

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:24

iphone Programming Glossary: uiwebdocumentview

How to disable popup menu items like Select, Select All, Suggest…, Define (on UIWebView)?


@selector paste return self myCanPerformAction action withSender sender not a recursion return NO @end Swizzling UIWebDocumentView class jr_swizzleMethod @selector canPerformAction withSender withMethod @selector myCanPerformAction withSender error nil..

Is there a way to programmatically scroll to a PDF page within a UIWebView?


call. Then I just wire up a UIButton or UISlider to move between pages. EDIT I I have a solution but it uses UIWebDocumentView a private subview of UIWebView . I create a view controller called PDFViewerViewController which is a subclass of WebViewerViewController.. web view via JavaScript. PDFViewerViewController.h #import UIKit UIKit.h #import WebViewerViewController.h @interface UIWebDocumentView NSObject @end @interface PDFViewerViewController WebViewerViewController NSUInteger offset NSUInteger currentPage NSUInteger.. UIWebView _webView for UIView _subview in _webView subviews objectAtIndex 0 subviews if _subview isKindOfClass UIWebDocumentView class self.documentHeight _subview.bounds.size.height CGPDFDocumentRef pdfDocument CGPDFDocumentCreateWithURL CFURLRef..

How to add an option to the popup actionsheet of iphone safari?


data type. You can't change that from a web site. You can change the buttons by overriding various private methods in UIWebDocumentView and UIWebURLAction but you can't do these in AppStore apps anyway since they are undocumented classes. share improve this..