thanks for any insight or documentation which points me in the right..

Navigation Controller that doesn't use the whole screen


need a wrapper view controller to be its parent let's call it MyWrapperViewController and its view hierarchy might ultimately look something like this UIView hooked up to the view outlet in MyWrapperViewController UIView Your logo goes here UIView..

Can the iPhone4 record from both front and rear-facing camera at the same time?


starts the first stops of its own volition. The order in which you send 'startRunning' dictates which of the sessions ultimately manages to force the other out. Finally I tried a simple ping pong approach. So I create two sessions start the first and..

How to embed image in html in MFMailComposeViewController for iPhone


Repeating NSTimer, weak reference, owning reference or iVar?


userInfo nil repeats YES I understand that when created the runloop takes ownership of the NSTimer and ultimately stops removes and releases the NSTimer when ti invalidate is called. By virtue of the fact that we need to access the NSTimer..

Does iphone provide any API to detect human thumb Impression?


MkMapView rame et fuite mémoire apple


case you can't really do much except wait for the next version. It's only 16 bytes per MKMapView so that shouldn't ultimately be a big problem. In fact the same question has been asked here several times MKMapView Memory Leak in iPhone Application..

Using AVAssetReader to read (stream) from a remote asset


AVAssetTracks I already had in hand. Admittedly hacky and perhaps pointless where else would the track information be ultimately retrieved from if not the original AVAsset but it was worth a desperate try anyway. Here's a summary of the results for..

CGContextStrokePath not working when zooming and drawing images


I zoom into the image and draw the previously drawn lines are both displaced and keep getting more and more blurry ultimately vanishing. I've tried using UIPinchGestureRecognizer and simply increasing the frame of myImageView for multi touch events..

Audio on the iPhone


a buffer callback being called several times per second to fill a buffer of outbound audio with raw SInt16 values. Ultimately I got my instrument working beautifully with multi note polyphony looped samples no popping and minimal latency. Unfortunately..

App rejection clarification - HELP on what the actual issue is?


received any feedback yet. I'm confused on what I should be working on to update the app and resubmit it again. Ultimately what is their concern Is it the pulling of information from our web server Was the added functionality enough but now they..

Is MonoTouch a viable platform for iPhone development?


apps for a phone which is where your average dev makes his first mistake when transitioning to mobile development . Ultimately your tool of choice isn't going to matter as long as it creates bits that play by Apple's rules like MonoTouch . The real..

Background threads consuming 100% CPU on iPhone 3GS causes latent main thread


I wrote test programs which did nothing except exercise NSURLConnection and they were still crashing and leaking. Ultimately I replaced NSURLConnection with ASIHTTPRequest and the crashing stopped entirely. CFNetwork almost never leaks however there..

How to learn how to program?


how to program Are there standard exercises for programming I feel solving problems helps my understanding immensely Ultimately I feel like I am in a never ending tunnel that leads me no where. It feels like I am just completely unable to pursue anything.. weeks to learn programming. Have patience. If you make haste you may fail and eventually get frustrated and give up Ultimately I feel like I am in a never ending tunnel that leads me no where. It feels like I am just completely unable to pursue anything..

unrecognized selector sent to instance


data share improve this question In Xcode 3 enable Run Stop on Objective C Exceptions run your program in Debug. Ultimately what is happening is an objc object is requested to perform a message which it does not respond to i.e. is not implemented..

Core Text: Render to an Odd Shape


that isn't a rectangle. The following code works when I add a rectangular path but not when I add an elliptical path. Ultimately I'd like to draw to any path L shape etc has anyone had any luck with this void drawRect CGRect rect CGContextRef context..

Difference between protocol and delegates?


. It knows this because MyTextFieldDelegateClass has said that it will implement the UITextFieldDelegate protocol. Ultimately this all leads to much greater flexibility and adaptability in your project's code which I'm sure you'll soon realise after..

OpenGL ES, OpenFrameworks, Cinder and IOS creative development


together. This gives you more control over your rendering pipeline and also potentially decreases application size. Ultimately what you choose will depend on its features and your preference for a particular style. I would suggest going with a framework..

Emailing full screen of iPhone app


taking a screenshot leaving the app going into the Photos app selecting the screenshot and emailing it from there Ultimately I would like to be able to have a button in my app that the user could tap and the whole screen would be captured and sent..

Secure https encryption for iPhone app to webpage


uses a shared credential one bundled in the application then it will be possible to reverse engineer that credential. Ultimately it is impossible to ensure that a client running on another machine is your client. There have been many discussions of..