

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiwebviewdelegate

HTML Content fit in UIWebview without zooming out


c uiwebview share improve this question Here's what you do In your UI controller that owns the web view make it a UIWebViewDelegate . Then where you set the URL to load set the delegate as the controller NSString urlAddress @ http dl.dropbox.com u 50941418..

how to intercept Button click inside UIWebview on IOS?


this question You can do the following In your HTML a class yourButton href inapp capture Button Text a In your UIWebViewDelegate BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType navigationType..

How implement a UIActivityIndicatorView when the UIWebView is Loading? (iPhone ObjC)


I need the indicator... FirstViewController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h @interface FirstViewController UIViewController UIWebViewDelegate IBOutlet UIWebView webview1 NSURL urlLocation IBOutlet UIActivityIndicatorView m_activity @property nonatomic retain UIActivityIndicatorView..

Can I handle alert inside UIWebViewDelegate?


I handle alert inside UIWebViewDelegate script language javascript alert Hell UIWebView script I can see the alert message inside my UIWebView but can I handle.. name or password is incorrect this JS show alert. I have not any access to its sources. I want to handle it inside my UIWebViewDelegate. javascript iphone uiwebview share improve this question If by contain a flash you mean the page you're loading into..

How to call Objective-C from Javascript?


iphone cocoa touch uiwebview share improve this question The standard workaround for UIWebView is to set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest navigationType . In your JavaScript code navigate to some fake..

UIWebView finished loading Event


UIWebView Best regards Andreas iphone uiwebview loading share improve this question Yes that's possible. Use the UIWebViewDelegate protocol and implement the following method in your delegate void webViewDidFinishLoad UIWebView webView If you want the..

Is there a way to programmatically scroll to a PDF page within a UIWebView?


of WebViewerViewController which itself is a view controller that contains a UIToolbar a UIWebView and conforms to the UIWebViewDelegate protocol. My PDFViewerViewController calculates some information about the enclosing web view and the PDF data after the..

Installing a configuration profile on iPhone - programmatically


identical page from a Web server in Safari however works fine the link is clickable the profile installs. I provided a UIWebViewDelegate answering YES to every navigation request no difference. C Then I tried to load the same Web page from my bundle in Safari.. application wide stuff since installation of the profile closes the app. I tried telling it that it's OK by means of UIWebViewDelegate but that did not convince. Same behavior for mailto URLs within UIWebView. For mailto URLs the common technique is to translate..

Displaying ppt, doc, and xls in UIWebView doesn't work but pdf does


PDF and TXT files work. When the UIWebView displays PPT DOC or XLS files it's blank. I put NSLOG statements in my UIWebViewDelegate calls. shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSMutableURLRequest about blank navType 5 webViewDidStartLoad didFailLoadWithError Error..

UIWebView leak? Can someone confirm?


loadRequest request url release I've tried everything from setting delegate for the UIWebView and implementing UIWebViewDelegate to not setting a delegate in IB to not setting a delegate in IB and explicitly setting the web view's delegate property..

NSString in UIWebview


@ YOUR_JS_CODE_GOES_HERE Send string from web view to Obj C Declare that you implement the UIWebViewDelegate protocol inside the .h file @interface MyViewController UIViewController UIWebViewDelegate your class members declarations.. that you implement the UIWebViewDelegate protocol inside the .h file @interface MyViewController UIViewController UIWebViewDelegate your class members declarations of your properties and methods @end In Objective C inside the .m file right after creating..

iPhone - UIWebview - Get the URL of the link clicked


the page being loaded in the text field iphone url uiwebview share improve this question Implement this in your UIWebViewDelegate class BOOL webView UIWebView webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest NSURLRequest request navigationType UIWebViewNavigationType..

return value javascript UIWebView


containing the js function return value but on the iPhone no value is returned. How can I solve this I found a private UIWebViewDelegate method void webView id fp8 runJavaScriptAlertPanelWithMessage id fp12 initiatedByFrame id fp16 invoked when the alert function..

didFailLoadWithError is called with UIWebView even though page later loads


is called with UIWebView even though page later loads I have a UIViewController which is a UIWebViewDelegate and has a UIWebView inside of it. I am trying to load a particular URL NSURL url NSURL URLWithString urlAddress NSURLRequest..

Submit a form in UIWebView


wanna do vice versa Call obj c method from javascript . This cannot be done directly here is the work around. Set a UIWebViewDelegate and implement the method webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest navigationType . In your JavaScript code navigate to some fake..

UIWebView - stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString - not changing text box value


'test' iphone share improve this question Just expanding on the previous answer. You need to conform to the UIWebViewDelegate protocol by setting the delegate property of the UIWebView like this web_screen.delegate self Then you can implement one.. @ document.getElementsByTagName 'input' 1 .value 'test' For more information on the UIWebViewDelegate protocol visit the Apple site http developer.apple.com library ios #documentation uikit reference UIWebViewDelegate_Protocol..